Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 1131 Gu 1 is injured

On the fifth day of the official war between the Betrayer Mage and the Earth Mage lineage, Casillas attacked Strange in a sneak attack, seriously injuring the newly talented mage. At the last moment, the Ancient One Master came forward to save Strange and confronted Casillas head-on. In the end, Casillas was seriously injured and dying and managed to escape, while the Ancient One mage went into seclusion immediately after the battle.

After this battle, the traitor mage who had fallen into madness seemed to disappear in an instant. With Casillas seriously injured, their attacks on the Earth's line of mages ceased.

However, no one knew that Casillas' goal had been achieved. During the battle with the Ancient One mage, Casillas risked his life and slashed the Ancient One. For this reason, Casillas lost three capable men, and he was almost out of tune.

After the battle, the ancient mage who was stabbed by Casillas returned to the Himalayas and began to retreat. The dark energy that Dormammu specially provided to Casillas was already infecting his body. Although these dark energies are not fatal based on Gu Yi's strength, they have already posed a great threat to him.

In the courtyard where Master Gu Yi lived in seclusion, Master Mo Du was guarding outside the room with a serious look on his face. Master Gu Yi has been alone for a long time, and Mo Du is very worried now. Dormammu is coming soon. If something happens to the Ancient One Master, who will save the earth? However, Modu, who was guarding outside the room, didn't know that he was not the only one in Master Gu Yi's room at this time.

In the room, Master Gu Yi was sitting casually on his futon, seemingly meditating. There was a person standing in front of him, and it turned out to be Loki, who had been taught a lesson by Master Gu Yi not long ago. The ancient master who was meditating looked very calm and did not look like he was injured. But Loki's face standing in front of him didn't look very good, and his brows were tightly knitted together.


Ten seconds later, Master Gu Yi, who was meditating, slowly opened his eyes and exhaled softly. Unlike before, this time the breath exhaled by Ancient Yi was mixed with traces of black breath, which was the dark energy from Dormammu.

"How is it? Is it serious?" Seeing Gu Yi open his eyes, Loki, standing in front of him, asked in a deep tone.

Now that the earth has been covered by the ancient one with a huge magic circle, Loki cannot summon Heimdall to come to the Rainbow Bridge to take him back to Asgard. Therefore, even if Loki wanted to regret it, he could only help them deal with Dormammu now. Moreover, Loki didn't know that Heimdall was seriously injured because he glanced at Dormammu.

"It's not serious, it's just that these dark energies are not ordinary dark energies. They should have been specially given by Dormammu to Casillas to use against me." Hearing Loki's question, Ancient One silently shook his head and answered.

"Dormammu specially dealt with you?! It will definitely not let you recover that easily.

"Looking at the dark breath exhaled by Gu Yi, Loki continued.


As he spoke, Loki stretched out his right hand and pointed at the black aura that had not dissipated on its own. Then, a blue light emerged from Loki's fingers and spread toward the black aura.

Master Gu Yi didn't express anything about Loki's actions. Instead, he watched with great interest as the blue light gradually approached the dark aura.

Tsk tsk tsk! ~Bang!

As soon as the light blue light came into contact with the black aura, a violent reaction occurred at the location where they touched, like a red-hot iron thrown into the water. Loki and Master Gu Yi An energy collision explosion occurred directly in front of him. A strong shock wave swept directly around, and Loki and the Ancient One Master were the first to bear the brunt.


Facing the energy explosion in front of them, the expressions of Loki and Master Gu Yi did not change. And those energy shock waves disappeared directly when they swept in front of them, and they were obviously blocked by Loki and Master Gu Yi.

However, when the sudden explosion shock wave in front of him gradually dissipated, Loki's face became even more ugly. Because, in front of them, the light blue magical energy released by Loki had disappeared in the explosion just now. But that trace of darkness is still floating in the air, but the color is slightly lighter.

"This!..." Staring at the dark energy, Loki was so shocked that he didn't know what to say.

Although the magical energy that Loki sent out just now was not very powerful, it was enough for him to think that it could stably resolve the dark energy. However, the result made him unbelievable. All the magical energy he released was consumed, and the dark energy only became lighter. It is not known whether one tenth of it was consumed.

"Don't be so surprised. If these dark energies are really so easy to solve, I won't stay here and let Casillas go." Seeing Loki's surprise, Master Gu Yi was very calm.

Obviously, Master Gu Yi had already anticipated the outcome of Loki's attack. After all, this trace of dark energy was what he had just forced out of his body. If Loki could easily extinguish this trace of dark energy, with the strength of Ancient One Master far exceeding Loki, he would be able to eliminate all the dark energy in his body in a matter of minutes.

"Master Ancient One... you are worthy of being the Supreme Mage. If this weird and powerful dark energy is in my body, I don't know if I can survive three days!" Looking at Master Ancient One who had a normal expression in front of him, Loki Speak from the heart.

"Although these dark energies would affect me in normal times, it would not be a big problem. It would take me a while to eliminate them all. However, now..." He didn't care about the admiration for himself in Loki's words. Master Gu Yi frowned and said.

"Now, Dormammu is almost on Earth!" When the Ancient Master stopped talking, Loki continued with a calm look.

"Yes, according to what I sensed before, Dormammu should be only about two days away from the earth."

"Two days...Master Ancient One, can you recover?" Loki asked worriedly when he heard that Dormammu would arrive on Earth in only two days.

However, the next moment, the Ancient Master made Loki even more disappointed, because he shook his head silently.

"Even if I can't recover in two days, it won't have a big impact on my strength. Dormammu will still be left to me then. Our agreement is still the same as before. You are responsible for dealing with those traitor mages who have fallen into darkness. That's all." As if he could see Loki's worry, Master Ancient One continued.

"Hey! What can we do otherwise?... However, I also learned some life magic from my mother and queen. I hope it can be of some help to you."

Buzz buzz~

Then, bursts of special life breath came from Master Gu Yi's room.

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