In the world of Hero Ashan, the arms system of the Tower Academy is roughly divided into three types.

One is the manufacturing department, that is, the puppet golem units represented by the 13th-level puppet colossus and the 14th-level titan. The manufacturing branch is also the largest and most powerful branch system in the Tower Academy. The representative force is the Silver City-State, which is the main empire of the Tower Academy in the heroic world of Ashan!

Second, the summoning system, that is, the summoning creature units represented by the 13th-level Arcane Condor and the 14th-level Shemo Condor. The strength and scale of the summoning department of Tower Academy is second only to the manufacturing department, and the representative force is the Seven Cities Alliance!

It is no exaggeration to say that the manufacturing department and the summoning department account for almost 90% of the entire Tower Academy’s military system!

And the remaining 10%, that is, the third, is the beastman type.

The 12th-level Naga Snake Demon Queen and Rakshasa Emperor, and the 2611-level Naga Snake Demon and King Rosa are the representative arms.

However, because the orc units of the Tower Academy do not have apex crowns or even god crowns, compared with the other two manufacturing and summoning units, the weight of the orc units is much lower!

But this is not to say that there are no beastman units in the world of Hero Ashan, there are no apex-ranked and god-ranked units, it’s just that there are no beastman units in the Tower Academy.

Speaking of the apex crown and god crown of the beastman system, it is the Beamon lineage!

Beamon, the crown of the 13th vertex!

The king of Behemoth Behemoths, the 14th-level god crown!

But isn’t this the crown of the stronghold beast clan? What’s the deal with the Tower Academy?

In fact, they are really related, and the relationship is not shallow.

In fact, the orcs in the Heroic Ashan world were created by the great mages of the Tower Academy. It was only later that the orcs rebelled against the Tower Academy and established themselves. They became one of the forces in today’s faction, the stronghold of the Orcs!

But there are also some orcs who did not choose to leave the Tower Academy and stayed here, thus becoming the third largest arm system of the Tower Academy. Beast Department of Tower Academy!

As for the diamond man, he is one of the units under the Manufacturing Department of the Tower Academy.branch! Metal Man Manufacturing Branch!

The core of the manufacturing department of the Tower Academy is mainly puppet golems. The most powerful and representative puppet colossi and titans also belong to the branch of puppet golems!

To put it bluntly, it is actually a puppet robot.

But the metal man produced by the metal man manufacturing branch is not like this. The more representative units of this unit system are stone men of level 5, iron men of level 6, gold men of level 10, crystal men of level 11, and diamond men of level 12!

The internal mechanism of the puppet robot is a large number of precise mechanical structures.

But the internal structure of the metal man is all made of metal materials!

Although they are all wisdom, they are indeed two structures. Two systems!

In addition, the advantages and disadvantages of Metal Man are also extremely obvious. Advantages, rough skin and thick flesh, strong attack power, disadvantages, slow action, simple intelligence, and extremely afraid of fire!

If measured by data, the damage of fire magic to metal man is at least 200% or more! And the lower the rank of the unit, the more ruthless and obvious the effect!

But having said that, the advantages of Metal Man still cannot be ignored!

Their blood volume is really high!

The damage is also really high!

It is no exaggeration to say that the blood volume and attack power of a diamond man of level 12 can almost compete with a bone dragon of level 13! Although the apex crown bone dragon of the undead camp has always had the title of shame of the apex crown, it is a genuine apex crown unit after all!

It’s really a terrifying thing that the diamond man’s blood volume and damage can be compared with it!

Because of this, as soon as Sicilino said this, Fade Chen immediately became interested and asked.

“Tell me, what’s going on?”

Sicilino looked carefully at the orange book “The Iron Factory of Despair” before speaking. “In the battle between hell and the Tower Academy faction tens of thousands of years ago, the demons of hell won consecutive victories like a broken bamboo! In the end, they even hit the hinterland of Tower Academy, where they wreaked havoc and destruction!! One of them was this The homeland of the diamond heroes, a castle of the archmage of the House of Towers.”

“They lost badly in that battle! The entire army was almost wiped out. In order not to let the demons of hell ruin their life’s efforts, before the city was broken, the archmages in that castle cast space magic at the cost of their lives, All the metal manufacturing factories in the castle have been teleported away…”

Speaking of this, Sicily Nor paused for a moment, with a strange expression on his face, and said.

“But they seem to be unlucky.”


Fade Chen was taken aback.


“Space magic transported those metal manufacturing factories to a different world plane, and that world plane is full of raging fire! It is a world completely constructed of flames.”


Fade Chen was speechless.

This is indeed a bit… No, it should be said that it is very unlucky!

ps: The previous one was wrongly written. It is not a 12th-level crystal man, but a 12th-level diamond man. It has been revised. Tell everyone. .

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