Heroes And Invincible Undead Magic God

Chapter 796 Vampire Cloak 1

Seeing that this action of himself could not have any influence on Rhode, and it was difficult to feel any abnormality from the change of Rhode's expression, Tamick also put away his aura and restored his original state.

Looking at Rhodes on the side, Tamick didn't change his expression and said:

"Speaking of which, this is also related to your mission on this trip."

"When Sandro came to the City of Death, he did not hide his traces. Many vampires under me have noticed that the cloak he wears is the treasure of the vampire family."

"This special vampire cloak originally belonged to the native vampire family near the city of death, but it was lost in a witch attack not long ago. All vampires regret it, even me, when I think of the vampire cloak , I will also feel a pity in my heart."

"However, this treasure of the vampire family appeared on Sandro at this time, and he himself didn't have any intention to conceal it, which naturally attracted the attention of many vampires."

"If it weren't for my blocking, by now, the original vampires might all have attacked the soul tower where Sandrew is located. Of course, block these vampires to prevent their actions from offending the necromancer, who is also Master Stephen's. mean."

After learning the information from Tamick, Rhodes undoubtedly confirmed some conditions in his mind, and thus produced some new ideas.

What Rhode didn't expect was that the conflict between the two vampires mentioned by Tello before, the cause of the outbreak, turned out to be the arrival of Sandro and the vampire cloak on his body.

In places that Rhodes did not know, Sandro's actions had already caused a series of amazing changes. Such changes would not disappear with Rhodes's arrival, but instead affected Rhodes everywhere.

If it hadn't been for Rod to be a little concerned about the intelligence in Tello's words, and at this time, he deliberately asked the city lord Tamick, and he might have missed this important news.

"It is worth noting that the vampires under me, from the vampire cloak, felt an unusual breath. Although there is no information related to it, it is better than the attraction of death energy or other abilities. The original vampire cloak is too strong."

"According to Master Stephen's prediction, Sandro may have activated the true power of the vampire cloak through some means, and I don't know how he obtained this treasure."

Seeing that Rod did not respond for a while, Tamick continued to tell the information he knew.

Because of the existence of the vampire cloak, it involves many secrets in the vampire family, and it can even be said that it is a holy thing in the family. Creatures of other races, even the existence of necromancers, are also not qualified to understand these things.

It is precisely because of this that when Rod’s inquiry involved the vampire cloak, Tamick’s aura immediately changed. I hope that in this way, he can feel the panic in Rod’s heart and realize that he really is. Idea, but Rhode’s reaction was flawless.

As a vampire, even a hero, even if Tamick has long become a death knight under Stephen, in her heart, she still has a trace of respect for the holy objects of the clan.

If it hadn't been for the order given by Stephen, coupled with the abnormality that Tamick felt, she might not have waited for Rhode's arrival at all, so she would have shot Sandreu first, only for the vampire cloak that existed on her body.

At this time, when the vampire cloak and Lord's upcoming mission were related to a certain extent, Tamick hesitated for a while, then told Lord aside information about this powerful treasure. .

What was different from Tamick was that when Rhode learned of the existence of the vampire cloak from her mouth, some of the original thoughts in Rhode's heart were confirmed at this time.

According to the information that Rhodes understands, the existence of the vampire cloak is one of the components that constitute the cloak of the ghost king. At the same time, due to the correspondence between artifacts and components, the vampire cloak is also the most important artifact component.

When the ghost king's cloak is completely assembled, among all the corresponding artifact parts, the final carrier of the artifact's power is also the existence of the vampire cloak.

Rod knows that in this case, in order to fully exert the power of the artifact, the shape and effect of the vampire cloak itself will have great changes to achieve this.

Rhodes also confirmed these changes in the vampire cloak from Tamick's words.

From the information provided by Tamick, Rhodes was able to confirm that the reason why the vampire cloak had undergone such a change was precisely because this set of artifacts had been completely collected by Sandru.

Regarding this, it seems that even Stephen the Lich in the Tomb of Death had not accurately guessed it. He only thought that Sandro had activated the real power of the vampire cloak, without thinking of combining the artifacts.

Luo also learned about the deeds of combining artifacts in the game world from ancient books.

According to the information that Rhodes understands, the existence of combination artifacts, even for true legendary creatures, is something that can be met but not sought. How many powerful legendary creatures, in order to collect a complete set of combo artifacts and obtain the powerful power corresponding to the combo artifacts, they spend a lot of energy to find them, but it is difficult to achieve any results.

Under this circumstance, in the entire game world, there are not many occasions where the combination of artifacts really show up. Whenever artifacts appear, they will inevitably cause great disputes.

Based on this, Rhodes believes that even if Stephen the Lich learns from his men that the abnormal changes that occurred in the vampire’s cloak, he will not think about the combination artifact. After all, the appearance of the combination artifact, its corresponding power, Another level has been involved.

Although he was not aware of the emergence of the combination artifact, as a lich’s keen perception, Stephen had already realized that Sandru’s purpose was not simple, so he sent many men to investigate, even Luo who went to seek the secret method. De, was also assigned this task.

The information learned from Tamick made Rhode understand that Stephen had no knowledge of Sandro's possession of the artifact.

If Rhodes is only to complete the task, he only needs to report Sandru's two artifacts and the intelligence that Sandru will launch the Death Shadow campaign, and he will be deemed to have completed the task that Stephen confessed.

It's just that the idea in Rod's heart is not satisfied with this.

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