In order to transform these dead knights, although the surrounding necromancers desperately wanted to be improved in strength, they did not forget the Erasian warriors in the field and the threats that existed in these warriors.

These Necromancers know that in the process of transformation, the most serious obstacle is that apart from other necromancers around, only these Alassia fighters themselves. Once the problems of these Alassia fighters are solved, they can not be disturbed. To transform these knights, many powerful undead creatures were obtained.

It is precisely because of this that, before the official transformation begins, these necromancers will first transform an undead creature as a temptation for the Erathia warriors.

It’s just that, by now, the results of the trial have completely exceeded the expectations of these necromancers, especially when these necromancers tried to ask for help from the Bracada mages behind, but they did not get any response. , It made these necromancers feel extremely abnormal.

The reaction of Master Bracada, as well as the attitude of existence and their bodies, can explain many things by themselves. This is well known in the hearts of all the Necromancers who exist here.

As long as the mages of Bracada have this willingness, even if the warriors of Elasia are angry again, they dare not forcibly attack the necromancers who exist here under such circumstances.

However, in the face of the Erasian fighters who had acted, the Bracada mages who existed in the rear had no intention of intervening in them.

At this time, a sense of anxiety began to emerge in the hearts of these necromancers, and the abnormality that had originally occurred had reached its extreme at this time.

In this case, any Necromancer can feel that the situation is wrong at this time, and it seems that there is something that he does not understand, which is slowly happening at this time.

However, before these Necromancers made corresponding actions, the fighters on the side of Elasia took action first.

These necromancers noticed that most of the Elasia warriors who had been resting on the spot had already assembled at this time. Those knights who were on the battlefield without disadvantage, did not know when they had worn their heavy armor again, and even the horses they sat on were covered under the heavy plate armor.

In previous battles with savage creatures, the knights of Elasia joined the battlefield in this manner, and those knights who fell in the battle wore the same equipment. Regarding this, having been observing the Necromancer on the side of Elasia, he had a very clear impression in his heart.

These heavily armed knights also showed the attitude of the side of Elasia towards these necromancers from another aspect.

This discovery undoubtedly made the necromancers in the field realize that the situation was wrong, and the intensity of the reaction on the side of Elasia was far beyond the expectations of these necromancers.

In the original battlefield, these knights were able to completely suppress all savage creatures except the behemoth behemoth, and even strong ogres could not withstand the charge of these knights head-on.

At this time, when they were completely on the opposite side of these knights, these necromancers understood the heavy pressure in their hearts when facing these well-equipped knights.

Even if these knights did not directly attack him, just traveling toward the process here, enough to make them feel fear Necromancer.

According to the corresponding strength of rank, among Necromancer system, to the relative strength of these knights, and only after those powerful Lich ritual transformation.

When these knights really comes, the hearts of these Necromancer had changed the original idea, previously had hoped, the idea of ​​transformation of these knights dead bodies at this time is completely eliminated.

Only when these higher-order organisms personally felt deterrence brought about by these Necromancer will change the idea in mind. As if to recall past experiences, these Necromancer once found a change in circumstances, it will immediately escape from above the battlefield.

In this case, it appears in the legendary Master Eric and Cedric Los eyes, is such a scene.

The Knights these heavily armed, the process proceeds toward the direction Necromancer look in the eyes, Eric apparently this scene occurred in the field was a little concerned, began to think up some matters relating to the Necromancer.

In Eric's side, Cedric Ross is not much interested in this, his eyes will turn again, look to the side of Eric.

"Then, after the end of the battle, what are you going to do? Spell reconstruction of the Holy Spirit School, but also under the leadership of a great president, and can proceed smoothly."

Eric towards the side of, Cede Los propose their own questions. Cede Los want to know, what about Eric going to the next.

Cede Los know, for their legendary Master this level is concerned, a lot of things where the conventional meaning of the Master, no longer have to be concerned, the only way to drive the legendary mage, in addition to the things that really cares about their hearts, they only for the exploration of magic origin.

In these, according to the Los Cede understand, for Erik, he resides in Italy, is a former College of the Holy Spirit spell, and in his culture, growing out of the Master.

As a Master in Bracada prestigious, Eric can do this, not only against his nature has a strong, but he trained for ordinary Master wholeheartedly, which is the whole Bracada widely accepted.

Since Eric has a lot of understanding in Merced Los opinion, after such a battle after selecting Eric made, most likely at the end of the fighting, he begins to spell Holy Spirit School reconstruction as soon as possible to restore everything to the situation prior to the battle.

For this, Cede Los inquiry, more like a chat between the two men in general, even if Eric did not choose to answer it, Cede Los still seemed not care.

Let Cedric Ross did not expect that this issue presented itself, aside Eric was given exactly the opposite answer.

"Wait until after the end of the battle, I will leave Bracada, to deal with some special things."

"The battle, although the entire Bracada brought unimaginable damage, but I believe that all experienced Master of the battle, will get a great degree of growth, perhaps waiting for my return to Plaka when reached, the Holy Spirit spell College has completed the reconstruction. "

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