【Berugat Atlantis】

Gender: male

Level: 1 (up to level 90. You can get three attribute points for each level up. Attribute points can be added to the four basic attributes. Below level 15 is the juvenile stage, and the attributes are one-third of the adult stage. No attribute points will be obtained after the long-term upgrade.”

Race: Qilin family

Level template: Crimson crown

Hero occupation: Sea Kylin (Level 13)

Attack: 43 ( )

Defense: 41 (96)

Strength: 4 (33)

Knowledge: 11 (31)

Health value: 5000,

Damage: 144~211

Speed: 14.

Hero Skills: Defense (Level 1), Offense (Level 1), Water Magic Proficiency (Level 1)…

Hero talent: Sea God (as long as it is in an area with water, all attribute values ​​can be greatly increased! The minimum is 20%, and the maximum is 100. Currently, all attribute enhancement values ​​are 100%)

Qilin ruler level 1 (it can increase the original attack power and defense power of the sea unicorn of the 13th-level unit under his command. The initial value is 3%. It will continue to increase as the hero level increases. The highest value becomes 33%!)

Clouds and rain (can control the power of clouds and rain in nature, so as to change the fertility of the land and the comfort of the environment)

Tsunami level 1077 (can manipulate the sea water in the sea to form a tsunami with destructive power! It is divided into five levels, the lethality of level 3 tsunami is comparable to level 4 magic!)

Traveling in the deep sea (No matter how deep the deep sea is, it can’t stop the Qilin family from walking! The sea is the Qilin family’s home, they can come and go freely)

Spirit body changes (the sea unicorn family can change into a water-type spirit body at any time. At that time, the damage of water-type magic will increase by 20%, the casting speed of water-type magic will increase by 30%, the blood volume will decrease by 15%, and the damage received will decrease by 10%)

Water magic immunity (level 1-3 water magic immunity, level 4 water magic damage reduced by 50%, level 5 water magic damage reduced by 5%)

Comprehensive assessment: C-level crimson crowned hero!


Seeing this exaggerated panel attribute value, Fade Chen couldn’t help opening his mouth, and gasped on the spot!

As if inheriting the ‘excellent tradition’ of the top crowned sea unicorn and the god crowned holy unicorn, the number of innate skills of this sea unicorn hero is as high as 7!

7 innate skills!

What concept?

Twice as much as when Sicilino and Ciarina were born!

Perhaps it is also because of this that the comprehensive evaluation of this little guy’s system has surprisingly reached the extremely terrifying level of ‘C-level crimson crown’! It is the same as the original Sicilino!

However, he could still tell that among the seven innate skills of Berugart, flying clouds and rain, and traveling in the deep sea can only be regarded as ‘not bad’. It belongs to the most basic auxiliary talent skills!

The spirit body changes, the ruler of the unicorn, these two natural skills are not bad, they belong to the relatively high-quality category! Whether it is practicality or value, it will be slightly higher than the first two!

And the last tsunami, sea god, and water magic immunity can be called core combat skills!

The tsunami is a group attack,

The Sea God has greatly improved his personal strength!

Immunity to water magic is an absolute defense to some extent…

The combination of these three core skills makes Belugat, once he grows up successfully, definitely a boss existence like an invincible big devil in the sea! Even if it is the top powerhouse who is also the crimson crown, I am afraid, it will be difficult to please him…

After all, being able to have a 100% increase in all attribute values ​​​​in this sea is no joke! 100% power bliss, even for the existence of the crimson crown, it is crushingsituation!

“Especially this water magic immunity, it’s a god-level skill!”

There is a saying that is good, don’t be afraid of high damage, just be afraid that you won’t be able to move!

And this water-type magic immunity is completely a typical example of ‘untouchable’!

It is no exaggeration to say that once they are archmages who are good at water-type magic, or heroes of marine units who mainly use water-type magic, when they see Berugat, it will definitely be like a son meeting his father!

Will be beaten in all directions!

Thinking of this, an excited smile appeared on Chen Fan’s face. He was very satisfied with this little guy, Belugat, who had just joined their Green Dragon City family!

It is conceivable that once this Berugat, like Ciarina and Sicilino, truly grows up, it will definitely be a frightening and trembling existence in the sea!

At that time, their Green Dragon City can be regarded as completely able to gain a firm foothold in this sea, and even grow stronger!

“The next step is to cooperate with the Unicorn Principality…”

The sea unicorn hero Berugat hatched successfully,

Chen Fei’s thoughts and attention began to shift to the other side again!

Although the Scarlet Star Kingdom was defeated by their Green Dragon City this time,

However, the opponent’s overall strength is still far above their Green Dragon City!

That is to say, if it is one-on-one, it must be an opponent! It is necessary for his cooperation with the Unicorn Principality to continue, in order to stabilize the current situation, and even make the Unicorn Principality dare not act rashly…

Thinking of this, Fade Chen looked at Naciarina, Bitulas, and Efa.

“The three of you go back first. There’s nothing else going on here. If there’s anything else going on, I’ll let you know.”

Now that the two-way portal has been established, the relationship between the Starfish Kingdom and the Green Dragon City is equivalent to the front yard and the back yard. They can be reached in just one step, so there is no need for them to stay here any longer!

After all, today’s eastern battlefield is an excellent holy place to spawn monsters! Because in fact, most of the army in the dungeon is just probing, and they haven’t launched a large-scale attack, or are out in force!

So there is not much danger yet,

Taking advantage of how many more levels can be obtained now, how many levels, this kind of great opportunity must be seized!

“Yes, Master!”

“Understood, my lord…”

“Then let’s go back first, master.”

Cialina and Efa looked at each other. Although she was a bit reluctant to part with Fade Chen, she also knew the priority of the matter. Their top priority now is to ensure Efa’s promotion to the second awakening as soon as possible! In this world, it’s best not to waste time…

Soon, Ciarina, Efa, and Bituras returned to Green Dragon City through the two-way portal deep in the Starfish Kingdom!

Fade Chen also arrived at Coral Fortress again, and discussed with Marquis Luke, who represents the Unicorn Principality, and Templar Knight Torres, the future alliance and cooperation…

ps: Update one

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