At this time, the undead killer displayed by this powerful mage through Brakada, undoubtedly, from one aspect, towards the commander of Elasia, showed the mage's attitude towards the undead mage.

This commander understood that if the role of the Necromancer in this battle was really as big as they imagined, the wizards who existed in Bracada would obviously not let them conflict with the Necromancer. Not to mention casting spells to help the warriors of Elasia.

What happened on the battlefield, especially the appearance of this undead killer, undoubtedly gave the commander a lot of thoughts.

After confirming Master Brakada's attitude towards the Necromancer, the commander can also speculate on some other information.

At this moment, what the commander was concerned about was the true identity of the legendary mage who used this undead killer spell.

This commander clearly knew that the existence that can achieve such an effect by only using a spell on display can only be achieved by true legendary wizards, even if it is a powerful high-level wizard, what they have displayed Spells can't achieve such an effect.

Regarding the legendary wizards in Bracada, this commander had heard of their deeds, but only heard about them. He did not really see the legendary wizards' shots, and did not understand the effects of the spells cast by the legendary wizards. what's the difference.

The undead killer that appeared at this time undoubtedly solved the doubts in the commander's mind, allowing him to personally feel the effects of the spells displayed by the legendary mage.

Only by relying on a spell of the legendary mage, it was solved that these Erathia fighters needed to spend a certain amount of energy, and even part of the damage, to deal with the necromancer, the effect that the spell can achieve is undoubtedly in the mind of this commander Be reflected.

The commander realized that if it were not for the existence of the Forbidden Magic Barrier and completely restrained the magical ability of these mages, they might not need to come in this battle.

Although the commander did not understand the true purpose of the legendary mage who used the undead killer spell, he was able to realize that the most important thing at this time was to send his men to figure out this.

Since the legendary mage did not hide his own mana fluctuations, the commander could easily detect where he was without spending much effort.

With the spread of the spell of Undead Slayer, not only the commander who exists here, but any creature on the battlefield who knows the spell can clearly feel this.

According to the commander’s understanding, the strength of the legendary mage is enough to prevent them from casting most of their spells without any fluctuations in mana, but he did not feel the legendary mage in front of him. at this point.

Regarding the spell of Undead Slayer, this legendary mage deliberately increased the possible mana fluctuations when casting it, so that all surrounding creatures who could feel this could clearly know where the legendary mage was. position.

After discovering this, the commander obviously realized something. He understood that this might also explain the legendary mage's views on the necromancer from the side.

In this case, after understanding this extremely important information, the commander immediately issued his own orders to the surrounding men.

With the command of the commander, a knight who originally belonged to the army of Erasia broke away from the formation, controlled the horses sitting down, and headed for the strongest mana fluctuations, which is the place of this legendary mage. Location.

There is a clear difference from other knights on the battlefield. This person who was ordered by the commander to come into contact with the legendary mage did not wear extremely strong armor like other knights, and even the horses on him Cover with plate armor together.

Compared to other warriors, this warrior is more formal, wearing a gorgeous red robe, just like the nobles in Elasia.

However, when he was on the battlefield, his outfit seemed impractical. The defensiveness brought by the red robe on his body was obviously not as good as the armor worn by other knights, even the simplest. None of the attacks by the red robe itself could bear, and it could not meet the equipment requirements of ordinary fighters.

Although this warrior is like a knight, driving a strong horse, but in his body, the weapons that can be used for battle are only the saber that he carries. It is not like other knights on the battlefield. A weapon that matches the charge.

For the knight, with the horse's full speed attack and the protection of the equipment, the weapon that can maximize this advantage is the various spears used in conjunction with the sprint.

With the speed blessing brought by the full-speed charge, the spears in the hands of the knights can often cause extremely huge damage. Among the creatures of the same rank, except for a few creatures that are far larger than the knight, it is difficult to have a flesh and blood creature. , Can withstand the full-speed charge of the Cavaliers head-on.

As for the saber that exists on the body, the knight seldom gives up his advantage and uses this weapon on the horse instead.

For the knights, due to their unique offensive methods, the spears they hold are extremely prone to damage during the battle. During the sprint, the impact of the spear and spear was far greater than the knight himself, no matter how skilled the knight himself was, the spear in his hand could not support their several charges.

In this case, the common choice made by the Erasian knights is to carry more spare spears before the start of the battle, so as to avoid damage to weapons during the battle.

Especially when the space ring became popular, it undoubtedly provided great convenience for these knights.

Relying on the existence of the space ring, before a battle begins, these knights can prepare the necessary spare spears and put them into the space ring. Whenever the weapon in their hands is damaged, they can immediately Replace it.

In addition, the existence of the space ring also reduces the burden of these knights carrying a large number of weapons, so there is no need to worry about these weapons that they carry will affect themselves in the battle.

In the previous battles, these knights could easily penetrate the defense line formed by barbarians, relying on the spears in their hands. Even if the weapons in their hands were damaged, they could be replaced in the first time without worrying about delaying the battle.

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