Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 1,145 All parties fight 2

? Huh~

After traveling more than a dozen times in a row, the Iceman in the ice crystal state finally stopped.

Click, click, click!

After the Iceman stopped, the path behind him began to freeze rapidly, extending to his back. And in those ice cubes, wisps of black mist were frozen inside and unable to escape.

After Iceman's mutant ability was upgraded to level five, he became more capable in battle. Even if it remains in the ice crystal state, there is no consumption for the Iceman at this time. Moreover, his ice power is obviously more powerful.

"The stable level five ability is indeed powerful, but the opponent is even more powerful." The entire face of Iceman in the ice crystal state moved slightly, and then he thought silently in his heart.

Iceman, who fought in a cosmic environment for the first time and showed his strength with a stable fifth-level mutant ability, was not only a little surprised by his own strength, but also understood what Lin Rui told them before about Dormammu. Such existence. Even if Iceman explodes with all his strength, he feels that it will be nothing more than a small problem for Dormammu.

However, since he chose to believe Lin Rui, Iceman would still try even if he knew he couldn't deal with Dormammu. Perhaps, his strength is much stronger than he imagined. Because he had always been on the earth, Iceman, whose mutant ability was stable at level five, did not dare to fully test what he could do. Things are different now. Without the constraints of the earth, Iceman can boldly release his infinite power.

"Then, let me see... what the legendary unlimited power is like! Absolutely frozen! Open!!" After thinking quickly in his mind, Iceman drank quickly.


As Iceman drank, an extreme coldness quickly surged out of his body and instantly enveloped the area nearly a hundred meters away. At this moment, within the area enveloped by this cold aura, little icy blue light spots gradually emerged. The absolutely frozen realm is open!

Compared with the original area that could only be released within a dozen meters on the earth, the absolute ice at this time has undoubtedly been enhanced many times. In addition to the scope, the energy within the domain is also much stronger than before. Within the scope of the absolute ice field, except for Iceman and the ice energy he controls, the black mist that has been shrouded in has been dyed a layer of ice blue.



The moment the Iceman drank, the black mist rendered by ice blue energy instantly shattered into smaller particles, and then completely assimilated by the ice energy and disappeared. After releasing the absolute ice field, Iceman instantly cleared the black mist within a hundred meters radius.

The results are remarkable.

"No! This is not enough!" Clearing so much black mist energy with one move, the Iceman in the center of the field did not relax at all.


Then, the ice blue field that was already large enough expanded again. After Iceman fully released the power of the true fifth-level mutant that was barely online, the scope of the absolute ice envelope continued to expand, and it seemed that there was a tendency to directly break through this black mist!

"Roar! Hulk Slash!!"


There was a loud noise, and a strong shock wave swept outward quickly in a wave pattern visible to the naked eye. The black mist swept by this shock wave was all dispersed in one round, and then pushed farther away.

In the center of the shock wave, Hulk, who had already transformed into the Hulk, was standing on top of a golden magic circle, waving his thick arms and roaring. Although the vacuum environment of the universe cannot transmit sound, Hulk's roar also caused ripples of space vibration in the nearby space. The Hulk Slash just now directly caused a resonance in the space, and the resulting space shock swept away the black mist.

When facing the ultimate boss like Dormammu, Dr. Banner no longer suppresses the Hulk's nature. Moreover, in order to make Hulk more powerful, Dr. Banner inspired another level of Hulk's fighting form. At this time, the Hulk was the real humanoid nuclear bomb.

However, even if the Hulk is powerful, he will not be able to fly on his own like Lin Rui, Thor or Iceman. Therefore, in order to bring out the power of the Hulk, Lin Rui had already arranged for Jack to use magic to help the Hulk fight.

At this time, Jack was wearing a steel suit and floating not far from Hulk. Behind him was a magical space portal that could leave at any time. The metal magic circle under Hulk's feet was made by Jack, and Hulk also knew that Jack was helping him. So apart from fighting in rage, he didn't have many Jacks to take action. However, the endless black mist around him has made Hulk's anger level continue to rise.

"This guy!... is really strong!" Jack, who was standing in front of the magic space portal and could retreat at any time, muttered blankly after witnessing Hulk's performance just now.

Based on what Jack had just seen, if the green-skinned guy in front of him got close, he would not be able to block the opponent's punch even if he immediately built ten magic shields. The Hulk's strength level has reached a level where he can almost ignore all kinds of defenses, unless Jack's strength can reach the level of an ancient mage. Otherwise, he would have no choice but to hide in the magic space portal.

"However, the stronger he is, the more hope we have!"


Then, Jack waved his hand to build a magic circle in front of Hulk, and Hulk happened to crush the original magic circle with one kick and jumped towards the one that just appeared. The direction Hulk and Jack break through together is the center of the black mist. If they keep jumping like this, they will rush into the main core of Dormammu.

Puff puff!

In addition to the main forces of the earth working hard to fight against Dormammu, near their battlefield, Star-Lord was constantly sprinting under the black mist, constantly firing energy attack beams and throwing various energy bombs. However, apart from blasting away the approaching black mist, Star-Lord's attacks are not very effective.


Several more energy bombs were detonated nearby, and Star-Lord's weapons and ammunition were almost exhausted. Moreover, Star-Lord has been swept away by the black mist many times. The energy defense shield on his body is about to be damaged, but Star-Lord has been unwilling to retreat, and now he is trapped in the black mist and cannot break out at all.


Just when Star-Lord was swept away by the shock wave of the explosion, a cloud of black mist swept over, and the powerful devouring force swallowed up the last bit of energy in Star-Lord's energy defense shield. The next moment, Star-Lord will be exposed to the cosmic environment!

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