Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 1,061 Withdrawing Help

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In the center of New York City, in the medical room inside the Stark Industrial Building, Peter was carefully putting Lin Rui into the medical warehouse, a place where he had only been out for two weeks. Behind Peter, Tony and Harry came over with very ugly expressions. Tony could still maintain a basic composure, but Harry completely showed his anger on his face.


"Is this the reward for the earth mage lineage for helping us? Let Jackson be beaten to death like this?!" After the door of the medical bay where Lin Rui was lying was closed, Harry finally couldn't help but roared out in a low voice .

Hearing Harry's growl, Peter, who had just put down Lin Rui and was still covered in Lin Rui's dried blood, had an angry look in his eyes. Carrying Lin Rui back all the way, Peter was afraid that something would happen to Lin Rui in his arms. Now looking at Lin Rui who was undergoing basic cleaning in the medical warehouse, Peter's anger that had been suppressed just now also came out.

"No matter what reasons the mage has, they must give us a good explanation. Otherwise..." After Harry roared, Peter also spoke.

Peter originally wanted to say that he wanted to give the earth mages a good look, but halfway through, he remembered that the other party was a group of mysterious magicians, and they really might not be able to defeat them. If Peter and the others had not seen the power of mages before, then this time, they have really seen how powerful these magicians who look like magic sticks are. Just look at Lin Rui's appearance now. .

"Otherwise, what else do you want? What happened this time was entirely caused by Jackson. If he didn't take the initiative to take on the thankless task of helping the earth mages deal with their betrayers, he wouldn't have done it at all. Encountered such a thing." When Peter was stuck, Tony, whose face had always been calm, spoke.

Unlike Harry and Peter, who were angry at the actions of the Earth mages, Tony was more like a man who hated his children for being disadvantaged. You know, when Lin Rui told Tony and others that the earth would be invaded by evil wizards from other dimensions, although Tony believed it, he did not particularly support Lin Rui in helping the earth's mages.

Because, in Tony's opinion, what happens in the magical world should be solved by the mages, and those in the real world should be responsible for protecting the earth from normal crises.

Moreover, Lin Rui's decision to help the Earth Mage lineage this time was obviously very hasty, as if there was something behind his back that pushed him to do this. Although Lin Rui often did similar things in the past, this time he faced a different mage than before, which meant that many of their methods were useless.

As for Lin Rui himself, he was very attentive. After deciding to help the mage lineage, he even went to the Himalayas alone and stayed there for three days.

Under the influence of Lin Rui's actions, SHIELD, Tony and the Guardian Alliance also tried their best to protect the New York Guardian Temple. Even after Lin Rui's reminder, S.H.I.E.L.D. arranged special operations teams near the two guardian temples in London and Hong Kong.

Not long after Lin Rui returned home to New York, the traitor Casillas appeared and secretly built a mirror world to cover the entire street, including the location of the Guardian Temple. Originally, if Lin Rui didn't go in, nothing would happen. At worst, Casillas led his men to break through the guardian temple. Maybe they can't break it. After all, the ancient mage is watching in secret.

The key is that when Lin Rui discovered the mirror space, he rushed in without hesitation. And he didn't hide after entering the mirror space. Instead, he boldly provoked Casillas, who even dared to fight the ancient mage. You know, Casillas is already one of the most outstanding mages under the Ancient One. Even if Lin Rui smiles and his strength increases, he still doesn't have much chance of winning against Casillas.

Therefore, it is no surprise that even if Lin Rui used the things that happened to Casillas to touch his heart, he was still beaten to death. Moreover, in order to escape from Casillas' hands, Lin Rui burst into a sea of ​​consciousness, which was a very dangerous behavior. Especially after being reminded by Ghost Rider Johnny, Lin Rui should pay more attention to the safety of his sea of ​​consciousness.

"But! Jackson became like this just to help them!..." Peter said very angrily after hearing Tony's words.

A few days ago, when Lin Rui and Peter said that evil wizards from other dimensions would come to the earth to cause trouble, Peter was very excited because he finally had something to do again. If he knew that this incident would make Lin Rui like this, maybe he wouldn't be so excited at the time, but would advise Lin Rui to be cautious.

Now, before seeing the evil wizards from other dimensions, Lin Rui was almost beaten to death by a traitor from the mage lineage on Earth. And because of the incomprehensible procrastination of the mages this time, several alliance forces closely related to Lin Rui have completely changed their views on the mages. Perhaps, in the crisis that the earth is about to encounter, they will not intervene because of the Phantom Knight's serious injury.

"Well, so let's see what are the consequences of his help? This time, let's not interfere too much." Of course Tony knew that Peter was feeling unworthy and angry for Lin Rui, but they could also use another way to do it. Express your attitude.

After Tony and the others rescued Lin Rui, all the special operations teams that SHIELD had deployed near the three guardian temples had been withdrawn. Tony and Harry, who originally bought almost the entire street, also removed all their surveillance and teams. Now, except for the Guardian Temple in the center of Greenwich Village, the remaining properties are Stark. Industry and the Osborn Group, and they will no longer protect the Guardian Temple.

"Yes! We shouldn't interfere! I have already withdrawn all the people I arranged, and they don't need our help." After hearing Tony's words, Harry continued to speak.

Since successfully developing the Titan series of gene-enhancing agents, the Osborne Group has also trained a group of people who voluntarily underwent transformation with enhanced genetic agents. After all, there are always people in this world who are not living as they wish, or who are already disabled. After being transformed by enhanced genetic agents, these people became super-soldier-like beings, and Osborne also had a group of strong teams. If Lin Rui hadn't insisted on helping this time, Harry wouldn't have let this group of people come out.

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