Chapter 92 Top of the Alliance Qualifying Tournament! It’s officially on! New heroes reappear!!!

This is always the case in League games, and it is normal for skins to have no stat bonuses in the game.

But in reality, preciousness is directly linked to strength bonuses!

The bonuses of other skins are not yet known, but it is not difficult to see from the many bonuses of the champion skin how terrifying the role of the skin in reality really is!

Thankfully, League Games doesn’t have a top-up entrance.

Otherwise, Ye Fei really may not be able to reach the first echelon of the alliance game.

When the dust settled, he checked the Top of the League option by the way when he clicked the qualifying button.

[Dear Alliance Game Summoner, the core purpose of the Top of the Alliance Ranked Tournament is to further improve the competitive quality of the high-end ranked summoners of the Alliance Game, and incubate and tap game talents for your country]

[Opening conditions: Top 100 in the urban area of the hero combat power list / Summoner rank list / Top 100]

Immediately afterwards, officially enter the hero selection page.

Familiar light curtain, familiar interface, familiar BAN bit!

The impressive arrangement is reflected in front of you, showing the well-designed pattern!


In the darkness, someone suddenly spoke.

The perspective turned, and the fog in front of Ye Fei’s eyes dissipated.

Finally, I can see the faces of my four teammates!

The peculiarity of the top of the Union lies in.

Enter the Summoner Selection page, and next to your ID name, your ranking and hero score will be displayed in the corresponding city’s hero battle power list.

Ye Fei roughly glanced at his teammates’ ranking scores.

Square-faced youth, 78th in Magic City, grade B.

Horsetail loli, 81st in the capital, rated B.

Uncle Mediterranean, 97th in Magic City, grade B.

And one more…

Sister Gao Leng!!! 4th place in the city, rated S!

“Wow, everyone is so ranked. Well!!!! ”

“Big sister, you are actually the fifth place in the capital city!! Thigh! Thigh! ”

The ponytailed loli hurriedly glanced at the city ranking on several teammates D, hero rating.

When he swept the D of that cold royal sister, he couldn’t help but be excited.

Sister Gao Leng Yu did not look so indifferent, and faced with such a cute and cute loli, she changed her cold and high face in the past, and instead replied gently: “My sister is also very powerful, there are only a few girls on the list in the capital!” Much better than those boys! ”

“Hee-hee… Big sister is too good at boasting people! ”

“People are beautiful, dressed stylishly, and know big sisters!!!”

The ponytailed loli carried her hands behind her back and said to Gao Leng Royal Sister.

The conversation between the two girls apparently attracted three male teammates to stop and watch…

The square-faced young man saw Gao Leng Royal Sister’s heroic combat power ranking, and couldn’t help but admire: “It’s really the country that doesn’t let the beard eyebrows!” If my guess is correct, then you should be the most famous goddess of war in the capital city, right? There have been a lot of posts talking about you on the forums over there lately! ”

“Cow’s of cow!”

“It’s too much, it’s all blown out by those marketing numbers.”

Sister Gao Leng replied indifferently.

“Speaking of the capital, I remember a few girls playing well! For example, this little sister, the fact that the league game can be played to this point is completely a strength factor! ”

Uncle Mediterranean said with a smile.

As the summoner of the magic city, Uncle Mediterranean knows a lot about the capital city, which is worthy of admiration!

Just when Uncle Mediterranean was about to praise Gao Leng Imperial Sister again.

Her clear eyes instantly changed, covering her mouth with that small hand, unable to speak for half a day…

Slim Finger trembled slightly, because she noticed Ye Fei’s presence in a flashing eye while observing her teammates.

After all, at this time, he silently listened to the discussion of his teammates on the sidelines, without making a sound, like a transparent person.

“Ye… Fei? ”

The expression on Gao Leng Royal Sister’s face was very exciting.

“Which Ye Fei?”

Uncle Mediterranean asked his doubts very puzzled, and then focused on Ye Fei’s summoner ID.

In the next second, his legs instantly weakened, and he was almost unstable and almost fell!

“Rub! Magic City No. 1? Hero Rating SSS? Big brother, are you the big god of fighting wild on the bronze streak of more than fifty consecutive victories on the hot post recently? ”

“Reingal! Kazik!!! ”

“Steady! This is stable! ”

Can enter the top of the alliance, which one is not a human spirit? Which one is not strong?

Even if their rank was not much different from Ye Fei, everyone clearly understood what kind of concept the bronze was in Quansheng!

“Great God of the Magic Capital! Hit the light of the wild! The Dragons’ most powerful campaigner! The talent pool of the General Office of the Alliance is entered into the player! ”

Ye Fei responded with a smile, and did not choose to speak again.

The ponytail loli’s eyes lit up at this moment, and the sense of worship for the hero in her heart rose rapidly, and she couldn’t help but speak: “Lord Ye Fei, it is rumored that the third of your bronze victories on the black iron is ranked among the GI Club’s substitutes, right?” It seems that he still took a five kills in that handle! Hammer the opposite head with the Void Marauder-Kazik! ”

“It seems that after the end of the game, there was indeed a person who claimed to be a substitute for the GI club who asked me if I wanted to go to their club.”

