Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 1136: Activate the air and space battleship!

? On the outskirts of a certain city in the northern United States, Stark Group secretly built an industrial base here more than half a year ago to produce various high-tech parts for E and aerospace fighter jets. The defense of this industrial base is also top-notch. The last time Ant-Man Scott sneaked over to get something, he almost died under the laser net. If Lin Rui hadn't communicated with Jarvis in time to let Scott go, there might be no Ant-Man in the world.

After Scott, who had completed the mission inexplicably, went back and showed some of the things he secretly photographed to Professor Pym, Professor Pym was shocked. Because, he could analyze from those few small parts that Stark was secretly doing something big, something more advanced than Iron Man. Of course, Professor Pym and the others also have their own things to do. Moreover, the base is so tightly defended that Professor Pym and the others will not come back until they have fully mastered entering the atomic realm.

Today, the defense of this secret base has been improved by several levels based on the original level. Tony has asked Jarvis to activate all Iron Man and monitor the base and surrounding situations at all times. Moreover, those Winter Soldiers who were armed to the teeth, now the Iron Warriors, have been placed at the core of the base by Tony.

Like S.H.I.E.L.D., Tony naturally also trained a group of super soldiers who can fly this aerospace fighter. Moreover, compared to S.H.I.E.L.D., these warriors developed by Tony are even better. Because their original physical fitness has already reached the standard, and the only thing left is to learn how to drive and operate some high-tech instruments. And these things are no problem for those outstanding Winter Soldiers. After half a year of study and simulation, they are fully qualified for this job.

call out!

Just when the defense of the entire base was raised to the highest level, an Iron Man suddenly swooped down from a high altitude and quickly rushed into the center of the base. It was Tony. After receiving Lin Rui's call, he had already set off and had just arrived at the base.


Tony rushed into the center of the base and passed directly through the tightly guarded isolation doors, finally arriving at a huge square on the third underground floor. Landing smoothly on the ground, Tony's steel suit quickly disappeared and finally disappeared. Then, Tony raised his head slightly and looked at the center of the square in front of him. There, an aerospace battleship that is about twice the size of SHIELD's aerospace carrier and looks like Earth's sixth-generation fighter jet is parked there.

Although this E-class aerospace battleship is not as impressive as S.H.I.E.L.D.'s aerospace aircraft carrier in terms of size, its appearance is much more eye-catching, and it is obviously designed for combat. The streamlined lines perfectly adapt to the flight conditions inside and outside the atmosphere. The anti-gravity engine and electromagnetic propulsion engine are installed at the rear of the fuselage, which looks very explosive. Moreover, there are high-tech instruments hidden inside that are only seen on the drawings. These are secrets that cannot be leaked.


And when Tony landed in this underground square and looked at the aerial battleship being built step by step,

The ground of the square was also shaking slightly. Because, the cool aerial battleship in front of me has been activated and is in the warm-up stage at this time. Because this aerospace battleship had been tested in this square many times before, Tony directly asked Jarvis to activate it this time. The Iron Warriors had already gone in and were on standby at any time.

"I didn't expect to use it so soon. I thought it would take a while..." Tony's eyes were filled with emotion as he looked at the aerial battleship that he had assembled step by step.


Just as Tony finished his emotional sentence, a space crack suddenly appeared in the square behind him. This space crack instantly expanded into a space portal before Tony could react. Then, Iceman pushed Professor Charles and walked out first, followed by the big black man, and the last ones who walked over were Flicker and Beast Hank.

"Professor Charles, you are very fast." After Professor Charles and the others came out of the space portal, Tony had turned to look at him and said hello with a smile.

If Lin Rui hadn't contacted Tony first, and Tony set off immediately, he would definitely not have been the first person to arrive at the base. After all, no matter how fast the steel suit is, it cannot be faster than the flickering space teleportation.

"Stark, do you know anything else about the situation mentioned by the Phantom Knight?" Professor Charles simply nodded to Tony and asked.

This time Dormammu's attack on the earth was carried out by the lineage of earth mages. Originally, Professor Charles and others were prepared to help based on Lin Rui's face and the principle of protecting the earth. But the Earth Mage's attitude towards Lin Rui made them very angry, and the other party also made it clear that they did not need their help. Therefore, they had no plans to take action again.

However, the current situation makes Professor Charles a little confused. Dormammu has not yet arrived on Earth, and the Earth Mages have not made any statement, but now the Phantom Knights have gathered their most elite people to rush out of the earth to fight Dormammu in an aerial battleship that has never been seen before.

This plan seems unwise to Professor Charles, although setting the battlefield outside the earth can better protect the earth. However, their main force is still on the earth. After leaving the earth, not many of them still have fighting power.

"Because...Phantom Knight's friend is currently being attacked by Dormammu outside the earth and is in danger. And you should have heard of that friend before. It was the last time that Phantom Knight and Deadpool accidentally left the earth. The Star-Lords encountered on that alien planet in the universe are also interstellar mercenaries from Earth wandering in the universe." After hearing Professor Charles' inquiry, Tony quickly explained.

"Star-Lord? It turns out that the story Deadpool told was true..." After hearing Tony's explanation, Professor Charles, Iceman and others were very surprised.

However, despite being surprised, Professor Charles, Iceman and others were more looking forward to this operation. Of course Professor Charles could also think of what Storm Girl and Phantom Cat were thinking about. Although this action was against Dormammu, it was also a real cosmic war. Perhaps, after this time, Professor Charles can help all mutants on the earth open another bright future.


Just about ten seconds after Professor Charles and the others arrived at the base, there was another wave of magic in the square. Then, a golden magic space portal appeared out of thin air, and Lin Rui and others walked through it one after another.

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