Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 1,159 The Eyes of the Earth

While everyone on Earth in the E-class space battleship was discussing how to return to Earth, inside the Dawn next to the E-class space battleship, Star-Lord was personally driving the Dawn around the moon. After breaking out of the space rift, Jarvis had already told Star-Lord their location at this time. Therefore, Star-Lord, who has been away from the earth for decades, is of course eager to see the earth again.


In this way, before the E-class aerospace battleship made any movement, the Dawn was already quickly moving around the back of the moon and appeared on the front of the moon facing the earth. However, although Jarvis just told Star-Lord where they were at this time, he did not tell him that there are some space probes from the Earth on the moon.

Didi didi!

Not long after Dawn flew to the front of the moon, and Star-Lord was immersed in the beautiful blue scene of the earth in front of him, a beep sounded inside the Dawn, indicating that it had been scanned by other equipment. This time, the equipment that discovered Dawn was obviously not the E-space warships that had followed behind, but came from a corner on the far side of the moon below.

"That's... the lunar probe?" When the beep sounded inside the Dawn, Star-Lord moved his eyes back from the blue planet in front and muttered as he looked at the picture displayed on the screen in front of him.

At this time, the picture displayed on the light screen inside the Dawn cockpit was a relatively flat area on the moon. Parked next to a piece of gravel in this area was a crawler-type lunar probe. Judging from the model, it should be It was launched by the United States two years ago. Just now, the signal from this detector scanned the Dawn flying over the moon. Of course, now this detector has also scanned the E space battleships following behind.

"Uh... yes. Moreover, there should be more than one detector on the moon." After Star-Lord finished muttering, Lin Rui's voice suddenly sounded inside the Dawn.

Lin Rui, who was in the E-class aerospace battleship, had also discovered the detector on the moon. Lin Rui also felt a little embarrassed about being discovered by that detector. However, even if the detector has discovered the Dawn and the E-class aerospace battleship, it will take some time to immediately send a message to the earth. And this period of time is enough for Lin Rui and the others to send a message to the earth to prevent them from unnecessary panic.

"Then... do you think we should set off some fireworks or something? After all, I am returning to my hometown with honor." Without having any other thoughts because he was discovered by the detector, Star-Lord suddenly raised his eyebrows and asked.

Anyway, they have all been discovered by the detector, and as a wanderer who has left the earth for decades and returned again, Star-Lord feels that it is normal for him to keep a high profile. Moreover, setting off fireworks between the earth and the moon would probably be something that would shock the entire earth, and it would just satisfy Star-Lord's desire to show off.

Lin Rui: "..."

What kind of fireworks are they setting off a few bombs? Lin Rui knew Star-Lord's psychology very well. He just wanted to return to Earth, and Lin Rui felt that it was unnecessary to put a few cosmic bombs to cheer him up.

"Haha... If you all feel bad, forget it. We don't seem to have enough ammunition." When he didn't get a response from Lin Rui and his friends, Star-Lord added awkwardly.

Then, both the Dawn and the E-class aerospace battleship ignored the probe on the moon. After adjusting their positions, they flew towards the blue planet in front of them. Just now, Lin Rui had asked Jarvis to send a message to Earth. At least, when the satellites of various countries on the earth discover the Dawn and the E-class aerospace battleship, they will not regard them as alien spacecraft.

In the cockpit of the E-class aerospace battleship, Lin Rui and others were standing in the glass at the front of the cockpit, looking at the beautiful blue planet in the starry sky outside. Except for Thor and Loki, all of the people present were born and raised on Earth and had never seen the Earth from this angle. Although Loki and Thor have traveled between Asgard and the Earth several times, they have always passed the Rainbow Bridge and cannot see the beauty of the Earth in the universe.

"I've always known that the earth is beautiful, but I didn't expect it to be so beautiful!" Captain Rogers said with a sigh as he stared at the approaching earth in front of him.

"This is our home, the home we must always protect!" Next to Captain Rogers, Tony also sighed.

Not only Captain Rogers and Tony, but everyone present was filled with emotion after seeing the earth in front of them. Even Thor and Loki have to admit that the earth is a very charming planet, not inferior to Asgard.

However, while everyone was looking at the approaching Earth in front of them and feeling happy in their hearts, Peter, who was also shocked by seeing the Earth in the universe with his own eyes, gradually began to have some bad feelings. In addition to Peter, Lin Rui, who was also staring at the earth, also had some bad feelings in his subconscious.

When Lin Rui looked away from the earth in front of him and looked to the side, he saw Peter looking right at him. Then, they noticed that there seemed to be some worry in each other's eyes. Lin Rui and Peter became even more uneasy after confirming that the other party had noticed something bad.

Lin Rui knew that Peter had a spider sense and had a special ability to foresee various upcoming dangers. And Peter also knew that Lin Rui had always had some foresight ability, and Peter trusted Lin Rui very much.

"What exactly is it? Is there something wrong with the battle on Dormammu's side?" Lin Rui once again moved his eyes outside to the precognitive starry sky, and he quickly scanned it while thinking silently in his heart.

With the Ancient One Mage, God King Odin and Yi Ge who unexpectedly joined in to help, Lin Rui felt that even if Dormammu couldn't be injured, it would be no problem to at least drive him away. However, if there hadn't been a bad outcome in the battle over there, then where did Lin Rui and Peter's current uneasiness come from?


Lin Rui and Peter felt uneasy, but the others didn't notice anything. They were still getting more and more excited because they were about to return to Earth in the E-class aerospace battleship. At this time, the E-class aerospace battleship and Dawn had flown to a position almost halfway between the moon and the earth. Lin Rui and others could gradually see some of the continents on the earth.

When the E-class aerospace battleship and the Dawn were rapidly approaching the Earth, the satellites from various countries that were flying normally around the Earth suddenly seemed to have received unified orders, and all of them activated their space cameras to focus on the Dawn and the others. side.

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