What Tanan didn't expect was that the defeat in this battle was not due to the powerful spell cast by the mage, but something other than the spell. In this case, even if it is a ban on Magic Ball, it cannot continue to bring victory to Tanan.

Realizing that the entire battle was headed towards failure, at this moment, in front of Tanan's eyes, those savage creatures who had persuaded themselves not to go deeper into Bracada, their appearance seemed to emerge again.

For these creatures that once persuaded him, Tanan’s heart naturally had a full impact. According to Tanan at the time, they were just some savage creatures that had lost their fighting spirit under the rule of the mage, but now, , Tanan also had some new ideas in his mind.

Among them, the once heroic ogre can bring the deepest impression to Tanan.

Tanan could recall that the heroic ogre who had already fallen into a deep aging state, when it came to him, showed his disapproval of this battle.

Tanan realized that perhaps he was aware of the various disadvantages of Cruelod’s creatures and the shortcomings of the background. The heroic ogre chose to lead the migration from Cruelod, even after returning. During the conversation with myself, the signs in the words did not change.

It's just that Tanan at that time was already immersed in the victory brought by the ban on the magic ball and the successful revenge against the mage. Naturally, there was no way to perceive this.

Regarding the behavior he had done before, leading all his men to attack Bracada, Tanan did not feel any regrets in his heart.

At this time, among the various emotions that existed in Tanan's heart, there was no such emotion as regret. More, still unwilling to succeed, and regret for the lack of Cruelod's background. If it were not for the long-term enslavement of the wizard, which had already destroyed Crullod's internal system, the result of this battle would not be the same.

Only after experiencing his own attempts, Tanan can realize this. Before having personal experience, any words from other savage creatures can hardly change Tanan's heart, which is far stronger than other heroes and belongs only to the will of the natural hero.

After clearly realizing this, Tanan at this time no longer longed for victory in this battle. After quickly suppressing the original emotions in his heart, Tanan turned his gaze back to the barbaric creatures behind him.

Up to now, what Tanan hopes is that these savage creatures in the rear can survive as many as possible in this battle.

Looking at all the savage creatures in the rear, Tanan found that even if he realized that the battle would end in failure, even his own life might pass away at any time. Under this supposedly low morale, the eyes of these savage creatures In the middle, there is still a high fighting spirit, the bloody nature that belongs only to Crullod's creatures, after this series of battles, it has been fully activated in them.

Tanan believes that as long as these surviving savage creatures that have been inspired by blood in their hearts successfully return to the territory of Cruelod, under their leadership, even if there is no existence of their own, Cruelod’s savage creatures will never again. Will be enslaved by the mages of Bracada as before, but will fight to the end.

I deeply felt the will of Tanan, coupled with all the battles experienced in this battle, the barbaric creatures that can survive all the way to this have also undergone great changes, no longer like they were just rescued by Tanan, He joined the war in general, but grew up to be a real soldier.

Regarding this point, after this battle, Tanan is the only place to be pleased. Tanan believes that under the leadership of these savage creatures, Crullod’s original problem of insufficient background can also be achieved after a long period of development. has been solved.

Tanan believes that by that time, as long as there are savage creatures that can once again pick up the Forbidden Magic Ball, they will be able to overthrow Brakada in one fell swoop and accomplish what he wants, revenge for the Master Brakada.

However, Tanan also realized that in order to achieve what he wanted, the first thing he needed to achieve was to let the savage creatures in front of him return safely to Crurode.

While Tanan was thinking about it, the army of savage creatures never slowed down the pace of retreat. At this time, Tanan was able to notice the trace of the Griffon from the sky behind.

Regarding the Griffins following behind, many thunderbirds above the barbarian army tried to come to the rear to meet them, but this behavior was stopped by Tanan.

Compared with the loss of the barbarian army on the ground, the thunderbirds that existed above the army lost less. At this time, there were still a large number of thunderbirds that existed above the army.

Tanan realized that in the original battle, under the command of the hero Ricky, even if the Thunderbirds were not dominant in number, under the blessing of their own ranks, the Thunderbirds did not suffer much loss.

If not the most powerful, but also the hero Thunderbird Tarvic, who is most compatible with Ricky, he died before this battle. According to Tanan’s prediction, under Ricky’s command, the thunderbirds even Can wipe out most of the Griffins that exist here.

However, due to the lack of a high-ranking hero, in terms of overall strength, Thunderbird can only be equal to the enemy's Griffin, even at a slight disadvantage.

Tanan noticed that the hero Ricky also survived this battle. Stopping these Thunderbirds' actions can not only prevent the retreat from being slowed down by them, but also reduce unnecessary losses.

Tanan understood that in the process of retreating, his trajectory had already been exposed to the sight of the mage. Even if the griffins that existed behind him could be eliminated, so that he could no longer monitor himself, the mage had other means to do it. To this point.

In this case, the enemy at the rear still chose such a behavior to make these griffins follow him far behind. Tanan understood that their move was more to bring to his own subordinates. Pressure reduces the morale of barbaric creatures.

However, for the savage creatures in their current state, this behavior of the enemy has no effect at all, and instead makes the will of these savage creatures stronger.

Looking at the thunderbirds in the sky, Tanan also realized that this might be the key to protecting himself from other savage creatures.

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