Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 1,140 Successful Breakout

? Phew!

The battleship, whose speed had been increased to the limit, led Lin Rui and his party to quickly rush towards the trapped Dawn. Tony and others inside the battleship were also nervously thinking about what they should do if they fight Dormammu later. In addition, everyone is also suppressing the excitement of leaving the earth and rushing into the universe for the first time.

The internal energy in Lin Rui's body, who was held by Tony, was also recovering quickly. After the skill upgrade, even if Lin Rui had just consumed all the internal energy and even exploded with potential and was slightly injured, but in the advanced skills Thanks to the operation of the law, he recovered quickly. Just when the battleship was about to rush to the black fog that trapped the Dawn, Lin Rui's eyes were turning slightly, and he was about to wake up.

"We have entered the attack range. Do you want to start attacking?" When the battleship rushed in front of the black mist, Jarvis finally made a voice seeking Tony's attack instructions.


"Attack!!" Tony shouted loudly as he slammed the console in front of him.

Puff puff!

The moment Tony confirmed the attack, he quickly fired a series of attacks towards the front part of the armor and under the belly of the armor that rushed towards the black mist. Most of them are laser beam attacks, and a few are special bioenergy attacks and concussive energy attacks. These are the most advanced attack methods that Tony and S.H.I.E.L.D. can come up with today. Conventional thermal weapons in the atmosphere, similar to missiles, have been completely eliminated in the universe.

The design drawings of the E-class aerospace battleships also include weapons to be equipped on the battleships, such as plasma cannons, but because the earth's technology is indeed not enough, Tony and the others cannot build them even with the design drawings. However, fortunately, the power of laser attacks in the universe is much higher than the power inside the earth's atmosphere, and it can be regarded as worthy of an aerial battleship.

In the cosmic environment, dozens of energy beams really bombarded the black fog ahead at almost the speed of light. However, these attacks, which are enough to destroy a city in an instant on the earth, hit the black mist and only caused it to twist a few times, without much effect at all.

Witnessing the effect of the battleship's attack, Tony and others' expressions turned ugly. If they can't even break through this black mist, let alone support Star-Lord.

"The analysis is over. The opponent has a strong ability to swallow energy. Unless the power of our attack exceeds the limit of its swallowing, it will be almost impossible to defeat it." After the first round of attacks, Jarvis's voice sounded in the cockpit. sounded.

"Then do the weapons on our battleship have a chance to defeat it?" Captain Rogers asked quickly after hearing Jarvis's analysis results.

"With the current level of battleships, the chance of defeating it is no more than 0.01%."

Got Jarvis's answer,

Everyone in the cockpit was silent. 0.01%, then it is better to say that there is no chance at all.

boom! boom! boom!

Just when Rogers and others in the cockpit were silent because of Jarvis's answer, not knowing what to do next, three violent explosions suddenly erupted in the black fog ahead, accompanied by three dazzling lights from these three explosions. The golden light penetrated the thick black fog and pierced out. In a desperate situation, Rocket Raccoon decided to detonate the remaining three super energy batteries!

Puff puff!

Just when the golden light pierced through the black fog ahead, Jarvis, who had been paying attention to the situation there, turned on all the weapons on the battleship and launched an attack without any hesitation.


With the sudden explosion of the three super energy batteries on the periphery of the Dawn inside the black mist and the full attack of the peripheral Jarvis-controlled warships, a small gap was opened in the dense black mist. Then, a damaged silver-red spacecraft rushed out of the gap, heading towards the Earth's space battleship.

"Successful!!" Seeing the spaceship that seemed to be about to fall apart flying staggeringly, Captain Rogers clenched his right hand tightly and shouted.

Not only did Captain Rogers clenched his fists and shouted in excitement, but the eyes of Tony, Professor Charles and others also shone brightly. Obviously, everyone is very excited to see good results after not having any chance. While everyone was staring at the Dawn flying over from outside the cockpit, Peter didn't notice that Lin Rui, who was delivered to him by Tony, had slowly opened his eyes.


Just after Captain Rogers drank, a burst of electric noise suddenly occurred in the cockpit of the battleship. Then, Jarvis connected to a communication.

"Is it Jackson?! You're actually here!" After Jarvis connected to the communication, Star-Lord shouted excitedly from the cockpit.

Tony was about to speak when he heard Star-Lord's voice. However, just when he was about to talk, a voice came from behind him.

"Yes, Star-Lord, it's me, long time no see." It was Lin Rui who woke up. He was standing next to Peter, looking at the Dawn outside the cockpit and said weakly.

Seeing that Lin Rui had woken up and answered Star-Lord, Tony stopped talking.

"It's really you! Jackson, leave quickly! We are no match for that guy! Don't sacrifice yourself here in vain!" Hearing the voice that was really Lin Rui's, Star-Lord in the Dawn quickly shouted.

"Well, I know. But I can't escape now." Lin Rui walked to Tony's side and supported the console, and said helplessly after scanning the screen.

After the Dawn rushed out of the black mist, the black mist that had been blasted through a gap had returned to its original shape as it continued to twist. And the main body of Dormammu, who had been following the aerial battleship just now, has also blocked their rear. Lin Rui, who has an understanding of Dormammu's strength, naturally knows what kind of existence Dormammu is.

Now, even if Lin Rui regains his strength and uses the Rubik's Cube to open the space portal, it will just take Dormammu to the earth earlier. Therefore, when they couldn't escape, Lin Rui and the others seemed to have no other choice except to fight hard.

"Hey! If I had known better, I wouldn't have sent you a distress signal!" Star-Lord said regretfully after hearing Lin Rui's words.

"It's okay, maybe there will be a turn for the better. Since we chose to come here this time, we are fully prepared." Hearing the regret and apology in Star-Lord's words, Lin Rui shook his head and replied.


During the short time that Star-Lord and Lin Rui were talking, the Dawn had already staggered to the vicinity of the aerospace battleship on the earth, and then flew side by side with the aerospace battleship from the earth.

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