Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 533 Cats!


A gentle breeze blew in the valley illuminated by the beam emitted from the spacecraft. The two aliens standing at the hatch were also looking at the two guys outside when Lin Rui and Deadpool looked at them. However, when they saw each other's appearance and figure clearly, the four people who looked at each other had expressions of surprise on their faces.

"Then!... Is that a cat? It turns out that there really are cats in this world! I said that the orange cat next door to my house often looks at me in a weird way! It turns out that it is an undercover cat of the cat!" The four people looked at each other. Deadpool was the first to react, pointing at the furry and armed animal standing outside the hatch and shouting loudly.

"Meow?! What is that?" Rocket Raccoon, who could understand English, asked in confusion when he saw the "natives" outside pointing at him and yelling. While asking, Rocket Raccoon also looked at Star-Lord beside him. Because, his intuition told Rocket Raccoon that what the other party said about Meow and Star-Lord seemed to be similar to what they usually teased him about.

"Pfft! Hahaha! Cats! Does anyone in this world really believe in the existence of cats?!" However, after Rocket Raccoon asked the question, Star-Lord, who had been a little stunned just now, suddenly came to his senses and laughed with his hands in his hands. got up.

"Haha! Cat! Rocket, he called you a cat! However, you really look like a cat! A cat that walks on two legs!" Seeing that Rocket Raccoon beside him did not understand the words of the guy opposite, Star-Lord Repeated it again. While explaining, Star-Lord did not forget to continue Deadpool's ridicule. Deadpool was simply surprised to see an alien that looked like a cat, while Star-Lord was really just a joke among friends.

"Huh?! You said I'm a cat that walks on two legs!?" After Star-Lord explained, Rocket Raccoon finally understood what Deadpool just said. Rocket Raccoon can't stand people calling him a cat, dog, etc. This is a painful thing for him.


"Look at the gun!" The consequences of angering such a little bear are very serious. He directly took out the modified firearm on his back, pointed it at Deadpool and opened fire.

Puff puff!

Amid Star-Lord's profound meaning and the stunned expressions of Lin Rui and Deadpool on the opposite side, Rocket Raccoon's attack had instantly hit Deadpool's face. As a weapons master, Rocket Raccoon wanted to fight Deadpool without affecting Lin Rui who was standing aside. Therefore, those energy bombs were all aimed at Deadpool. However, how could Lin Rui let Deadpool withstand such an attack?


When Deadpool was also stunned by the attack coming from the shop, Lin Rui had already pulled out his Soul-Slaying Sword in an instant and swung out the energy bombs and swords in front of him.



The next moment, the energy bombs fired by Rocket Raccoon exploded in mid-air under the interception of Lin Rui's sword light. Lin Rui's sword energy continued to rush back after rushing away from the explosion area. Under Lin Rui's control, those sword energy slowly dissipated after they rushed in front of Star-Lord and Rocket Raccoon.

"If you can't speak, please stop talking!" After dealing with Rocket Raccoon's sudden attack, Lin Rui looked at Deadpool beside him and said angrily.

"I...it!...How do they know what I'm talking about? Is English still the universal language in the universe?" Deadpool was very surprised when he heard Lin Rui's words. Although Deadpool also knew that he shouldn't have shouted out his thoughts in such surprise just now, how did the alien know what he was talking about.

"Although English is not the universal language of the universe, it does not prevent others from understanding it! The development of civilization in this universe is far beyond your belief. Is it any wonder that they have a universal translator!" After hearing what Deadpool said, Lin Rui explained helplessly.

"Universal translator!? Is there such a thing? What should we do now? It won't treat us as enemies because of what I just said, right?" After hearing Lin Rui's explanation, Deadpool asked in a low voice.

"This shouldn't be such a big deal... please stop talking later.

Let me communicate with them. "


Although Lin Rui was very surprised when he saw the man and bear in front of him just now, after the surprise, Lin Rui was particularly surprised. Because, if Lin Rui guessed correctly, the person and the bear in front of him should be from the team he knew. Then, Lin Rui's chance to return to Earth lies with the man in front of him!

Not to mention that Lin Rui was communicating quietly with Deadpool, Rocket Raccoon and Star-Lord over there were also very surprised. Star-Lord heard from the beginning that the words Deadpool shouted were in English, which meant that the two guys in front of him were from Star-Lord's home planet, Earth. This makes Star-Lord very curious. Has the earth's technology developed to this point in just twenty years? This planet is far away from the earth!

Therefore, Star-Lord deliberately explained Deadpool's words to Rocket Raccoon, just to anger Rocket Raccoon and make him test the two guys on the opposite side who were suspected to be from Earth. After Rocket Raccoon took action, Star-Lord was even more surprised. Although Lin Rui only shattered Rocket Raccoon's electric energy bomb, his attack method surprised Star-Lord. It did not look like a technological weapon.

As for Rocket Raccoon, he was equally surprised. Although he was angry because Deadpool called him a cat, the power of the electric energy bomb he fired was just to make Deadpool suffer. But the guy standing next to Deadpool easily shattered his own electric energy bomb. This attack method greatly attracted Rocket Raccoon's attention.

Therefore, after sizing up Lin Rui and Deadpool again, Star-Lord decided to speak first.

"Hello, you two! I am Star-Lord of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Are you from Earth?" Star-Lord asked with a smile as he walked down from the cabin door.

After Star-Lord walked out and greeted the other party, Rocket Raccoon also put away his weapons and followed him. Since he had already taken action once, he would not take action again now. Moreover, the other party doesn't look so easy to mess with.

Hearing what Star-Lord said, Lin Rui's eyes hidden under the mask flashed, "Sure enough, I guessed it right! He is Star-Lord of the Guardians of the Galaxy!"

Seeing Star-Lord and Rocket Raccoon walking towards him, Lin Rui gave Deadpool a look that looked at my performance, and then also raised his feet and walked towards Star-Lord and the others.

"It turns out to be Star-Lord from the famous Guardians of the Galaxy. Nice to meet you! I'm the Phantom Knight from Earth, and this is Deadpool. We're sorry for what he just said." Facing Star-Lord who walked in and Rocket Raccoon, Lin Rui calmly introduced himself and Deadpool.

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