Thinking of his next plan, the enemies he might face, and the changes brought about by the entire expansion, Lord's expression changed extremely.

It's just that this change in the aura only remained on Rod for a moment. At the next moment, Rod's expression returned to calm.

Tello, who was beside Rod, seemed to feel something at this moment, looking towards Rod in amazement, wanting to observe Rod's state at this time.

It's just that in the next moment, Tello frowned, and his expression revealed obvious doubts.

At the moment when Rod's thoughts came into being, Tello suddenly felt a strong chill from Rod. According to Tello's past experience, this chill would only appear when he was attacked by other necromancers.

What puzzled Tello was that when he looked at Rhode again, trying to confirm the anomaly in him, he could not perceive anything.

In Tello's eyes, the actions that Rhode made were only to hand over himself to the time-space gate magic scroll and to receive the space ring. Apart from that, he did not make any other actions. In his expression, the same is true. Nothing has changed.

It was also under this situation that Tello also began to wonder whether the chill that had appeared in his heart before really existed.

These actions by Tello naturally attracted Rhodes's attention. Just when Tello suspected the error in his own perception, Rod's question suddenly came to his ear.

"What's wrong?"

The thoughts in his heart were interrupted by Rod's words. Under this circumstance, realizing that there might not be any results from his thoughts, Tello also temporarily put aside the doubts in his heart and replied:

"Nothing... I will take you to the location of the City Lord's Mansion."

After all, Tello led Rod, who was on the side, towards a direction in the city.

Along the way, although Tello introduced Rhodes to the lord of the City of Death according to Stephen’s order, he did not say nothing, but introduced a lot of information about the city of the death that he knew. It was given to Rod beside him.

From the words Tello said, Rhodes also learned a lot of information about the city of death.

Rod learned that the most significant difference between the City of Death and other towns in Diya is that there is no Necromancer Academy in it.

According to the information that Rhodes understands, the existence of the Necromancer Academy in Diya plays a vital role in the process of cultivating the Necromancer.

Through the knowledge taught by the School of Undead Spells, any creature in Diya, whether it is the original ordinary people or some alien creatures with talents, can master the most basic spiritualism and the ability to create undead creatures.

The Necromancer Academy never stops recruiting apprentices, but these creatures who come to learn spiritualism will eventually grow into powerful undead lord, or become undead creatures under other necromancers.

It is also the widespread necromancer academy in Diya that has significantly increased the number of necromancers. In the towns where some extreme necromancer academies exist, there are only necromancers except for necromancers.

In Diya, no matter where it is in a town, there will be a necromancer academy. This, like a common sense, penetrates into the hearts of all necromancers. What Rohde did not expect is the city of death. It is an exception.

Although in the game of the previous life, Rod had heard of the name of the City of Death and knew that it was an important location in Diya, but the specific situation in the city, Rod, who was not a necromancer in the previous life, has no way of knowing it. .

According to Rhodes’s memories, the City of Death can occupy a very high position among all the towns in Diya. This seems to have emerged after the second expansion was opened.

At this time, although Rodriguez still had great doubts in his heart, he also realized that the overall status of the City of Death had changed, and perhaps it had a great connection with the existence of Sandru in the city at this time.

If it hadn't been for the arrival of Sandro and his series of actions, the status of the entire city of death would not have changed in this way.

Regarding the fact that there is no Necromancer Academy in the City of Death, Tello's explanation is that this is related to the environment around the City of Death and the decision made by Stephen.

Through the explanation given by Tello, Rod also gradually realized the anomaly around the City of Death from the words he said.

Rod learned that the most special existence in the area surrounding the City of Death was the death tomb where Stephen the Lich was located. It is precisely because of the existence of the dead tomb that this city of death exists, and it has a great influence on the subsequent development of this kind of town.

This point, although Rodriguez had already anticipated this point during the process of observing the map, he had only confirmed his thoughts when he learned from Tello.

The existence of Stephen the Lich has brought irreversible changes to the entire land of the dead tomb. Among the dead tombs, in addition to the extremely large number of undead creatures that Rod previously had vaguely felt, even its own land was also affected.

Under the long-term erosion of death energy, part of the land in the death tomb has undergone extremely strong changes, forming what ordinary people call a cursed land.

Once ordinary creatures enter it, in addition to being strongly eroded by death energy and rapidly decayed, they will also be infected with serious diseases. Even if they die, they will be directly transformed into undead creatures.

Even if a powerful wizard is on the cursed land, the spells cast by it will also be corroded by death energy. In addition to doubling the mana consumed when casting the spell, the power that the spell can create will also Produce severe reductions.

It is precisely because of this that even if it is a powerful mage, or even the legendary mage of Bracada, he will not choose to fight on the cursed land.

For conventional creatures, this cursed land has serious negative effects, but it can bring an unimaginable increase to Diya's undead creatures.

Because of the strong death energy that exists in the cursed earth, for those undead creatures of lower rank, even if they are only in it, they can increase their own strength. For this reason, the cursed earth The area of ​​existence will always attract a large number of undead creatures.

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