Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 1,203 Rocket Raccoon Calls

After communicating with a five-person team from China in the SHIELD New York branch for ten minutes and exchanging three ancient martial arts techniques with them, Lin Rui did not have much contact with them in the future. Even if there were still some things to communicate with China, Lin Rui would leave them all to SHIELD or Captain Rogers.

Although Lin Rui was the original proposer on the establishment of the Earth Federation. But in terms of actual implementation, it is completely impossible to rely on a Guardian Alliance. As an organization with strong individual strength, the Guardian Alliance can only do its best to improve its strength to support them.

On this day, Lin Rui, who went to school to take a symbolic test, received a message on the way to Stark Industries Building. It was from Rocket Raccoon, a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy. While Star-Lord was traveling around the world with Gamora and his biological father, his own teammates were left behind in New York. Fortunately, Rocket Raccoon and the others also gained enough freedom, so they didn't feel too bored.


Just click on the cursor on the communicator in his hand, and the furry face of Rocket Raccoon appeared in front of Lin Rui's eyes. Behind Rocket Raccoon's furry face was a flickering dim light, and there were constant noisy sounds coming from the surroundings. Obviously, Rocket Raccoon is not in the SHIELD base or the Dawn spacecraft.

"Hey Rocket Raccoon, what's the matter?" On this strange earth, Lin Rui was considered a familiar friend of Rocket Raccoon and Tree Man Groot. Rocket Raccoon would also contact Lin Rui in normal times.

"Hey! Jackson! Wade and I are at Sister Margaret Bar! Do you want to come over and have a drink?" Rocket Raccoon on the other side of the communicator spoke loudly, as if he didn't care at all that he, the little humanoid raccoon, was exposed. in front of the public.

"Uh... did you and Deadpool go drinking?" Lin Rui asked helplessly after hearing Rocket Raccoon's voice and carefully looking at the environment behind him.

"And Drax! The two of them are competing against each other for drinking! Although your earth's technological development is not very good, some wine still tastes good! Come here quickly, we may not have that much money to pay for the wine!" Eyes Floating randomly, Rocket Raccoon shouted quickly in the communicator.

"Let's have a drink... Okay, I'll be there right away." Lin Rui reluctantly agreed, then turned around and hurried towards Sister Margaret's bar.

On Earth, in addition to Lin Rui, Rocket Raccoon also knows one person, and that is Deadpool. The day after coming to Earth, Rocket Raccoon had already contacted Deadpool. Deadpool is also very happy that the friends he once made on the alien planet have come to Earth, so of course he wants to take Rocket Raccoon and the others to fulfill their friendship as landlords.

And Deadpool’s so-called landlord friendship is nothing more than taking Rocket Raccoon and Drax out to eat and drink.

Have fun and have fun. In addition to murder and arson, Deadpool Wade also has a lot of experience in this area.

As a gray area where various mercenaries and special identities gather together, Margaret Sisters Bar is undoubtedly a good place to bring Rocket Raccoon and Drax. In that place, there are mercenaries who have seen everything and some aliens. Maybe you won't be surprised by Drax's appearance and the magic of Rocket Raccoon.

"Hey! I hope they haven't demolished Sister Margaret's Bar when I passed by!" Lin Rui muttered silently in his heart while walking quickly to a nearby alley.

Deadpool and Drax are having a drink, which doesn't sound like good news. In the atmosphere and environment of Margaret's Sisters Bar, they would probably get into trouble over drinks. When the time comes, the fights will be minor. If Deadpool and Drax go crazy with alcohol, Lin Rui feels that Rocket Raccoon will have no way to stop them.


Therefore, the next moment after Lin Rui walked into the alley, a wave of space energy came out, and Lin Rui directly used the Rubik's Cube to activate space teleportation and rushed over.

On Earth, on a private island with a beautiful environment in Southeast Asia, Star-Lord and Gamora were lying on the white beach and enjoying the sun. There was soft sand beneath them, and the sunglasses blocked the dazzling sunlight. Their feet close to the sea were wet from the waves from time to time. Star-Lord and Gamora had not been so relaxed for a long time. No, they have never been so relaxed and enjoyed.

Behind the beach where Star-Lord and Gamora were lying, Ego, also dressed in casual beachwear, was sitting under a shady tree drinking an iced drink. As for Mantis, she was not with Egg, but stayed in the spacecraft. Although Mantis can also disguise herself as an ordinary Earthling, she does not have to accompany Star-Lord everywhere like Ego.

Leaning comfortably on the beach chair, Egg looked very relaxed. However, his eyes glanced at the positions of Star-Lord and Gamora in front of him from time to time. Having played with Star-Lord on Earth for several days, Egg felt it was time to leave. After this trip to Asia, Egg was ready to leave with Star-Lord.

After getting along with each other for so many days, Ego has become convinced that he has gained Star-Lord's trust. Now, he is a perfect father in Star-Lord's eyes. Of course, this is also due to Ego's superb acting skills. The face that Ego used to travel through countless civilizations in the universe is not fixed. He just changed it to look like this because he wanted to meet Star-Lord. According to Ego's investigation, this appearance should be more acceptable to Star-Lord from Earth.

"The seeds left on this planet are still intact. As long as I can succeed this time, this planet can also provide me with a lot of original power." Leaning on the beach chair, Egg closed his eyes slightly and silently thought in his heart. thinking.

When Egg came to Earth and left his own seeds, he also left the seeds of his own planet. When his plan for hundreds of years succeeds, the seeds on countless life planets in the universe will sprout and grow instantly. Devouring the life source of the entire planet.

Therefore, in fact, Ego's previous action to help the Ancient One Master and God King Odin deal with Dormammu was not just to save Star-Lord. If it was just for Star-Lord, Star-Lord was no longer in danger at that time, and he wouldn't have to fight such a powerful creature anymore.

The main reason why Ego took action against Dormammu was because he also set the earth as a target. His target was being targeted by others, so of course Ego would take action. Now, Yi Ge has reached a basic peaceful relationship with the Earth's strongest Master Ancient One, and the other party should not feel that he has tampered with the Earth.

"The last stop is that continent, and it's time to leave..." After thinking for a while, Egg opened his eyes slightly and looked towards the sea and whispered to himself.

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