It is true that metal makers have a long lifespan, but the problem is, this does not mean that they can really live forever! It has been hundreds of thousands of years since Turance was born.

It is no exaggeration to say that he has already lived enough.

Because of this, he is not afraid of death,

And now before he dies, he also wants to do some more important things…

For example, let my clansmen fulfill their dreams and return to the main world, and how to let them continue their last wish and return to the Tower Academy! Take a look at their former hometown…

And seeing this scene,

Fade Chen silently looked at Turens,

To be honest, his current mood is a bit complicated.

I also admire Turrance very much!

Self-sacrifice for others is easy to say, but it’s too difficult when you actually do it!

And Turence’s ability to do this now is truly respectful and admirable.

“Yes, but…”

Kacro was emotional and wanted to say something, but was interrupted directly by Turens.

“Okay, let’s go, is it because you don’t even listen to me now?”

“No, I, I, I…Okay…” Kacrook looked excited, but in the end he didn’t dare to disobey Turence’s words, and silently stepped aside.

At the same time, Turens looked at Fade Chen, and it was obvious that his condition was not good enough, and his tone became weaker, said. “Green Dragon City Lord, there is only so much I can give, please…”

“Needless to say, I promise you!”

Fade Chen sighed, interrupted, and said without hesitation. “The time limit of the contract doesn’t need to be a thousand years, let’s just ten years, after ten years, stay as they want, I will never force it!”

Hearing this, a relieved smile suddenly appeared on Turence’s face.

“Thank you……”

Turance said slowly, and at the same time, his body began to glow, crystal clear and extremely dazzling… And this scene also made Qinggang man Kacro, golden man Arubaqiu and other diamond men, Qinggang man, gold man, and iron man all be shocked. Get excited!

If it wasn’t for the fact that they didn’t have tears, they would have burst into tears long ago!

Plop! thump! thump……

In the next moment, they all knelt down, kowtowed and shouted,

“Master Turens!”

“Everyone, live well, and, take a look at my hometown for me…”

The faint voice gradually faded until finally, it completely disappeared.

And when the dazzling light disappeared, the figure of the diamond man Turens completely disappeared, replaced by a crimson crown source filled with terror.

And, a metal heart full of diamonds!


“Congratulations to the player Tsing Yi Wuhen for obtaining the D-level scarlet crown (disabled)!”

“Congratulations to player Tsing Yi Wuhen for getting the Diamond Heart!”

The source of the d-level crimson crown (remnant), the original power of the crimson crown that contains powerful power, but it is already incomplete. Remaining energy: 13%. It can be used on heroes and ordinary arms below the A-level crimson crown and below the 14th-level god crown!

Diamond Heart, the Diamond Man energy gem that contains powerful power, has an extremely miraculous effect.

“May I ask if the player Tsing Yi Wuhen uses it?”

Fade Chen was stunned for a moment, then fell silent. Think silently.

“The origin of the d-level crimson crown. If nothing else, this should be the same as the rank of the hero of the unit. There are six levels: d, c, b, a, s, and sss! In other words, this should be considered the lowest rank. The origin of the crimson crown of quality, and it is still incomplete… Then this should not be of great help to Ciarina, Sicilino, and Berrugat, right?”

Xialina is the C-level crimson crown,

Sicilino and Belugat are both b-level crimson crowns!

It stands to reason that the incomplete d-level crimson crown source should not be of great help to them…

But for the sake of caution, Fade Chen still waved to Berrugat.

“Berugart, come here.”


Berugart immediately approached.

“Is this thing of great help to your level of crimson crown?” Fade Chen asked while holding the source of the crimson crown in his hand.


Berugart glanced at the origin of the crimson crown in Fade Chen’s hand, and estimated. “It shouldn’t be too big. As far as the crimson crowns are concerned, the original quality of this group of crimson crowns is low, and the strength is too serious. If you give it to me, there will be no obvious improvement, and it’s not just me. , all the crimson crowns should be the same. But what they said…”

Berrugat glanced at Qinggang Renkacrocodile and the others,

Only then did he continue.

“This thing should be of great help to their level!”

As soon as this remark came out, Fade Chen immediately understood it! This incomplete source of the crimson crown should not be of much help to the real crimson crown, but for the orange leader hero, it should be of great value!

“Isiram, can’t you use this thing?”

Fade Chen asked Isiram again.

Although it was clearly written on the item introduction, he still had some luck. If Isiram can use this thing to really embark on the road of becoming a hero of the arms, then he will wake up laughing from a dream!

After all, what is the concept of a crimson crown who was born in the crown of the gods? Even B-rank reds like Sicilino and BerrugatThe red crowns are all younger brothers, so they all have to stand aside! .

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