Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 1,210 It’s too late

When Lin Rui walked from the E-class aerospace battleship through the connected tunnel into the giant spacecraft driven by Yondu, Yongdu was waiting for him halfway through the passage. Standing next to Yondu are two of his loyal subordinates, including the funny man who was supposed to succeed Yondu as the leader of the Star Thieves after he died to save Star-Lord.

"Welcome! Brother Jackson, your outfit is very cool!" When Lin Rui came over, Yondu had already greeted him with a smile and greeted him.

In response to Yondu's enthusiasm, Lin Rui also cooperated with him and opened his arms to give him a hug. Of course, before hugging, Lin Rui had already taken off his original hood and mask. Here, Lin Rui doesn't need to hide anything.

"Yondu, I haven't seen you for a long time! You are still the same as before... so handsome!" After the hug, Lin Rui looked at Yondu's blue skin and the jagged big yellow teeth and said "sincerely" .

"Haha! How can you not be as handsome as young people like you! Especially you, Jackson, you are not only handsome, but also very strong!" In response to Lin Rui's compliment, Yongdu smiled and praised him in return.

Yondu was telling the truth. The few tricks Lin Rui showed on the alien planet were enough to make Yondu look at him differently. What's more, Lin Rui is now sitting in a spaceship built by the earth to meet him. This at least shows that Lin Rui's status on the earth is high enough. Even if the earth has developed rapidly in the twenty years since Yondu left, it is unlikely that an ordinary person will be able to board the spacecraft.

"It's just so-so. My strength is only enough to be seen on Earth. It's just ordinary to get to the core circle of the universe." Lin Rui waved his hand and said modestly.

In fact, with Lin Rui's current strength, especially since he can use part of the energy of the Rubik's Cube, his strength is not only top-notch on earth, but also very good in the universe.

After exchanging polite words, Yondu led Lin Rui to the leisure lounge of this giant spaceship. Unlike the first spaceship built on Earth, Yondu's giant spaceship has a huge internal space, which can accommodate more facilities, including some popular leisure and entertainment facilities in the universe. Since he came to Earth and unexpectedly met Lin Rui, of course Yondu had to entertain him well, although he was also anxious about finding Star-Lord.

Lin Rui accepted Yongdu's warm reception. Of course, except for those alien beauties with their own characteristics. When Lin Rui and Yondu were both lying on soft chairs and receiving massages from top masseuses, Yondu finally proposed the purpose of coming to Earth this time.

"Brother Jackson, you said before that you knew why I came to Earth? Have you already met Star-Lord? Where is he now?"

A series of questions showed that Yondu was not as calm as he seemed.

Yondu is still very concerned and worried about Star-Lord. Yondu, who had no children, had actually regarded the boy from Earth as his own son for a long time. Seeing Star-Lord pulling a team to become famous in the universe, Yondu was actually very proud of himself.

"Well, I have indeed met Star-Lord. Not only Star-Lord, I have met the entire Guardians of the Galaxy. They arrived on Earth a week ago, and something happened during that time." In response to Yondu's inquiry , Lin Rui narrowed his eyes and replied calmly.

"Really? This kid runs really fast! Did he tell you that I issued a high reward to catch him? In fact, this is all a misunderstanding. I just want to find this guy Star-Lord as soon as possible!" Lin Rui said Having met Star-Lord and that they had arrived on Earth a week ago, Yondu seemed relieved and then explained a few words to himself.

In order to learn the whereabouts of Star-Lord as soon as possible, Yondu did issue a high reward to find the Guardians of the Galaxy. If it weren't for such a high reward, Yondu wouldn't have been able to get so much information to pinpoint Star-Lord's location. And the amount of the bounty issued by Yondu was high enough, so high that Star-Lord wanted to tie himself up and give it to Yondu to collect the bounty.

"I know you don't really want to do anything to Star-Lord, but...he is no longer on Earth." Lin Rui nodded slightly, and continued without concealing the fact that Star-Lord had left.

"Well, Jackson, you are sensible... Uh! You said Star-Lord is no longer on Earth? When did he leave! Where did he go?" Originally, Yondu was still feeling relieved because of the first half of Lin Rui's sentence, But I was soon shocked by the next sentence.

Yondu finally chased him from the core star field of the universe to the remote place of Earth. He could see Star-Lord right before his eyes. Now Lin Rui told him that Star-Lord had left the Earth. Was he kidding him?

"Well, he has already left the earth, not long after you arrived. Maybe they left from another direction, so you didn't meet him." Seeing Yondu's surprised look, Lin Rui continued to answer.

"Damn it!"

He almost blocked Star-Lord, but missed it at the last moment, and Yondu didn't know what expression to make. However, what he needs to know now is whether Star-Lord has met his biological father.

"Jackson, when you saw Star-Lord, was there anyone else in their team?" With a glimmer of hope, Yondu calmed down and continued to ask.

"There wasn't much in their team. It's just that a guy who claimed to be his father appeared on Star-Lord's way to Earth. Star-Lord seemed to accept that father very quickly. After their trip around the world, they left."

"Damn it! That bastard beat me to it!"

Of course Yondu knew who Lin Rui was talking about who claimed to be Star-Lord's father, and also knew why Star-Lord accepted him so quickly. Because that person has such ability. Ego is a self-aware planet. He leaves seeds everywhere in the universe. These grown-up children will always be close to Ego subconsciously. This is an inevitable nature.

"Jackson, it seems I don't have to go to Earth anymore. I have something important to do with Star-Lord, related to his life and death. Let's get together next time." After learning that Star-Lord had left with Egg, Yondu had already I have no intention of chatting with Lin Rui here anymore.

"Yondu, maybe you don't have to worry so much. Star-Lord has grown up and has a reliable partner. Even if something happens to him, you should believe that he can solve it on his own." He waved his hand and asked the masseur to leave. Lin Rui stood up from his chair and looked at Yondu who had stood up.

If Yondu did not go to Ego's main planet, his life would at least not be threatened. Lin Rui also wanted to use the safest way to save Yondu.

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