When this bright yellow portal was opened, as mana fluctuations continued to emerge, a large number of heavily armed knights appeared behind the battlefield with an extremely strong power.

These knights passed through this bright yellow portal at an extremely fast speed. When these knights passed through the portal, their speed did not slow down, and they still maintained a charging trend, rushing toward the barbarian creatures that were fighting with the golem puppets.

The charge of these knights, accompanied by an extremely strong aura, vowed to shatter everything that blocked them in front of them. The loud sound of horseshoes during the charge and the shaking of the ground caused the barbarian creatures in the battle to notice, and one after another noticed the abnormal scenes that appeared behind them.

For the appearance of these heavily armed knights, feeling the strong momentum they brought, the barbaric creatures at the back of the battlefield all felt a chill. These barbaric creatures did not expect that they would appear when the battle was fierce. Such a group of elite knights.

Except for the wizards who have known this for a long time, the appearance of this group of knights undoubtedly exceeded the expectations of all creatures. Many wizards who are controlling the golem puppets also did not expect this. Watching these appearances The knight was stunned.

For the group of knights that appeared, what I felt most intuitively was naturally the barbaric creatures behind the battlefield. With the power that these knights brought when they charged, a fear of facing death spread in the hearts of the barbarians behind the battlefield.

Under the effect of this fear of facing death, some barbarians seemed to have returned to the state they were when they were originally ruled by wizards, and were frightened for a while. However, there were also some determined barbarians who had high morale at this time. Under the action of, shook hands with the weapon and took the initiative to face the knight in front of him.

Due to the disparity in strength, the outcome of these savage creatures can be imagined. Facing the high-ranking knights' full-speed charge, these barbaric creatures failed to make any resistance and lost their lives, and even failed to slow down the speed of these knights' charge in the process.

The first to notice this group of knights, who came through the portal, was the hero Tanan who was fighting in the front. Looking at the group of knights that appeared behind, Tanan felt bad for the first time in his consciousness.

Based on the experience he had learned, Tanan immediately began to observe the characteristics of these knights. Through this move, Tanan also made many extremely important discoveries.

Tanan noticed that these knights were wrapped in heavy armor, and the whole body was protected up and down. There was no gap between them. Even the horses they were sitting on were covered by plate armor. And the patterns attached to the surface of these knights' armors also symbolized the forces they originally belonged to, which was Elasia near Bracada.

Noting the characteristics that exist in these knights, Tanan can also confirm that these high-level knights that appear here are the knights that he has learned from his intelligence.

According to Tanan's original idea, because these knights must bring great power in the process of charging, as they approach the battlefield, they can notice the abnormality in time and have time to respond. Even if these knights plan to launch a surprise attack in battle, they can do only limited.

However, what Tanan did not expect was that these knights did not charge from a distance as they had imagined, but instead united with the mages of Bracada to use this special portal. , Appeared directly behind the battlefield, at the edge of the Forbidden Magic Barrier.

As the barbarian army entered Bracada, the successive victories in the course of this battle have already made Tanan no longer count magic as the strength of the mage in the battle.

From Tanan's point of view, there is a unique effect of banning magic balls. The mages can only take out things other than magic and fight against themselves. No kind of magic can change the situation of a battle.

However, what Tanan did not expect was that when the mage united the knights of Elasia, he could use spells to do this outside the Forbidden Barrier, allowing a large number of knights to join the battlefield in an instant raid. .

Through his own perception, Tanan was able to realize the strength of these knights. Under the action of many excellent equipment, the most elite knights among these Alasias can show extremely powerful strength.

The charge of these powerful knights easily tore open the formation of the barbaric creatures in the rear, which seriously affected the morale of the barbaric creatures in the battle. No barbaric creature was willing to stop the knight in the charging state.

Not only the savage creatures at the back of the battlefield, when these knights appeared, the army of barbarians fighting with the golem puppets in front was also affected. There was no way to concentrate on facing the enemy in front of them, and they needed to guard against threats from the back at all times.

For a time, the morale of the entire barbarian army was greatly affected by the appearance of these knights. During the battle, the savage creatures no longer had the bravery they had before, and became fearful and afraid to use their full strength.

Faced with such a situation, Tanan made his own response in the first time. Instead of continuing to fight with the golem puppets in front, he went to the back of the battlefield and fought with these knights together with other barbarian generals.

Through the reaction of the savage creatures under him, Tanan has already realized that if the knights behind the battlefield are not eliminated as soon as possible, the entire battle will eventually fail.

At this moment, Tanan didn't care about fighting the powerful crystal dragon with the Behemoth behemoth. The identity of a natural hero gave Tanan extremely powerful strength and was able to fight with legendary creatures.

Tanan believed that under his full force, it would not be long before he could wipe out all the knights that appeared behind him.

However, when Tanan joined the battlefield in the rear, the situation was completely beyond his expectations. The arrival of Tanan naturally attracted the attention of the knights in the field.

Aware of Tanan’s thoughts at this time, these knights no longer rely on their own powerful strength to fight against the barbaric creatures behind, but instead use their own advantages to the limit, start to circle behind the battlefield, re-open the distance, and then Then he charged again.

Even Tanan, who is extremely powerful, cannot withstand the full-speed charge of the high-ranking knights head-on, and can only choose to back down for a while.

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