Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 1094 Jack saves people

Back in time a few seconds ago, at the moment when Lin Rui's fist and Thor's fist clashed in the air, the two parties' powerful energy collided and became entangled for a moment, and neither one could completely defeat the other immediately. However, this energy balance only lasted a short time before it was broken. Next, there was an energy explosion that was countless times stronger than before.



At a position about five or six meters away from the sand, countless thunderbolts mixed with various natural forces and cyan internal energy quickly exploded in all directions. The figures of Thor and Lin Rui were completely covered and disappeared in these energy bursts, and it is not known what their current situation is.


When a powerful energy shock wave erupted in the center of the battlefield, Jack, who was guarding the edge of the protective shield, had already frowned and quickly formed seals. Although Jack knew that his protective shield could not block the energy impact, he still had to try his best to reduce the impact of the shock wave two hundred meters away.


After a quick series of seals, the protective cover that had turned transparent and invisible once again showed some faint golden light. After adding some marks to the protective cover, Jack quickly drew a circle in front of him with his right hand. Then, a magical space portal appeared directly in front of him.


As soon as the magic space portal appeared, the energy shock wave erupted from the center of the battlefield and swept over. The shock wave that rushed in front of Jack was diverted away by the magic space portal, and Jack, who was hiding behind, was safe and sound. However, the remaining energy shock wave continued to sweep out towards the outer desert after being partially consumed by the protective shield.

"Fortunately, this is the Sahara Desert, otherwise..." Feeling the consumption of the magical energy of his protective shield, Jack, standing behind the magic space portal, was somewhat grateful that Lin Rui and the others chose this battlefield.

However, before Jack could finish his sentence, his eyes flashed suddenly, "Huh?! How could there be anyone there!?"


Without having time to think too much, Jack quickly waved his hand and drew a magical space portal behind him. The next moment, he had already stepped in and left the battlefield.


When Jack came out of this magical space portal, he was already standing on the top of a small sand dune not far from the battlefield. In front of Jack, several people were lying on the sand with dull faces, watching the energy shock waves rushing out from the battlefield in front of them.

Needless to say, these people are Professor Esther and his friends who were attracted by the thunderstorm just now. After being reminded by the mercenary captain just now, they saw a golden bowl-shaped cover suddenly flash out on the empty sand in front of them, like a magical scene or a mirage. Then, bursts of thunder and other intertwined energy shocks that had just disappeared suddenly rushed out from the glittering bowl-shaped cover.

Seeing this scene in front of them, Professor Esther and others were frightened. Because they all intuitively felt that the scene in front of them was not a mirage, and the things rushing in front of them posed a threat to their lives. And even if they were not frightened, with all the energy they had exhausted by climbing up the sand dune, they would not be able to run away at this time. Even the three mercenaries who still have some physical strength are just recovering from the shock at this time.

"Quick! Let's go!..." The mercenary captain who had just recovered looked at the energy shock waves in front of him sweeping across the sand and rushing over quickly. He screamed and tried to run behind Wang Dune.

At this time, all he could do was to remind loudly that when life and death were in danger, he could not possibly care about those employers who could not get up. Moreover, he may not be able to escape. However, just when the mercenary captain stood up and turned around, he suddenly froze. Because someone stood behind him at some point, and he was not from their team.


After being stunned for a moment, the mercenary captain stopped caring about why there was an extra person. His life was at stake now. Then, he moved his legs to rush past the person in front of him. However, the leg he stepped out stopped in mid-air. No, his whole body stopped, as if he was under a restraining spell.

"It's too late. Let's get you out of here first." Then, the mercenary captain raised one foot and stood there with a shocked look on his face when he heard the stranger in front of him suddenly say such a sentence.

After hearing what the man in front of him said, the mercenary captain, who was frightened by his current inability to move, saw a scene that he would never forget. After the stranger in front of him finished speaking, he quickly drew circles with his right hand. Then, a golden halo appeared in front of him out of thin air. Needless to say, the man who suddenly appeared behind these people was Jack.


The next moment, Jack waved his right hand forward, and the golden halo quickly covered the mercenary captain and the few people lying on the ground who were also motionless. As if performing acrobatics, the golden halo of light surrounded those people. Then, those people disappeared out of thin air, and under Jack's control, the golden halo of light that rushed out quickly covered the few guys who had not come up below the dune.


Soon, those who did not follow were all teleported away from the desert by Jack using the magic space portal. After doing this, Jack sensed the surroundings again, and after confirming that there was no one else, he took a step back from school and walked into the magical space portal that came back again and disappeared.


The next moment Jack rescued those people, the small sand dune was pushed flat by the energy shock waves. Even if those people had the strength to run just now, they could only be swept away by the terrifying and destructive energy after running two steps, turning them into ashes that were indistinguishable from the Sahara Desert.

After sweeping across this small sand dune, these intertwined energy shock waves still rushed out for almost five hundred meters before gradually consuming all their energy and disappearing. However, in the area swept by this energy shock wave, the ground that was originally a piece of yellow sand turned into a magical crystal shape. It was obvious that the physical structure was changed by the high-intensity energy.

After the energy shock wave dissipated in the outside world, the storm in the protective cover also stopped. Jack, who came back after rescuing people, was standing on the edge of the battlefield and carefully sensing the situation in the center, but he couldn't sense anything. It was as if Thor and Lin Rui were both stunned during this fierce battle. It exploded into ashes.

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