Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 313 Rogers' Worries

"Hey, Captain Rogers. Thank you for your rescue this time. I heard that S.H.I.E.L.D. also lost a lot of soldiers this time. I'm very sorry." husband said.

In fact, Lin Rui was not surprised at all when Rogers called himself. Because when he was at the Hydra base, Captain Rogers had made it clear that he wanted to have some communication with him, but it was only interrupted by Tony.

Of course, as to why Captain Rogers is looking for himself. Lin Rui can probably guess some, but it is nothing more than looking for Bucky the Winter Soldier or finding more information about Hydra for S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Hello, Phantom Knight, it's best if you're fine. Although this time is a rescue plan, Hydra is the sworn enemy of S.H.I.E.L.D., and those soldiers who sacrificed will not have any resentment." Hearing Lin Rui Then, Captain Rogers on the other end of the phone said calmly.

As a standard fighter, Captain Rogers knew that there must be sacrifices in the fight against Hydra, and these things didn't shake him.

"Well, I know. So, does Captain Rogers have anything to do with me? As long as I can help, I will definitely help." Lin Rui was no longer polite and asked directly. Now Lin Rui has planned to completely join forces with S.H.I.E.L.D. to deal with Hydra, so if Captain Rogers has any questions, Lin Rui will try his best to answer him.

"Actually, I do have a question and want to ask Mr. Phantom Knight. That is, in this Hydra base, have you seen Bucky?" Hearing Lin Rui ask directly, Captain Rogers didn't say any more. After beating around the bush, he asked directly.

It turns out that Rogers is still looking for Bucky. It seems that S.H.I.E.L.D. really didn't find any trace of Bucky! Could he just hide like that? Without the protection of Hydra, where can a killer like Bucky, who has been out of real life for a long time, hide?

Hearing Captain Rogers' words, Lin Rui couldn't help but think so. Although Lin Rui knows the plot of the Marvel movie, Lin Rui doesn't know where Bucky is hiding now. Bucky has been evading the search of both sides after he left Hydra, and it was also in the civil war that he was inexplicably found by a person, which triggered the civil war between Iron Man and the superheroes represented by Captain America.

"The whereabouts of Colonel Bucky? I did see the Winter Soldier at this Hydra base this time, but it wasn't Colonel Bucky Barnes." After thinking about it, Lin Rui said in a calm tone as possible. .

When I heard Lin Rui say that he saw the Winter Soldier, Captain Rogers' breathing on the other end of the phone was obviously much heavier, but when he heard Lin Rui say it was not Bucky, he suppressed his excitement.

"Isn't it Bucky? But he's also a Winter Soldier? So, doesn't that mean Bucky's probably in that base too.

"Captain Rogers didn't doubt what Lin Rui said. As for how he judged Rogers of the Winter Soldier, he didn't go into it. He just wanted to find Bucky now.

"Actually, Captain Rogers, I didn't tell you the truth last time." After hearing Captain Rogers' words, Lin Rui suddenly took a deep breath and said.

The last time I met Rogers, Lin Rui said that if he wanted to find Bucky, he had to go to the Hydra base to find them one by one. That's because Lin Rui wanted Captain Rogers to try his best to find trouble with Hydra. He didn't tell Rogers that Bucky had probably recovered some of his memory and had already escaped from Hydra.

And now, Lin Rui is no longer like deceiving Rogers. He believes that even if he tells Rogers the truth, he will not relax his attack on Hydra because of this.

"What?!" After hearing Lin Rui's words, Captain Rogers's tone rose a lot.

He didn't know why Lin Rui said that, because what Lin Rui told him last time, Rogers also confirmed in Nick, Bucky is Hydra's Winter Soldier, this is a very certain thing.

"I did see the Winter Soldier at Hydra's base yesterday, but it was a new type of Winter Soldier. And Bucky, as the older Winter Soldier sixty years ago, may have been abandoned by Hydra now. ." Knowing what Rogers was surprised about, Lin Rui continued to explain.

"You mean!..." After hearing Lin Rui's explanation, Rogers on the other end of the phone seemed to think of something.

"I mean, Bucky Barnes may have recovered some of his memory and escaped from Hydra. However, because he was controlled for sixty years after all, even his memory recovery is limited now. So, the current Bucky The colonel is most likely hiding from the search of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra somewhere." Without hiding anything, Lin Rui told Captain Rogers exactly what he knew.

After Lin Rui finished these two sentences, Captain Rogers on the other end of the phone did not speak for a long time, and could only hear the uneasy breathing from the other end of the phone.

"Phantom Knight, you mean. Bucky, has he remembered me already?" About a minute later, Captain Rogers' hesitant voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Uh... this, I think it should, maybe I remember it." Knowing what answer Captain Rogers expects now, but Lin Rui can't guarantee Rogers, so he can only say so.

"Then why didn't he come to me?! Sixty years have passed, and all our comrades in arms are now gone. Back then, when I had nothing, I still had Bucky! Now, when Bucky had nothing, he And me!" It seemed that without hearing the uncertainty in Lin Rui's words, Captain Rogers' emotions seemed to explode all of a sudden, and he questioned loudly into the phone.

For Steve Rogers, most of his memories are from sixty years ago. And his best friend, Barnes, after all, is Steve Rogers' only close friend who has survived like him from sixty years ago in this strange modern society. No matter what he has become now, he is always will not abandon him.

"This...Captain Rogers. I'm not sure if he really remembers you after all. And, even if Colonel Bucky Barnes does remember things from the past, he has been for Hydra for sixty years after all. The killer, do you think Colonel Bucky Barnes will come to you?" Lin Rui also said calmly, feeling the emotional fluctuations of Steve Rogers at this moment.


It seems that he heard what Lin Rui said, and Captain Rogers on the other end of the phone became quiet again.

"You're right. If Bucky regains his memory, it's normal for him to choose to do so. So, where do you think I should go to find him now?" Finally, after another two minutes of silence, Captain Rogers' voice came again. come over.

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