
At this moment, the Yingzhou sword master hero Hake Weng said again slowly,

At the same time, there was a trace of greed deep in his eyes.

“Even if it’s the worst plan, the sea unicorn egg can no longer hatch, but as long as the source of the crimson crown is still there, we must not give up!”

Although it is a very stupid way to snatch the origin of the Scarlet Crown from the Scarlet Crown!

This behavior is extremely cost-effective! It will also waste a lot of the source of the crimson crown…

However, I have to admit that this seemingly stupid behavior still makes many people, especially the orange leader hero, be moved by it! Even greed is everywhere, one after another!

Why? very simple.

Because under normal circumstances, the rank of a hero is almost fixed, and it is difficult to improve, but the origin of the crimson crown is one of the few and extremely effective heroes in the world of Ashan, which can increase the rank of a hero. Bits of the way one!

Take Hakeon himself as an example.

He himself is an s-level orange leader hero, but if he can get a certain amount of crimson crowns, he can easily evolve to an sss-level orange leader-hero!

That is the sss level orange leader hero!

The strongest under the crimson crown!

Because of this, he now clearly knows that the Scarlet Crown is not easy to mess with! But he still didn’t want to back down at all… because he wanted to get out this crimson crown-ranked sea unicorn egg!

Then, take away the origin of the crimson crown and help him evolve to the sss level!

As for the evolution to the crimson crown… He dare not think about such a thing. Also know that this is somewhat unrealistic. It means that it is no longer simply a question of the origin of the scarlet crown!

It also involves a lot of deep-seated things!

In short, just want to rely on the origin of the crimson crown to evolve to the crimson crown?

Three words, impossible…


At the same time, Eland XVII took a deep look at Huckon,

It was also obvious that he had guessed his plan.

But he didn’t say much. Firstly, Hai Qilindan’s horoscope has not yet been written off, so it’s useless to talk more… Secondly, although he is the king, the one who really has the final say in the Red Star Kingdom is Hakeon!

Hero Ashan World This world has the biggest fist.

Unless he wants to completely fall out with Huckon, otherwise, some things can only be played by ear… Tough? That’s no good at all!

Thinking of this, Yiland XVII shook his head, looked at another deep-sea Naga who was somewhat similar to Hakeon, the 11th-rank Yingzhou swordsman, and said in a deep voice.

“Tanster, leave this matter to you!”

“Now you immediately take 30 14th-order sea unicorns to the alien space of the starfish kingdom to meet the lord who has the green dragon hero! And tell him that the starfish kingdom must be destroyed! The sea unicorn eggs must also be let him hand it over…”

Speaking of this, Elland XVII changed the subject and said coldly.

“Otherwise, we will only meet on the battlefield…”

“Yes, Your Majesty the King!”

The 11th-rank Yingzhou sword master hero known as Tanste nodded, got up and left directly!

“My lord, the envoy of the Red Star Kingdom has arrived!”

In the alien space of Starfish Kingdom, Queen Tia found Fade Chen with a slightly flustered face and said.

“An envoy from the Red Star Kingdom?”

Fade Chen repeated casually,

Sure enough, it’s still here.

Immediately, he saw him saying calmly. “Where is the man? Let him come to see me!”

“He’s outside the alien space right now, and, and… Lord Lord, why don’t you go out and see for yourself.”


Queen Tia said in a panic.

Seeing this scene, Fade Chen froze for a moment, then frowned slightly, and stopped talking nonsense.

Going directly to the outside of that alien space!

Outside the alien space is an inconspicuous island.

At this moment, extremely terrifying scenes appeared in all directions of the island!

In an area with a radius of hundreds of thousands of meters, there are huge waves that are thousands of meters high, or even tens of thousands of meters high! They are constantly rising, falling, and tossing back and forth, as if covering the sky and blocking out the sun!

Surrounding the small island in the center is like a demonstration!

0 … …

And in the tumbling sea, Fade Chen could clearly see a majestic 14th-rank holy unicorn in the middle of it, and at the same time, he was looking at him with cold eyes…

【Holy Kirin】

Equal order: 14th order

Race, Qilin family

Life: 21000


Defense: 167

Damage: 289~333

Magic damage: 256~310

Talent skill: Thunderstorm (group attack magic skill. No matter where you go…)

Water element spirit body (can be between entity and water element spirit body…)

Immune to water magic (below level 5 magic…)

Water source increase (as long as you are in a water area or the sea, you can greatly increase the value of all attributes! The minimum is 15%, and the maximum is 60%. Currently, the value of all attributes is increased by 60%)

Tsunami (Holy Kirin can control the sea to form a tsunami with the power to destroy heaven and earth! The tsunami ability possessed by Holy Kylin can be superimposed, the highest limitIt is 30. After the tsunami ability of 30 holy unicorns is superimposed, it can reach the power of level 4 magic! )


“4, level 4 magic?!” Shan.

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