Although in Rod’s heart, he was curious about the things that had been calling him at the top of the tower, but in this case, Rod’s choice was to follow Tello first and see death. The lord of the city.

In Rod’s view, no matter what the top of the soul tower is, its importance is obviously not as important as the combination artifact in Shandru’s hands. There is only the existence of the combination artifact, and the power attached to it can make one's own The strength has undergone a qualitative change.

If it was because of the thing on the top of the tower that caused the original mission to fail, in Rohde's view, this might be more than a gain.

Through his own perception, Rod has already realized that this soul-recruiting tower is extremely unusual.

In Rhodes’s perception, even in terms of geographic location, this soul tower is not in the center of the entire city of death, but it is the true center of the flow of breath in the city of death. In the entire city of death, all the death energy that exists is operating under the control of this soul tower.

Just observing the appearance of the soul tower, Rod can feel a faint sense of oppression. The closer he gets, the more intense the oppression, and it can even suppress the attraction in Rod’s perception to a certain extent.

Rod realized that the existence of this tower of souls was obviously not as simple as he had imagined. There might be things on it that he didn't know, which seemed extremely extraordinary.

According to the information that Rhodes understands, since the entire city of death actually belongs to the territory of Stephen the Lich, the establishment of the Soul Tower in the city is obviously also closely related to Stephen's existence and her instructions.

Under this circumstance, Rhodes can only think that the things that exist on the tower of souls that attract him are also related to the existence of Stephen.

Due to the lack of existing intelligence, Rod knew that relying on his own speculation alone could not solve the doubts in Kaixin, nor could he deal with the current situation.

In Luode's view, the anomaly on the Tower of Souls may only be resolved after he fulfilled his original purpose.

At this time, Luo Luo took his gaze back from the position of the soul tower, and no longer paid attention to the soul tower in the city, but paid attention to other things.

Rod noticed that Tello beside him did not seem to feel any abnormality about the existence of the soul tower. According to Tello's words, he should have been to the City of Death beforehand.

Even if it was Rod himself, when looking at the direction of the soul tower, he would feel the death energy in his body tremble, as if he had been stimulated. However, this was indeed not reflected in Tello's body at all.

Tello didn't seem to be able to feel the situation on the soul tower, nor could he detect the anomaly in the death energy, only treating this soul tower as an ordinary building.

At this time, Tello's attention was obviously not on the tower of the soul in the city, but there were other things that he cared about.

This also made Rohde confirmed in his heart that the special thing on the tower of souls only produced this special call to himself, and the necromancers other than himself could not feel this.

After confirming this, Rohde was completely relieved at this time about the special things on the tower of souls, and he did not continue to think about it.

In Rod’s view, it was just as this special thing could exist on the tower of the soul in the City of Death before he arrived. Even if he does not pay attention to it, he does not have to worry about it disappearing. Perhaps only after solving the matters related to Sandru can we deal with this particular matter.

After realizing this, Rhode no longer paid attention to the existence of this special thing, but paid attention to other matters around him.

Rod noticed that in the process of moving forward, although he and Tello did not make any unusual actions, the arrival of himself and Tello still attracted the attention of many creatures.

As Tello said in the intelligence, Rod realized that most of the existences that paid great attention to his arrival were some special undead creatures, among which the number of real necromancers was almost negligible.

The cover of the dark sky undoubtedly gave these undead creatures the best shelter.

In Rod's sight, some undead creatures of other races even learned to dress as a necromancer, hiding their appearance under a black robe.

If it weren't for them, they would radiate death energy that was different from that of the Necromancer all the time. Looking at the appearance alone, it would be impossible to distinguish them from the ordinary Necromancer.

Rhode, who has legendary spiritism, naturally does not make any mistakes in distinguishing between undead creatures and necromancers.

Under the gaze of the surrounding undead creatures, Rhode could clearly realize that his arrival had already attracted their attention.

Due to the special environment in the City of Death, in an environment where almost all undead creatures exist, the arrival of the necromancer is naturally not an ordinary thing, and it easily attracts the attention of the surrounding undead creatures.

In addition to this, Rhodes also knew that these undead creatures would care about themselves, and also had a certain connection with the way they came.

The way Rhodes came to the City of Death was through the door of time and space opened by Stephen the Lich. That pitch-black gate of time and space, completely eroded by death energy, was enough to attract the attention of any undead creatures.

After undergoing various changes caused by the erosion of death energy, the spells displayed by the lich are often accompanied by features that can be easily identified. Any creature who knows this can judge whether a spell is Cast by the Lich.

Similarly, this is not only the appearance of the spell, but also changes due to death energy. Even the actual effect of the spell will be extremely close to the characteristics of the undead spell. Except for the real lich, all other creatures are It cannot be imitated.

Before that, when the gate of time and space was opened, the scenes produced by the undead creatures had already been seen in the eyes of the undead creatures that existed here. Through this gate of time and space that was cast by the lich, these undead creatures could also be able to , To determine the origin of Rod.

Different from the Necromancer, they often have a unique view on the liches and these special undead creatures that exist in Diya's territory.

And this is more obvious in the special undead creatures that exist in these cities of death.

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