Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 784: Borrow something to use once


While the communication commander was holding the tablet in his hand tightly and was stunned, the space portal behind him once again transmitted strong space fluctuations. Then, the seriously injured people continued to be teleported out one by one. Then, without thinking about what to do with the news from the headquarters, the communications commander quickly arranged for people to receive the wounded.

"It's not something I, as a temporary base commander, can decide if something like this happens, so let's wait until Captain Rogers and the others come back! Moreover, people over there have already begun to decide on a devastating strike, so they should be able to control the situation. ." The commander thought in his heart while treating the wounded.


Just as the communications commander was having a headache arranging to treat the wounded, two figures rushed out of the space portal. These two people were obviously different from the other injured people, because one of them seemed uninjured, and the uninjured person was carrying the unconscious person.

"Spider-Man!? This is the mysterious mage from the Guardian Alliance! Is he also seriously injured?" Seeing the two figures coming out of the space portal, the communications commander walked over in surprise and said.

"Well! It's not just Jack! There are many people over there who are injured! Now we are all retreating with the support of Iron Man, please be prepared for a counterattack by the dark elves. Before I come back, the support of the dark elves seems to have been We're here!" After hearing the question from the SHIELD official in front of him, Spider-Man Peter, who was arranged by Rogers to send Jack back, quickly answered.

However, Peter's answer was not good news. If the support from the dark elves also arrives, then with the strength they have shown now, even with the help of a hundred Iron Man units, Rogers and the others may not be able to retreat safely.

"There really isn't any good news!" Upon hearing Peter's answer, the communications commander clenched his fists tightly and said in a suppressed voice.

"Although the support from the Dark Elves is coming soon, we now have the support of a hundred Iron Man units, and the battle outside the space portal can be completely sustained. Therefore, Captain Rogers will definitely be able to return safely with the others. . As long as we can respond well here and prevent the dark elves over there from counterattacking!" Peter said quickly after hearing the communications officer's whisper. For Captain America Steve Rogers, Spider-Man Peter has a kind of blind trust and admiration.

"Yes! I will take care of it! Moreover, this base has already become a war fortress. Even if the dark elves counterattack, I am confident that they will never come back!" Seemingly inspired by Peter's words, the communications commander He raised his head high and spoke loudly.

"That's right! That's right! Where is Mr. Stark? And where is the Night Knight?" Helping the unconscious Jack to walk outside quickly, Peter turned to the communications commander beside him and asked.

Under normal circumstances, as soon as Peter came out of the space portal, Harry should have rushed over to pick him up. However, even though Peter had spoken so much to the communications commander here, Harry still didn't see the shadow, and Tony, who came in front of Peter, was nowhere to be seen.

"Uh...Mr. Stark said he had something urgent and left directly! As for the Night Knight of the Guardian Alliance, he also left after receiving a message. Originally, he also planned to go there with the Iron Man to support you. ." After hearing Peter's words, the communications commander replied with some embarrassment.

"It's urgent! He left after receiving a message?! How is that possible? Could it be..." Peter stopped as he helped Jack out, and after receiving the answer, Peter's eyes flickered a few times and he thought to himself.

"Could it be...that something happened to Jackson? Jarvis, are you there?" The next moment, Peter had already started calling Jarvis.

"I'm here, Mr. Spider-Man." Jarvis's response rang in his ears after Peter called.

"Is there anything I should know?" Peter asked directly without saying anything else.

Because Peter knows that Jarvis is a very smart artificial intelligence,

He can completely understand his relationship with Phantom Knight. Therefore, his straightforward inquiry can save time.

"...Mr. Phantom Knight encountered an accident when he was determining the situation on the dark elf side. After passing through a dimensional space, he encountered a team of senior dark elf warriors. In order to cover the other two people's safe return to Earth, the Phantom Knight stayed behind After the break. In the final battle, the Phantom Knight was seriously injured, and his life situation was very unstable at this time."

"The Dark Knight has already rushed back to New York after getting the news, and Mr. Stark is also on his way back to New York at this time. Also, the location of that dimensional space is on the outskirts of London, and there are constantly pouring out of it at this time. The biological arms of the dark elves, and senior dark elf warriors have already appeared. After judgment, the SHIELD headquarters has planned to launch a devastating strike."

After a moment of silence, Jarvis told Peter everything he needed to know. Just as Peter thought, Jarvis did know his relationship with the Phantom Knight, also known as Jackson, so he would not hide anything from him.

"Life situation is unstable!? What does this mean?!" Peter heard this sentence without paying attention to anything else.

"In other words, Phantom Knight may die at any time at this time."


Hearing Jarvis's answer, Peter's hand that was holding Jack softened, and he almost threw the unconscious Jack to the ground.

"Spider-Man, what's wrong with you?!" Seeing Spider-Man's sudden weakness, the communications commander quickly reached out to help him and reminded him at the same time.

"I'm fine!" Peter took a deep breath and replied after supporting Jack again.

"Well, I'm going to leave Jack to you! If Captain Rogers and the others come back! Just tell me I have something important to leave first!" Then, Peter handed the unconscious Jack to the hands of the communications commander and said at the same time.

"This..." Looking at the unconscious Jack who was leaning on him, the communications commander was speechless.

"Jarvis, do you have any extra steel suits for me?" After leaving Jack to the guy next to him to take care of him, Peter continued to ask Jarvis.

"The remaining steel suits have already participated in the support. If you want to return to New York as soon as possible, the only way is to borrow SHIELD's Quinjet." Soon, Jarvis answered Peter's words.


"Uh...is there anything else?" Seeing Spider-Man suddenly turning his head to look at him again, the communications commander asked with a confused look on his face.

"Borrow something to use!"


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