Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 1101 Loki VS Jack 3

Jack had already noticed something was wrong when the dust gathered together. Therefore, after the huge red flower appeared, Jack did not hesitate to form another seal to control the magic circle suspended above his head and continue to release those pieces. A powerful fireball.

Hoo ho ho!

The next moment, fireballs emitting scorching flames poured out from the magic circle again, hitting the giant budding flower in front of them. Although the flower was much larger than the previous plants, it was impossible to hold on under so many fireball attacks.

Buzz buzz~

Seeing those fireballs about to attack the flower, the originally quiet flower suddenly started to tremble. Then, the closed petals of the budding flower quickly opened layer by layer. Originally, the diameter of the flower bud was already three to four meters, but now that the petals are fully opened, the flower has reached a size of six or seven meters.


The flower with all its petals opened seemed to sense the approaching fireballs. It swayed for a while and did not avoid it. Instead, it actively raised its roots and faced the fireballs. At this time, this giant flower looked like a carnivorous beast with its mouth wide open, and the fireballs that hit it seemed like its prey. However, in reality, can it really swallow those fireballs?

Puff puff!

In the blink of an eye, all those fireballs had smashed into the stamens of the fully open giant flower. However, the imagined scene of the fireball knocking down the flower and burning the entire rhizome did not happen. The fireballs that smashed into the flowers seemed to be extinguished instantly, without even making a sound. The giant flower swayed and continued to swallow the continuous fireballs in the air. Its target seemed to be the higher magic circle!

"How is that possible!..." Seeing with his own eyes that those fireballs smashed into the stamens of the flower but had no effect at all, Jack stood under the magic circle and shouted in shock.


Just as Jack was stunned and stunned for a moment, the huge flower had already swallowed more than a dozen fireballs and moved toward the magic circle in mid-air. After the rhizomes rooted in the bottom of the pit supported the huge flowers and grew to the bottom of the magic circle, the petals that were already in full bloom expanded a lot, and they were already much larger than the golden magic circle above.

Then, in the surprised eyes of Jack and Lin Rui at the edge of the pit, the giant flower swallowed up the magic circle in mid-air. The flower that swallowed the magic circle seems to have some indigestion. The closed petals are bulging inside, and a disc shape can be clearly seen supporting them inside. Moreover, bursts of strong bursting sounds continued to come from the layers of petals.

"So what if you swallow it?! I don't believe you can really solve my magic so easily!" Seeing the giant flower swallowing his own magic circle, Jack standing on the ground did not stop sealing his hand and looked at it. Drink this sharply.


As the seals in Jack's hand continued to change, the magic fluctuations coming from inside the giant flower that swallowed the magic circle became more and more intense. The huge petals that were closed layer by layer seemed to be no longer able to suppress the resisting magic circle inside, and golden rays of light slowly came out from the gaps in the petals.


However, just as Jack was trying hard to control the magic circle swallowed by the giant flower to release violent energy and struggle out, Loki, who originally disappeared after emerging from the plants, reappeared not far in front of Jack. Loki, who reappeared, looked at the giant flower that seemed to be about to burst in mid-air, and then inserted the scepter in his hand into the ground again.


After a soft sound, the end of the scepter in Loki's hand was inserted into the bottom of the pit. Then, a burst of energy was quickly transmitted to the ground, and was quickly absorbed by the giant flower plant rooted in the ground not far away.

The giant flower plant that absorbed this special magical energy seemed to be on hormones. The rhizome, which was originally as thick as a person, more than doubled in size in an instant, and the flower on the top that was about to burst seemed to have been stimulated by something. The petals that were already translucent and glowing with golden light instantly turned bright red, and quickly closed and squeezed inwards.

Crunch! Puff puff!

After a few crisp squeezing sounds, there was a sound of something breaking from the giant flower. After the sound came out, the flower that had been stretched gradually returned to its normal shape, turning into a flower-shaped flower again, and also made a movement similar to swallowing. As the flower closed and swallowed, a golden light quickly passed from the bottom of the flower along the thick rhizome, and soon disappeared at the rhizome.

After the giant flower completely closed and swallowed the magic circle, Jack, who had been insisting on forming the seal just now, turned pale and his hands dropped while trembling. Obviously, Jack had lost control of the broken magic circle. Originally, Jack was planning to let the magic circle explode before it shattered, but at the last moment, Jack lost control of the magic circle and could only watch as the giant flower swallowed his own magic circle.


After swallowing Jack's magic circle, the closed petals of the giant flower opened slightly again, as if it was burping. Then, the rhizome of this terrifying giant flower bent down, and the flower on the top reached towards Jack's position. Although this flower is a bit bigger, it still looks pretty, but no one would think it is pretty now. He just swallowed a dozen fireballs and a magic circle alive!

Facing the approach of the giant flower in front of him, Jack, who had just consumed a lot, did not choose to retreat. Instead, he endured the discomfort of having his magic broken and continued to form a seal to release a magic. Different from the attack magic released just now, the magic released by Jack this time is very fast. Because this is a magic that he has already released.


Under the change of Jack's handprint, the super large magic protective shield that originally covered a radius of two hundred meters revealed its original pale golden light and was shrinking rapidly. Before the giant flower approached Jack, the magical protective shield covering the entire battlefield had instantly shrunk to the point where it could only cover Jack. At this point, the area where several special battles took place was completely exposed to the outside world.

After Jack cast a spell to shrink the giant protective shield to only cover himself, the giant flower that came in front of him just opened its petals and swallowed it in one gulp.


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