Everyone: “!!! ”

“An invitation to a professional club?!”

Square-faced youth: “Didn’t you say!” Ye Fei God already has the level of a professional gamer? ”

Uncle Mediterranean: “Aren’t you talking nonsense here?” A lot of professional players in Modu esports failed to make that list! ”

The square-faced youth did not have any contemplation, and directly retorted: “Then you, I am in the top 100 of the Magic Capital Hero Combat Power Ranking, do you think we both have the potential to become professional players?” ”

“Ahem. Not really! A professional player is more than just a hero! Many heroes they can play flowers, unlike us, each one only plays the same hero! ”

“But Lord Ye Fei is different! Raingar was BAN! People are forced to play Void Marauder – Kazik! ”

Uncle Mediterranean’s words took out his heart and lungs, but also gave several other teammates a shot in the arm!

“This update seems to have increased the BAN bit to two?”

“Oops! Reingal, Kazik are all likely to be banned! ”

The square-faced youth confided his opinions and opinions.


“Then ban it!”

“Just play…”

Ye Fei recalled that this time the version update content, BAN bits were indeed increased to two!

Everyone looked at him with a look of great recollection, and the sense of respect in their hearts became deeper and deeper!

A great god is a great god! His two signature heroes are banned, and they can still be so indifferent and fearless!

Illustrate. Ye Fei’s signature unique hero must be more than one!

Besides, just have fun!

I have to say that the Selection League Top Qualifying Tournament can still be said to be a summoner who plays casually, how many can there be?

If it were changed to someone else, maybe the square-faced youth and the Mediterranean uncle would not care about the image in front of the beautiful woman, and began to spray wildly, greetings!

However, the summoner who said this sentence was Ye Fei!

No. 1 on the list of heroes of the magic city! The Proud Stalker – Raingar and the Void Marauder – the founder of Kazik! Proficient in all kinds of wilderness, anti-wild ideas!

This calm! This is true! This one is fearless!

Good guy, it’s on fire straight to the start!

The ponytail loli saw that Ye Fei didn’t care, casually playing with the attitude… So he quickly asked Ye Fei, “It doesn’t matter if you ban it?” Does Lord Ye Fei still have a unique hero? ”


Ye Fei’s words are like gold, the first time he met this pony-tailed loli girl, he must show his high pressure and mystery…

“Heeheehee, can you reveal to us in advance that it is a hero of Shenma?”

“Yes, yes, yes! Is it the same type of wild hero as Raingar and Kazik? I saw that hot post about being bombed by Reingal a few days ago, and it directly gave me a laugh overnight! ”

“Raingar and Kazik are buggy enough! Ye Fei also established other different types of heroes? ”

“Handsome, it’s over, don’t keep asking people what hero to choose, the great god also has secrets, right?”

The four teammates were engaged in a series of inquiries, and Ye Fei was almost a little overwhelmed.

Could it be that his fame is already so great?

“Am I hot?”

Ye Fei has indeed visited forums and other social platforms, but he only reads the kind of posts and discussions with titles that arouse his interest…

As for those bitter stickers, war stickers…

He mostly filters it out automatically!

The ponytailed loli heard Ye Fei ask, and said without hesitation.

“yes! It’s hot, it’s hot! ”

“These are still several social platforms after the General Office of the Alliance cleansed the network…”

“That scene before, moisture! Every day is a discussion about Ye Fei! ”

“However! Raingar and Kazik are really handsome! That operation, that detail, that reaction speed! Love love, love! ”

“Is that so…?”

Ye Fei nodded affirmatively.

“Although it is said that Reingal and Kazik will be banned, but what.”

“I still have three or five new heroes in other positions.”

“Groove… I didn’t expect that the online upload was true! A package of new heroes in Ye Fei’s Great God Warehouse! ”

“Before I wondered, how come there are a few new pages on the hero BAN selection page. Face, it turns out that Ye Fei has established a hero again! ”

“In the future, if you want to know whether Ye Fei has established a new hero, just look directly at whether a new hero avatar appears on the BAN selection interface!”

Ye Fei, who was the first in the Magic City Hero Battle Power List in the team, was infinitely amplified by the confidence of several teammates!

The whole team became active.

Coupled with the fact that the top of the league is only accessible to the top 10 summoners of the leaderboard, everyone basically only plays their own unique heroes, so in terms of hero selection…

Nothing to think about!

But which way to go. It becomes a big problem!

Fortunately, with Ye Fei establishing three new heroes, he can now be regarded as a swing man in the true sense!

In almost every position, he has a corresponding hero!

“I’ll fight wild with a charge boxer.”

Sister Gao Leng pondered for a long time and decided to use her heroes on the hero battle power ranking.

After all, this game has a high-end summoner like Ye Fei, and he is not afraid of failure!

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