Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 657: Meeting with Dr. Banner


Seeing the four figures approaching, Lin Rui, who was lying on the ground, quickly turned over and tried to get up.


However, as soon as he moved with multiple fractures on his body, he fell down again.

"Hiss~" Lin Rui, who fell face first to the ground, couldn't help but gasp in pain, and then tried to get up.

"Let me help you." Seeing Lin Rui's embarrassed look, Jack beside him quickly stretched out his hand to help Lin Rui up.

Then, with Jack's help, Lin Rui finally stood up. However, it was impossible for him to recover much from his injuries in such a short period of time. Therefore, Lin Rui could only endure the pain on his body and try to make his eyes look calmer.

"Still trying to be brave..." Tony thought helplessly when he saw Lin Rui getting up despite the pain and looking at him. Then Tony also turned around to face the four people coming from behind.

Ta da~

When Lin Rui got up from the ground, Captain Rogers and the others were already approaching. Dr. Banner, who had been following Rogers, was no longer just wearing a pair of underwear, he was now fully clothed. As for where the clothes he is wearing come from, just look at the slender figure behind Captain Rogers.

When Rogers and the others walked towards Lin Rui, Natasha, who had been flying in the air, had already come down. Natasha came down and brought a set of clothes for Banner, and then followed Captain Rogers. This time, Captain Rogers represents SHIELD and covers Dr. Banner. When facing the Guardians, X-Men and Iron Man, SHIELD seems to have a few people, so there are too many Natashas. Very good.

"Phantom Knight! Haha, I knew you would be fine!" After approaching, Peter shouted happily and rushed towards Lin Rui.

"Huh?" When Peter rushed out, Dr. Banner had also noticed the guy who had just fought the Hulk for several rounds. However, Dr. Banner was surprised by Lin Rui's current state.

"It seems that the Phantom Knight is fine. This way the matter will be much easier to solve." Captain Rogers, who also saw Lin Rui, thought silently in his heart. He was worried that the Phantom Knight was seriously injured, and it would not be so easy for Tony. Let this matter go.


"Phantom Knight, on behalf of SHIELD, I'm sorry for what happened just now." Before Dr. Banner could speak, Captain Rogers quickly walked up to Lin Rui and spoke.

When Captain Rogers apologized, he not only dropped his attitude, but also directed all the things caused by the Hulk to SHIELD. In this way, even if Dr. Banner is still hesitant about joining S.H.I.E.L.D., it is hard to refuse directly now.

Hearing Rogers' apology, Lin Rui nodded slightly and said nothing. Tony had reminded him just now that even if Lin Rui felt it was okay, he couldn't seem to be too cheap at this time and had to break down. After all, their alliance is equal. Therefore, after Rogers apologized, Lin Rui's eyes slowly moved to Dr. Banner in the back.

"Is this Bruce Banner? If you didn't know that there is a Hulk with amazing fighting power hidden in his body, he would look really ordinary now." Lin Rui looked at Dr. Banner up and down, and Lin Rui silently thought in his heart thought.

While Lin Rui was silently sizing up Dr. Banner, he had already walked over.

"Hello, Phantom Knight, I'm Bruce Banner. I'm sorry that the Hulk hurt you just now. He was out of control." Walking up to Lin Rui, Dr. Banner first introduced himself, and then replaced Green Hulk. The giant injured Lin Rui and apologized.

"So you are Dr. Banner! I'm glad to meet you! I am indeed partly responsible for what happened just now. It doesn't have anything to do with it." Seeing Dr. Banner apologize, Lin Rui stopped putting on airs and said with a smile. arrive.

While talking, Lin Rui wanted to reach out and shake hands with Dr. Banner. However, because the bones in both his arms were broken, he couldn't even use any strength.

Therefore, I only saw Lin Rui swinging his shoulders awkwardly twice.

"Um... I'm sorry, my arm was broken just now." Lin Rui couldn't lift his arm, and looked at Dr. Banner in front of him and said with some embarrassment.

"Uh...it doesn't matter! I'm just sorry!" Dr. Banner said quickly after hearing Lin Rui's words. The Phantom Knight's broken arm was caused by the Hulk. How could Dr. Banner mind that he couldn't shake his hand now?

"Haha, then today's matter is finally settled. The Phantom Knight and the Hulk also presented a high-quality battle to us all, allowing us to see their strong strength." After Lin Rui accepted the class Captain Rogers said with a smile after Dr. Na's apology.

Now that the Phantom Knight has accepted Dr. Banner's apology, Tony Stark will not say anything more. Moreover, from what Phantom Knight just said, he obviously knew Bruce Banner before, so his battle with the Hulk today may not be an accident. Therefore, Captain Rogers is completely relieved now. However, there were other things for him to worry about.

While Dr. Banner and Lin Rui were apologizing, Professor Charles, who had not come over before, had also slowly come over in a wheelchair. Professor Charles didn't speak when Rogers and the others were talking just now, but just silently observed from the side. Although no one said that Dr. Banner was the Hulk just now, Professor Charles quickly judged it.

"Sure enough, you should never underestimate this world! There will always be people with powerful abilities that you don't know about." Looking at Dr. Banner, who was no different from ordinary people in front of him, Professor Charles thought silently in his heart. .

Compared with those modified people developed by the military, the real Hulk not only has no limit to his strength, but his performance after returning to normal is also far better than those modified people. Now, the previously controlled modified humans have already shrunk from the green giant state to the state of ordinary people. In addition to most of them falling into deep coma due to serious injuries, there are also a few who collapsed and died due to excessive physical exhaustion. .

"Dr. Banner, this is Professor Charles, the leader of the X-Men and the current ally of SHIELD." Seeing Professor Charles coming over, Captain Rogers introduced with a smile.

"Hello Professor Charles, I have heard about you a long time ago. I have always admired what you have done for mutants and ordinary humans, and today I see you in real life." After listening to Rogers' introduction, Dr. Banner looked at Professor Charles said seriously.

"Nice to meet you too, Dr. Banner." After Banner finished speaking, Professor Charles responded with a smile.

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