Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 605: Leave Mandal to me

Soon after the men left, Mandal felt that everyone in the entire manor was moving. Since there are only about twenty people on the other side, they are fully capable of eating them. However, Mandal, who was standing in the hall, suddenly turned around and walked quickly towards the back after standing there for a few seconds.

"No matter how many people are involved in the attack this time, this place has been exposed. I will not be as stupid as Killian, waiting to be found." While walking quickly, Mandal thought silently in his heart.

Killian is already dead, and the first step of this operation has been blocked. Mandar feels that even if Captain America can be dragged up, he will not be able to send many people to deal with the desperate virus warriors. However, the threat of Tony Stark who is still alive is no less than S.H.I.E.L.D. Yes, Mandal already knew that Tony was still alive. After all, in order to re-establish the confidence of ordinary people while crushing Operation Kilian, Tony conducted a live broadcast directly in front of the White House this time.

In the live broadcast footage, Tony, who has recovered completely, is suspended in the square in front of the White House wearing the latest steel suit, with an overwhelming crowd of Iron Man behind him. This picture was spread through various media channels, and soon everyone around the world knew that Iron Man Tony Stark was intact. Moreover, he prevented a terrorist attack on the White House.

Therefore, in order to prevent Tony from using his hands to deal with him after solving the matter over there, Mandar had better hide first. Moreover, Mandal still doesn't know how his hiding place was discovered, so his best choice is to leave. However, just when Mandal was about to reach the secret room behind the castle, his brows suddenly frowned tightly.


The next second, a fiery red light suddenly appeared on Mandal's body. Then, his entire body size instantly increased several times, bursting out of his loose clothes, revealing the terrifying tangled muscles underneath. Mandal's originally gray hair and beard quickly turned into dark blue, and the roots stood up like metal thorns.


After completing the transformation in an instant, Mandal raised his huge arms to block his head without any pause. Moreover, these arms are still changing when they are raised. The color of the skin on the surface continues to deepen, and the internal bones become stronger and tougher. But the next moment, Mandal's raised arms were directly disconnected from the elbows, as if they had been cut off by something sharp.

"Ah!..." Both arms were cut off inexplicably, Mandar held his head high and roared angrily.


As Mandal roared, a layer of fiery red light came out from his body, just enough to cover his entire body.


Following a soft sound,

The fiery red light on the surface of Mandal's body shattered directly. Then, his whole body seemed to have received a heavy blow and was blasted into the ground.


After Mandal was inexplicably smashed into the ground, the roof of the castle hall where he was located collapsed. The solid roof instantly shattered into large pieces of stone and fell down, quickly burying Mandal who had just been smashed into the ground.

When the castle where Mandal was located completely collapsed, three people were suspended in the air above the castle. One person was riding a flying skateboard, one was flapping the wings behind his back, and another was just standing in the air with his feet on the air.

"This...Phantom Knight, you are too violent!" Looking at the completely collapsed castle building below, Falcon looked at the expressionless Lin Rui beside him and said with emotion.

While the SHIELD special force was still floating in the sky, Lin Rui and three others had already rushed down. Falcon and Hawkeye, who were originally planning to follow the team, saw the Phantom Knight suddenly flying towards a castle in the manor, so they had no choice but to follow. After reaching the top of the castle building, the Phantom Knight rushed out directly from the flying skateboard. Then, Falcon and Hawkeye could only see a flash of cyan light in front of them, and the Phantom Knight had a seemingly ordinary long sword in his hand.

Falcon and Hawkeye originally thought that the Phantom Knight was going to take action next, but they didn't know that Lin Rui had already taken action just now. The moment he pulled out the Soul-Slaying Sword, Lin Rui had already slashed his sword towards the castle building below. The cyan light that flashed just now was the sword energy rushing out. However, Lin Rui compressed the sword energy a lot, making it more powerful.

It was Lin Rui's extremely compressed sword energy that forced Mandal, who was about to escape quietly in the castle hall, to instantly transform. However, his arms were still cut off, and he was also split open by the power of the sword energy. The energy defense of the Extremis Virus drove him into the ground.

Therefore, within a few seconds, Falcon and Hawkeye were surprised to see the castle-like building below collapse. At this time, they also realized that the Phantom Knight had just taken action. Although they still don't know why the Phantom Knight suddenly attacked this building, there should be someone important underneath.

"It's just a house that was demolished. And Mandal is down there." Lin Rui said calmly after hearing what Falcon said.

"Huh!? Mandal is down there?!" After hearing Lin Rui's words, both Hawkeye and Falcon became focused.

Their main mission this time is Mandal. Now the Phantom Knight says that Mandal is down there, and they can't let him escape. Moreover, in order to give Captain Rogers more chips, it is best for them to capture Mandal, the apparent leader of the terrorists, alive this time.

Da da da ~ boom!

Just when Falcon and the others learned about Mandal from Lin Rui, fighting finally broke out in other parts of the manor. It seems that SHIELD's special forces have landed and are fighting with Mandal's men.

"You can go help over there. I'll leave this place to me." Staring at the ruins below, Lin Rui said to Falcon and Hawkeye beside him without looking back.

"This..." Hearing Lin Rui's words, Falcon hesitated. After all, their target was also Mandal.

"Phantom Knight, are you sure you can catch him alive?" However, before Falcon could finish speaking, Hawkeye suddenly asked.

"Of course! Moreover, your help should be more needed over there. After all, you are short of manpower." Hearing Hawkeye's question, Lin Rui looked at him and answered easily.

"Okay, I'll leave this to you. Let's go, Falcon!" Without doubting Lin Rui's strength, Hawkeye called out to the Falcon next to him and then rushed towards other battlefields in the manor on his flying skateboard. past.


Behind Hawkeye, Falcon quickly followed. A few seconds later, Lin Rui was the only one left above the ruins.


After Hawkeye and Falcon left, Lin Rui looked at the ruins below and slowly raised the Soul-Slaying Sword in his hand. Then, an illusory long sword composed of cyan light quickly condensed on the Spirit-Slaying Sword.


After the cyan illusory sword was big enough, Lin Rui slashed it with his hand.

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