In the face of these behemoths that are difficult to be transformed, the necromancers in the field dare not continue to save mana, and instead release their own death energy with all their strength.

For these Necromancers, looking at the Elasia warriors who didn't have any hands left in the battle, at this time, they had obviously placed the hope of survival on these behemoth behemoths.

For this reason, even if their own mana is consumed rapidly in the process of releasing death energy, these necromancers can't take care of it. They just release it with all their strength, hoping to complete the fight against the giants before these knights' attacks arrive. The transformation of the beast.

For a time, the entire battlefield was filled with this death energy, and with the release of these necromancers, the death energy began to transform to a higher level.

With the cooperation of many necromancers, the situation seems to have improved. As necromancers, they can naturally feel the changes in death energy more clearly.

The behemoth that exists in the field seems to have undergone some new changes due to the emergence of this death energy. It is a very powerful soul fire that is missing the most original thing inside. Produced in the body of the giant Mongolian beast.

In the process of this transformation, some new changes suddenly appeared in the field. A strong threat suddenly appeared in the perception of these necromancers without any warning.

All of what the Necromancers did, whether it was the conflict between them and the Elasia army, or the transformation of the undead creatures, was seen by the original wizard of Bracada.

It's just that, whether it's a lower-ranked mage on the battlefield, or a legendary mage watching all this happening from behind, they didn't interfere with everything that happened in the field, just let it happen by itself.

Regarding the necromancers in the field, all the mages in Brakada have different opinions, but they are not good if they have not received an accurate instruction, especially when they cannot know the true attitude of the magic guild. Deal with the necromancer in the field.

On the edge of the battlefield, the two legendary mages who are there can rely on their own perception to observe everything that happens in the field.

Among the two legendary mages, Eric made the same choice as those behind the legendary mages. Although he has other views on the necromancer in his heart, Eric did not deal with it in any way, nor did he deal with it. The plan to rescue the Necromancer was just to feel what was happening in the field.

And beside Eric, Cedros, who was in, obviously had a very different view of the Necromancer in the field.

Feeling the fluctuations of death energy in the field, Cedros immediately realized that these Necromancers' plans were precisely under their combined efforts to complete the transformation of the Giant Beast.

After feeling this, Cedros thought briefly, and then raised his hand.

Eric on the side could easily feel the impact of Cedros's action. With this movement of Cedros, something diametrically opposed to death energy began to condense rapidly in the field.

This is also the reason why the Necromancer in the field feels threatening, and it seems that it may die at any time.

Before these Necromancers could take any countermeasures, the true effect of this spell was also revealed in the field.

For a moment, an extremely strong white light filled the sight of all necromancers in the field.

With the effect of this spell, there is no longer anything in the feelings of these necromancers, not only the sight of these necromancers, but even their lives seem to be dissolved in this white light. .

However, all of this is just the feeling of the Necromancer himself. The Elasia warrior, who was also under the scope of this spell and was shrouded in white light, saw the real changes in the Necromancer in his eyes.

In the sight of these Erasian warriors, as this spell was applied, those who were shrouded in white light, whether it was a necromancer or an undead creature, took the initiative to ignite a kind of pale flame.

This pale flame has a strong purifying effect on the death energy that exists in them. Even if undead creatures fall in the process, this pale flame will not go out until the remaining things are left. Above, there is no death energy at all.

According to the observation of the Elasia Warriors, the Necromancer that originally existed in the field had lost his life even earlier, almost as soon as this white light appeared, and could not make any resistance at all.

This discovery immediately stunned the Erasian army in the field. They had to go through some battles, and perhaps some damage, to achieve victory. It was only under the effect of a spell. It was reached very smoothly.

Under the shining of the white light, the original necromancer side was almost annihilated at this time, and was still able to resist. The undead creatures with higher ranks obviously could not last long under the effect of this white light, and lost all of them. Combat ability.

In contrast, the warriors of Elasia, under the shining of this white light, the armor they wore on their bodies shone brightly, making their aura to a higher level. In addition, under the white light, the only thing these fighters could feel was a warm feeling.

Many Erasian warriors who knew about the existence of Necromancers and the spells that could restrain them had already recognized what spells caused this white light to appear.

These warriors realized that the spell that appeared on the battlefield was an undead killer developed by the priests in Elasia.

Different from these low-level warriors, those knights who originated from Elasia naturally have a deeper understanding of the spell of Undead Slayer.

In the impression of these knights, the casting of the spell of Undead Slayer was often found in the vicinity of Diya on the border of Elasia.

In these areas, no matter it is a monk or priest who concentrates on practicing their own spiritual power, or a mage who is loyal to the lord, they will learn this special spell in the first time.

Faced with the intrusion of necromancers, and the undead creatures under their control, this undead killer, which only causes damage to the undead creatures and has a large range of influence, has naturally become a good response method.

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