Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 1,225 Found

Even if the seeds that Egg left on the earth really have powerful concealment capabilities and can avoid many of SHIELD's high-tech detection methods, Lin Rui still doesn't believe that it can continue to hide under the scanning of his own mental power. If he couldn't find it, Lin Rui would have no choice but to give up the 50,000 reward points and some other things he might get from this seed.

After leaving SHIELD's base in Colorado, Lin Rui's first stop was the farm where Star-Lord lived when he was a child. This is where Star-Lord was born, and where Ego and Star-Lord’s mother met and fell in love. However, Lin Rui was very skeptical about the love between Ego and Star-Lord's mother.

It's too childish to describe Ego as a stallion. In order to obtain the power to upgrade his own planet, Ego, in addition to casting a wide net all over the universe, will kill all the commanding races on the living planet. Leave your own "seed". In the invincible pit of Yi Ge's body planet, the bones buried there are all kinds of strange things, including all types of life.

Arriving at the place where Star-Lord lived when he was a child, Lin Rui first scanned the farm buildings that had been demolished and rebuilt. Then, Lin Rui walked towards the large farm land outside. Based on what Ego said to Star-Lord in the original plot, the location where he planted the seeds was also selective, at least in a place with fertile land and rich resources.

According to his own judgment, Lin Rui quickly walked across the large land of the farm. This land has long been less fertile due to years of cultivation, that is, growing some barley and the like. Lin Rui's target at this time was the small forest on the edge of the farm, which was not too big. It seemed to be quite consistent with where Lin Rui thought Egg planted the seeds.


Step by step, Lin Rui stepped into the grass that was almost knee-deep, and first took a brief look at the forest, which was not too big. Compared with the farm next to it, the environment here is undoubtedly much better. However, this is not an inaccessible place. Not long ago, the SHIELD team searched this place carefully, and now Lin Rui could still see several deep pits dug manually.

"They didn't dig out anything... let's see if we can gain anything first." Lin Rui muttered after glancing at the holes dug by SHIELD.


The next moment, Lin Rui's powerful mental power surged out of his mind. Substantial energy quickly covered the forest, and then carefully penetrated downwards from the ground.

As Lin Rui's mental power continued to penetrate underground, the surface soil, stones, and plants with shallow root systems all appeared in Lin Rui's mind. However, he has not found any trace of the seeds yet. Of course, Lin Rui didn't expect to find seeds just anywhere. Moreover, the depth of his current mental power detection has not reached the depth that S.H.I.E.L.D. previously dug. So, he continued to explore deeper down.

Soon, Lin Rui's mental power had reached dozens of meters underground. The soil here is much different from the soil above, and there are also a lot more rocks. The trees that can reach their roots here are all old trees, and the underground water is below.

"Huh? This is..."

When Lin Rui's mental power finally detected the location of the underground water, he finally discovered something. It was a wave of energy that was not very strong, but contained a bit of sleeping life force.

"It can't really be down here..." Lin Rui's discovery still surprised him. He just came over casually to take a look. Is he really so lucky?

Thinking something strange in his heart, Lin Rui gathered all his scattered mental power into that special place. Then, Lin Rui's mental power penetrated a special energy barrier and "saw" the sleeping life energy. The next moment he "saw" that thing, Lin Rui was sure that this was the seed he was looking for.

Although the seeds Lin Rui saw through his mental power were very different from his original impression, the energy fluctuations and the hidden power coming from this thing were the same as what Lin Rui had sensed from Egg before. are the same. Therefore, this strange-looking thing is undoubtedly the seed that Egg left on the earth.

"Ego's seed... this is too ugly!..."

The mental power circled the seed several times, and Lin Rui finally couldn't help but complain. Originally, the seeds that Lin Rui imagined should be similar to the seeds of other plants on the earth. Although they may be much larger because they are from Yi Ge's planet, the appearance may not be much different.

However, the seed that Lin Rui saw now was not only much larger in size, but also ugly enough in shape, like a deformed purple sweet potato with countless tumors. If it was really similar to something Lin Rui had seen before, there was a similar plant on the alien planet where Lin Rui and Deadpool accidentally arrived, and it was an aggressive plant lurking underground. .

"With the energy barrier just now, it's no wonder that the SHIELD team couldn't find it. Even if they really dug down here, they wouldn't be able to find it."

The mental scan revealed the situation of the seed, and Lin Rui also knew why SHIELD couldn't find the seed so close despite digging so many holes here. The energy barrier just now can isolate most technological detection methods, and it can also block some special energy detection. If Lin Rui's mental power was not strong enough and he was so close, he might not be able to find something wrong here.

"Then... I'd better dig it out." "Don't count on those guys from SHIELD," Lin Rui said to himself and started to take action.


The next moment, Lin Rui was already underground along a deep pit dug by SHIELD. Then, under the impact of the powerful inner energy, Lin Rui only spent a few seconds to reach the location of the seed. However, after the last thick layer of soil was removed, Lin Rui found no seeds in front of him. However, just because you can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

"It's really hidden..."


After muttering, Lin Rui reached out and grabbed the black soil below, as if he was grabbing a ball of air. However, when Lin Rui's hand wrapped around Nei Jin was about thirty centimeters away from the soil, he stopped, obviously touching something. Then, Lin Rui's five fingers on his right hand tightened slightly, and then lifted up.


When Lin Rui raised his hand, something seemed to be loosened in the soil below. Then, something appeared in Lin Rui's hand out of thin air.

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