Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 797 The plan is in progress

Because of the relationship between Harry and Lin Rui, the cooperation between the Osborne Group itself and Stark Industries is relatively close. After Tony Stark and SHIELD formed an alliance, Lin Rui also asked Harry to provide SHIELD with something for a fee. Among them, the Titan series of gene-enhancing potions were obtained by SHIELD at a huge cost. Compared with the improved individual flying skateboard, genetic enhancement potions that can enhance the personal combat effectiveness and quality of soldiers can take SHIELD to a higher level.

Therefore, before the Osborn Group's various experimental potions were announced, SHIELD and the others had already used them. For this reason, when the Osborn Group prepares to open the market with improved ordinary versions of these genetic medicines in the future, S.H.I.E.L.D. will definitely help.

Therefore, with the alliance of these forces, SHIELD, as a behemoth, will develop so smoothly and rapidly. At this time, even if there is no Avengers, there are already other teams within S.H.I.E.L.D. that can stand alone. The mobile team used for the second round of attack this time was just one of them, and it was also the first team Coulson released to test the waters.

Bang bang bang!

"Can they really control the battlefield? You should know the strength of those enemies very well!" Seeing that the mobile suits with special equipment had launched an attack on the enemies, Fris asked still somewhat uneasily.

Because, from what he could see on the screen in front of him, the firepower fired from those individual flying skateboards was only slightly stronger than ordinary machine gun firepower. Except for weapons with strong directional energy such as laser beams, other firepower is not very effective against those enemies. Therefore, after seeing that the weapons of those mobile suits were relatively ordinary, Frith became worried.

"Frith, do you know what enemy we are facing this time?" Without answering Frith's question immediately, Coulson on the side of the screen looked at him and asked calmly.

"Although my authority is still a little low, I can guess it. Are they... extraterrestrial civilizations?" After Colson asked back, Fries' eyes flickered, and then he answered in a cautious tone.

"Extraterrestrial civilization?!..." After Frith finished his answer, the two people next to him opened their eyes and shouted low, and then quickly shut up.

"Haha, that's right! What we are facing this time is indeed a threat from extraterrestrial civilization. Moreover, we also know something about them. In terms of strength, the weapons of our mobile suits are not enough to fight against them. However, our The goal is just to seal them here." It was no surprise that Frith could guess the origins of those dark elves and giant war beasts, Coulson said with a smile on the screen.

"You mean... the destruction strike is still planned?!" After hearing Coulson's answer, Freese asked as if he had thought of something.

"That's right, the support from the aerospace carrier is only here to control the situation without the help of the Avengers. Our ultimate goal is to protect the earth! Therefore, the destruction plan still exists, and the Damocles Sword is almost ready Okay." Coulson on the screen seemed to be looking somewhere else, but he had already briefly told Frith the plan.

The Sword of Damocles is S.H.I.E.L.D.’s space-based weapons system. Compared with the unnecessary casualties to the environment and personnel caused by the use of micro-nuclear bombs, the use of space-based weapons is not only equally powerful, but also reduces a lot of subsequent damage.

"The Sword of Damocles! It seems you are well aware of the threat this extraterrestrial civilization poses to the earth!" Friese couldn't help but say when Coulson mentioned that the destruction plan would use the Sword of Damocles.

"Otherwise, why do you think Captain Rogers and the others haven't come back yet?" After hearing what Freese said, Coulson on the screen asked meaningfully.

"turn out to be……"

"Also, don't underestimate our mobile suits. Each of them is an elite among the elite."

Puff puff!

While Coulson and Fries were discussing behind the battlefield,

The fighting on the battlefield has broken out again.

Under the attack of the previous laser beam, there were two more war beasts that came out of the dimensional space. They were currently being instigated by four mobile suits with firepower and running around. From time to time, bullets are shot into their bodies. Although they are not fatal, they can also cause some minor damage to them.

The remaining seven dark elf warriors seemed to be frightened by the laser beam attack that was enough to destroy them. They chose to defend against the various attacks from the mobile suits. Because, the dimensional space in the center of this ruin has always been there. No matter how fierce the battle was, this magical dimensional space seemed not to be affected much.

No, it can't be said that it has no impact at all. At least in the beginning, the dimensional space where the Dark Elf war beasts kept appearing has not seen any more war beasts or other Dark Elf warriors for some time. However, the space fluctuations coming from the dimensional space are still very strong, and support from the dark elves may arrive at any time. For the sake of ether particles, Malekith could not give up such an opportunity.

Therefore, in order to guard the dimensional space so that their support can arrive safely, the remaining seven dark elf warriors guarded the middle dimensional space from seven directions. Every time a mobile suit rushes over, it will receive the strongest blow. If these mobile suits had not become very proficient in controlling individual flying skateboards, casualties would have occurred very quickly. After all, the seemingly cold weapons in the hands of dark elves can fly.

Swish, brush, brush!

In addition to the mobile suits dispatched from SHIELD headquarters, Iron Man, who had been hiding to avoid the first round of laser beam strikes, also rushed out again. Their mission is not over yet. Therefore, at this time, each of the seven dark elf warriors faced attacks from at least three or four opponents. Even if they were originally very powerful, they would not be able to be so calm when they were suppressed on Earth and faced with the most elite warriors.

Buzz! !

Just as SHIELD's mobile suits cooperated with Iron Man to suppress the remaining dark elf warriors, the concentration of alpha particles in that dimensional space began to rise rapidly again, and soon it reached the limit.

"Time's up! Carry out space blockade!" Just as strong space fluctuations were heard from the dimensional space, Coulson in the high-altitude aerospace aircraft carrier command headquarters gave the order with serious eyes.

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