Since it is difficult to convert the corpse of the Behemoth into an undead creature that can be used in a short time, there are not many other than the very few necromancers with high-quality spatial rings who choose to include the corpse of the Behemoth. The necromancer, cares about the corpse of this legendary creature.

Perhaps after the transformation of all the corpses is completed, these necromancers will also put their own attention on these behemoth behemoths, even if it is difficult to transform for a while, they will try their best to take them away, but for the undead For the mage, what they care about right now is those corpses on the battlefield that can be used first.

Up to now, looking around, there are a large number of necromancers on the entire battlefield, focusing on the transformation of surrounding undead creatures.

Many of them, after hearing that the battle was about to take place, made a special trip to here, waiting for the battle to end. On the original battlefield, and during the battle, they were naturally invisible.

Due to the large number of necromancers, these necromancers also have a sense of urgency in their hearts, and they need to hurry up before other necromancers to transform their most valuable corpses into their own undead creatures.

That is to say, in this case, the corpses belonging to the Erasian warriors entered the eyes of these necromancers and were valued by these necromancers.

Different from the behemoth corpse that is difficult to use in a short time, among the corpses of the Elasia warriors, those corpses that originally belonged to the knights are extremely attractive to these necromancers.

In the eyes of these necromancers, as long as they can obtain the corpses of these knights and complete the transformation through spiritualism, it may not be long before they can obtain a high-level undead creature.

Compared with other savage creatures, the appearance of the knight himself is naturally seen by these necromancers, which is also the reason that attracts them.

In order to transform into the most powerful undead creatures that can be used by itself in a short time, the corpses of these knights in the battlefield have already attracted a large number of necromancers, but because of the existence of Ella. West Asia warriors, these necromancers can only stop for a while.

For the actions of the Necromancer, the fighters of Elasia would naturally not allow it. In order to deal with the necromancers who came, Elasia's army mobilized another manpower, hoping to quickly transport the remains of these warriors back.

Looking at the actions taken by the soldiers of Elasia, these necromancers who know Elasia understand that their handling of these corpses is to transport them to the cemetery for burial. In that case, it doesn’t matter. Will there be any necromancers who will be able to transform these corpses in the cemetery in the future? These corpses have nothing to do with them.

In the eyes of the Necromancer, the actions of the Elasia warriors are undoubtedly preventing their own strength from increasing. For all necromancers, this is an unacceptable thing.

Necromancers always have a strong desire to improve their strength, and will seize every opportunity to do this. This is also the reason why necromancers will come whenever there is a war in other areas.

At this time, the behavior of the Elasia warriors undoubtedly caused dissatisfaction among all necromancers.

And the recovery of the knight's remains is another thing that the Elasia warriors must win. Not only these knights who died in battle, but all the corpses of the creatures belonging to Elasia, the warriors of Elasia did not intend to leave them to the Necromancer.

In the eyes of the fighters in Elasia, if they fail to do this and bring back the bodies of their dead companions, this may mean that when they die in battle, they will also be transformed into undead by other necromancers. Living creatures cannot rest in peace.

This is undoubtedly one thing that all the warriors of Erathia resist. If there is a choice, even the real Necromancer would not want to be transformed into a necromancer after death to be controlled by other Necromancers, let alone Talk about the existence of other creatures.

In this case, in the face of these necromancers, the fighters of Elasia will not have any compromises.

If, after the previous battle, the fighters of Elasia found the necromancers around the battlefield, they would immediately clean up all the necromancers to prevent them from transforming the undead creatures. The warriors of Lasia did not take action against these necromancers, and only worried about the existence of the mages behind them.

Until now, the commanders of the Erathia warriors did not understand Brakada's true attitude towards the Necromancer.

Although in the golden age of Brakada, all the necromancers in Brakada were expelled, and Diya belonging to the necromancer was established, but now, the Necromancer Has his attitude changed, and the commander has no clue.

In this battle involving the entire Bracada, the Necromancer can also join in openly, which has undoubtedly explained some problems. From the commander's point of view, Brakada's attitude towards the Necromancer seemed to have undergone some changes. At this time, if you rashly attack the Necromancer in the field, you may be attacked by the wizard.

For this reason, the commander of the Erasian side did not let his soldiers attack the Necromancer, but only asked them to speed up the collection of the remains of their companions.

However, these actions of the Elasia warriors, in the eyes of these necromancers, undoubtedly became a proof of weakness.

In order to obtain the power and to further test the attitude of these Erasian warriors, among these necromancers, a senior necromancer, without indicating to any of his companions, took the initiative to confront a warrior corpse in the field. Performed spiritualism.

With the violent fluctuations in the death energy, in the shocked eyes of these Erasian warriors, the corpse of a companion who was originally beside them stood up again.

However, by this time, the corpse that stood up again was no longer a companion of the warriors in the field, but an undead creature.

After the undead creature stood up, it did not attack the surrounding soldiers, but turned and walked towards the position of the necromancer.

However, before waiting for the undead creature how far to travel, a warrior who was aware of the situation at this time held back the grief in his heart, waved his own weapon, and killed the undead creature from behind.

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