After confirming the information about the lich from the magic scroll in his hand, Rhode also made his own decision in his heart.

At this time, Rhode no longer waited, and immediately dealt with the magic scroll in his opponent. Following Rod's movements, the magic scroll shattered from the middle position fell to Rod's feet, but the magic scroll at this time did not contain any magic elements.

Just as Rhode tore the magic scroll open, the magic elements contained in the scroll seemed to have found an outlet for catharsis, and quickly released from the broken place.

When this magic scroll was made, the spells recorded in it had already been prepared. At this time, according to the established method of casting spells, as this magic scroll fell to the ground, a special time-space gate also took shape in front of Rhodes.

Unlike Rod’s previous observations, the dark green gate of space-time, the gate of space-time that appeared in front of Rod’s eyes, whether it is the surrounding outline or the swirling outline of the internal origin, appears to be pitch-black. state.

Rod noticed that inside the space of the Gate of Time and Space, there was a large and deep black mist. The black fog that exists in the gate of time and space seems to be deliberately obscured, making Rhode unable to observe any situation that exists within it.

For this very strange time-space gate that appeared in front of him, Rod seemed to realize something, and some thoughts in his heart.

Rohde knew that the anomaly that existed on this door of time and space was caused by the special spellcasting method mastered by the Lich.

Under the erosion of death energy, this time-space gate has produced extremely obvious changes. The addition of death energy can easily change the essence of a spell.

Upon discovering this, Rohde was relieved at this time. Rohde was already convinced that the space behind this time-space gate was the dead wasteland mentioned by Tello.

After confirming this, Rod turned his gaze from the original door of time and space to Tello, who was aside.

It seemed that he was aware of what Rhodes wanted to express, and Troy didn't have any resistance, but instead took the initiative to enter the gate of time and space.

With Tello's figure completely immersed in the gate of time and space, Rod also saw this process in his eyes.

It seemed that it was due to the black fog that obscured the line of sight inside. Rod noticed that when Tello entered it, the dark gate of time and space in front of him did not seem to have any fluctuations, and the reaction was completely different from what Rod saw. The conventional gate of time and space.

For this, Rod can only write it down in his heart, and then start another action.

At this time, under Lord's control through the spiritual imprint, the ghost dragon also came near the gate of time and space.

It seems that when making the scrolls, it did not take into account that creatures similar to ghost dragons would enter. The gate of time and space in front of me, in terms of size, can only allow ordinary necromancers to pass through, which is completely inconsistent with ghost dragons.

For this, Lord seemed to have expected it for a long time. When the ghost dragon came to the front of the gate of time and space, Lord raised his hand, and following his movements, an extremely pure death energy turned towards Released by this door of time and space.

Under Rod's control, when the death energy he released came into contact with the original death energy in the Gate of Time and Space, it immediately triggered a special change and began to expand towards the surroundings.

The entire gate of time and space seems to be affected by this death energy, from the size that ordinary humans can enter, it has expanded to the size that ghost dragons can also enter.

When the scope of the Sky Gate reached such a level, Lord stopped the release of death energy.

Under Lord's control, the ghost dragon's figure also submerged into this gate of time and space. As before, there is still no fluctuation in the gate of time and space, as if nothing has entered, what exists in it is only the black mist composed of death energy.

Due to the rank, Rhodes could not be like a true legendary mage. When casting the time and space gate, the way of casting this spell was processed, which caused the final time and space gate to change.

However, relying on his own treatment, Rod was able to change this already formed gate of time and space, and finally allowed the huge ghost dragon to enter it as well.

With the experience of casting spells in the previous life, in the process of observing this gate of time and space, Rhodes discovered the anomalies in it.

Rod noticed that in the process of making this time-space gate scroll, he did not fail to consider the entry of huge undead creatures, but after thinking of this, he gave this time-space gate ahead of time. The introductory to the change was laid.

And this also means that from the very beginning, this time-space gate has a potential mechanism to expand its scope, but for some reason, it can't actively provide this.

For the processing of this time-space gate, Lord only released his own death energy, allowing the time-space gate in front of him to completely absorb the death energy.

After obtaining the required death energy, the gate of time and space began to expand on its own, and finally reached the appearance that Rod saw in front of him. Even the ghost dragon can easily enter it.

In Luode's view, he didn't make any special treatment for the gate of time and space in front of him. Replaced by any Necromancer, after obtaining this magic scroll, he can do something similar to himself by releasing death energy.

Because of his previous life experience, in Rhode’s impression, this kind of magic scroll that can expand the scope of the time and space gate according to the mage’s own needs can only be made by a high-level mage that exists in Bracada. .

Before the mage's own magic skills reach a certain level, it is impossible to make a magic scroll of this level, not to mention that this magic scroll has designated the connected location, rather than the nearest space calibration.

Through this special magic scroll, even if he has not yet entered it, Rhodes once again felt the powerful strength of the lich who made this scroll.

When the ghost dragon entered it, the connection between Rhode’s spiritual imprint and it had been silent at this time. Even if Rhodes tried to send a message to the ghost dragon, he could not do it.

With Rod's thinking, the gate of time and space that had been expanded has already begun to shrink at this time, and it will dissipate in a short time. Upon seeing this, Rohde no longer waited, but directly entered the gate of time and space.

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