In many cases, for the wizards in the magic guild, due to their own ideas, their research on spells, that is, the level of a single spell, far exceeds that of the wizards of the same rank. The spell also has a very unique effect.

For the wizards in the magic guild, this idea inherited from the god of wizards has long become their own creed, which is what distinguishes them from other wizards.

In the magic guild, the mage who can occupy a high position in the past generations depends on their own strength, and whether they can strictly abide by the ideals advocated by the god of the mage is also an extremely important factor.

Even in some cases, even if a magic guild mage is weak, but can show a hero-like will, and recognize the idea of ​​the god of the mage, it can also get some high-level mage in the magic guild. Recognition.

The ideas put forward by the god of wizards have had a great influence on the wizards of the magic guild for countless years.

It’s just that, on some special occasions, when a mage is required to use something other than the ability to cast spells, this idea that exists in the hearts of the wizards of the magic guild becomes a shackle that binds them and enables them to perform. The strength is greatly restricted.

A similar situation appeared in this battle triggered by barbaric creatures.

There is no doubt that in this battle set off by barbaric creatures, the wizards of the magic guild are undoubtedly the most restricted group.

Because of the creed that exists in the magic guild, the only thing that the mage who belongs to the magic guild is good at is the casting of spells. Whether it is the use of treasures or the manufacture of golem puppets, in the magic guild Inside the club, there are extremely serious restrictions.

This has also led to the fact that under the effect of the forbidden magic barrier, the wizards who originally belonged to the magic guild became truly ordinary people, losing all the ability to fight.

In this case, no matter how high the level of the magic guild mage is in the past, once they encounter a barbaric creature that comes to attack and can release the forbidden barrier, they can only pray like ordinary creatures, hoping to be able to fight Zhong Anran survived.

And those wizards who originally belonged to the Magic Academy, even if they were shrouded in the Forbidden Magic Barrier, could rely on the golem puppets on their hands, or the treasures they wore that were not related to spells, to escape from the battlefield smoothly, even if they didn’t escape alive. Possibly, it can also make a final counterattack, without losing power at all.

Eric believes that the emergence of the Forbidden Magic Ball and the war caused by it are considered to be an extremely serious impact for the entire Magic Guild. The wizards belonging to the Magic Guild will be banned from the Magic Orb. Complete restraint, even the god of the mage may not have expected this situation.

Regarding the existence of the artifact and the special effects it can produce, no creatures can anticipate or guard against this before the battle really arrives.

In the original Bracada, although the mage created the existence of the forbidden magic barrier through some magic rituals, the scope of coverage is extremely limited. Completely enveloped.

Due to the existence of the forbidden magic barrier, the magic guild has more serious losses than the average magic school.

As the true leader of the original Brakada mage, the existence of the magic guild also has extremely important significance in Brakada.

When this battle just happened, even if they saw the existence of the Forbidden Magic Barrier, the wizards belonging to the magic guild did not immediately think about how to use things other than spells to defeat these savage creatures that came to attack.

In the eyes of the wizards of these magic guilds, even if the effect of this artifact is extremely powerful and can restrain the wizard’s ability to cast spells, the wizard always has a way to deal with it. There is always a spell that can be outside the envelope of the forbidden barrier. It played a role and brought unprepared blows to the savage creatures.

In addition, what the mage of the magic guild thinks is how to break through the barrier of the forbidden magic in essence, so that the entire barrier of the forbidden magic on the battlefield dissipates.

According to the knowledge known by the magic guild mage, if this forbidden magic barrier is formed only by ordinary magic rituals, it is not difficult to remove it, but for the forbidden magic ball in this battle. Forbidden Magic Barrier, the wizard of the Magic Guild had nothing to do.

Because of the creation of these forbidden magic barriers, the existence of artifacts has been involved. Even the forbidden barriers released by the fragments of the forbidden balls must essentially surpass those formed by magic rituals. For the wizards of the magic guild It is undoubtedly extremely difficult to solve this point.

Perhaps under the action of other artifacts, it can affect the existence of the Forbidden Magic Barrier, but even with the power of other artifacts, it cannot be achieved in a short time. The wizards of the Magic Guild have not yet waited for the magic guild to find a way to deal with the Forbidden Magic Barrier. , The army of savage creatures arrived first.

In the end, even the wizards of the magic guild had to use other powers, especially the golem puppets that originally existed in the magic school, to successfully resist the attack of barbaric creatures.

According to Eric's idea, in this battle, the flaws in the ideas believed by the wizards of the magic guild were undoubtedly exposed. After this battle, the concept of mages in the magic guild may undergo some changes.

Since he knew something about Cedros early in the morning, in Eric’s view, after this battle, Cedros’s attitude towards magic guilds may have changed drastically, and he no longer values ​​magic guilds. The idea that the mage believes in turns to focus on what he owns.

However, from the words spoken by Cedros, Eric realized that his attitude towards the magic guild may not have changed in any way. He is still like the wizard of the magic guild, taking the words of the god of the former wizard, Take it as your own creed.

Eric could feel that Cedros had a heartfelt reverence for the god of the mage.

For ordinary wizards in the magic academy, they may understand part of the deeds of the gods of the wizards, and are shocked by the power of the gods of the wizards, but they do not agree with the original ideas of the gods of the wizards, especially let These mages give up their own power brought by various unique methods.

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