As this figure walked out, when he stood still outside the portal, the bright yellow portal behind him also began to slowly close at this time.

When the bright yellow portal was fully retracted and closed, the surrounding space gradually subsided. Except for the stronger mana fluctuations and the mage who appeared here, there was no trace of any more.

Relying on their own powerful spellcasting ability, the wizard can easily achieve things that ordinary melee creatures cannot do.

The difference between the gray-robed mage who originally stood here is that the mage who came here through the portal is wearing a set of crimson robe, with a large number of delicate ornaments dotted around the robe. It can bring a very strong impression to everyone who looks at this mage.

Previously, the conversations with many legendary mages had undoubtedly proved the strength of this mage, and the existence of the ability to talk to the legendary mages on an equal footing, only the legendary creatures also located in the seventh rank. Obviously, this mage wearing a red robe and able to use this space spell is also a legendary mage.

The red-robed mage that appeared was extremely different from the gray-robed mage that existed.

On the side, I noticed the Elasia creature that the red-robed mage appeared. At this time, it seemed to realize something. I couldn’t help but start to observe the two powerful wizards. Wanting to learn about them, there are also a small number of Elasia warriors who noticed. After these two mages, they immediately moved their eyes away.

The Elasia warriors who knew about Bracada’s situation immediately realized the identities of these two legendary mages, and knew that the situation they were discussing here was far from what they could involve, even if they heard what they were talking about. The content just puts itself in danger.

Under this circumstance, the best choice for the fighters of Allahia at this time is to ignore the two wizards on the sidelines and instead focus on other things, such as Dealing with necromancers around.

This conflict triggered by the Necromancer has been passed on to all the Erasian warriors here. In this regard, the soldiers of Elasia have also taken precautionary measures. Once something happens, these soldiers of Elasia will take action as soon as possible.

At this time, when the red-robed mage, through his own spell, appeared beside the gray-robed mage, following the gray-robed mage’s original gaze, the red-robed mage turned his gaze into To the scene that happened in the field.

After noticing the existence of the Necromancer on the battlefield, as well as some of the warriors of Elasia, the red-robed mage also had a general understanding of what was happening on the battlefield in his heart.

Different from the low-level mages of average strength, for legendary mages, the existence of necromancers has long been known to them, whether it is the Diya where necromancers gather, or the characteristics of necromancers themselves, these legendary mages have already passed themselves To understand the channels.

What makes these legendary wizards feel most concerned about is that every once in a while, among the group of legendary wizards, there will be information about which high-level wizard has fallen into the ranks of necromancers.

The study of undead spells has always been forbidden in the previous Brakada territory, but there are always curious mages who will involuntarily explore them, including many high-level mages.

Based on this, any legendary mage is familiar with these special necromancers, and the attitude of the legendary mage to the necromancers is also very different.

Realizing the situation on the battlefield at this time, the red-robed mage withdrew his gaze, turned his gaze to the gray-robed mage on the side, and asked:

"Eric, the battle is over, won't you come to see your old friends in the back?"

Hearing the voice coming from the side, the gray-robed mage also turned his body slightly to the side and looked at the red-robed mage.

"I heard about the Holy Spirit Magic Academy, and I can only feel deeply sorry about it. The magic academy that poured all your hard work into it was destroyed under the attack of the barbarians. I believe that you must It's very painful."

At this time, when the gray-robed mage turned his body sideways, under the hood he was wearing, the original look of a blue dragon appeared in the red-robed mage's sight.

If Rhodes appeared here, he would recognize it at a glance. At this time, the mage shrouded in gray robe was the one who was responsible for guiding the finals of the potions competition in the potions competition he originally participated in. Rick.

Eric has another level of identity, that is, the former dean of the Holy Spirit Academy of Magic. The reason why it was the former dean was because the Holy Spirit Magic Academy at this time had already been turned into ruins under the attack of savage creatures.

For the things established by the mage, the barbarians who yearn for revenge will not show any mercy to them.

As early as this battle did not reach the current stage, but just at the beginning, Tanan had a series of plans.

Tanan at that time could also understand the inferiority of the barbarian army in its ability to move.

Tanan knew that by relying solely on the barbarians, he would not be able to quickly move from one town to another town with the advantages of spells like the wizards of Bracada, so he could only choose the method of attacking important targets. Prioritize the destruction of towns that are of great significance to the wizard, so as to deal a serious blow to the morale of the Bracada side.

In this process, as the final of this potion competition, it attracted the attention of a large number of wizards. The holy spirit magic school, which is in the midst of the sky, naturally became the primary attack target chosen by Tanan.

Relying on the advantages brought by the banned magic ball, coupled with the wizard's evasive strategy at the time, Tanan easily destroyed all of the Holy Spirit Magic Academy with strong historical heritage, and then continued to deepen into the territory of Bracada.

This strategy developed by Tanan undoubtedly gave him a huge advantage in the early stages of this battle. In addition, the fragments of the Forbidden Magic Ball distributed to other savage creatures through Tanan, for a time, countless pairs Bracada has an important magic school, all of which were destroyed by barbaric creatures in this war.

Until before, Tanan still encountered the first defeat when he came to attack the headquarters of the magic guild that existed here in accordance with the previous fighting method.

However, just this failure caused the death of a large number of savage creatures under Tanan. Among them, the most powerful behemoth was also killed and injured in this battle, unable to exert its previous powerful strength.

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