Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 806 Tony’s method

He stood next to the glass wall and looked at Lin Rui inside for a while. Tony didn't speak, and his facial expression didn't change. However, his eyes have changed many times in such a short time.

"You kid, you ended up like this! What if you have something to save your life? Will things really develop as you thought? If you are not careful, who will bear the accident? Not yet You want me to come!" Tony thought helplessly as he watched Lin Rui wandering between life and death in the medical room.

Among those who knew that Lin Rui was the Phantom Knight, Tony knew him best. He also knew that Lin Rui must have something to save his life before he dared to take various threatening actions. For example, this time, although he was attacked by a senior dark elf warrior, he was still able to pull him back from the brink of death through the magical item that kept emitting green light despite his injuries.

However, no matter how magical Lin Rui is, no matter how powerful his life-saving tools are, accidents will still happen. Just like now, Lin Rui's body maintains a very delicate balance between dark energy and the powerful green energy. Once this balance is broken, Lin Rui will either be reborn or destroyed.

"Jarvis, have the results of the experiment I asked you to do come out?" Without answering Harry's question immediately, Tony asked Jarvis a question first.

On the way back, Tony also thought of a way that might help based on Lin Rui's current situation. However, that method must be tested first to ensure it is effective. That's why Tony asked Jarvis if the experimental results had come out.

"Sir, the experimental results are out, but the results are not very satisfactory." Jarvis answered quickly after hearing Tony's question.


After Jarvis answered Tony, a beam of light was projected directly on the glass wall in front of Tony. Then, a series of complex data were displayed in front of Tony and the others. This was obviously the result of the experiment Tony just mentioned.

"The experimental results are not ideal?" After hearing Jarvis's answer, Tony's eyes had already glanced at the data on the glass wall.

In fact, the core of Tony's idea was similar to what Harry and Jerry had in mind, which was to eliminate or absorb the dark energy in Lin Rui. When thinking of absorbing all kinds of energy, the first thing Tony thought of was the venom he had once again put into limbo. You know, venom can absorb almost any energy, even the energy in the human body and other living organisms.

The last time Tony experimented with Venom, he thought he could control it to only absorb the electrical energy provided by himself. Unexpectedly, at the last moment, Venom would still cling to Tony and absorb his energy in order to survive. If Lin Rui hadn't used his mental power to scan it carefully in the end, Tony might have been parasitized by the venom.

But this time, Tony planned to use venom's ability to absorb any energy, and wanted him to absorb the dark energy from Lin Rui. However, listening to Jarvis's answer, it seems that there is something wrong with Venom.

"Looking at these data, Venom can indeed absorb two kinds of energy from Jackson. However, Venom seems to be more interested in the thing that glows green in Jackson's hand. As for the dark energy, although Venom has also shown interest, but It's obviously a little worse." Looking at the experimental data in front of him, Tony thought silently.

The use of venom, which is not yet fully controllable, is because Lin Rui's situation is too critical, but if it can really absorb the dark energy on Lin Rui's body and the green-rayed thing he is holding in his hand, With powerful energy, Lin Rui can survive the current crisis. However, looking at Venom's performance on those two energies, if it really takes action, it may just absorb the green energy without moving the dark energy.

In fact, it is very normal for Venom to behave like this. Although the dark energy remaining in Lin Rui is very powerful, it is a destructive energy. Compared with the vitality energy of the Heart of Life held in Lin Rui's hand,

Absorbing dark energy comes at a greater cost to Venom.

Moreover, if the current venom really absorbs the heart of life in Lin Rui's hand, maybe it can return to the strength it had when it left the last collapsed planet in a short time. In that case, even if Tony's side has been closely monitoring and freezing the venom, it will be impossible to trap it again. You know, Venom traveled through countless starry skies before it came to Earth. Its original body was far more than what it is now, and its strength was countless times stronger.

"Looking at it this way, we can't risk using venom." After analyzing the experimental data given by Jarvis, Tony thought silently in his heart.

"In this case...Jarvis, prepare some venom first. We have three different plans now. We can combine them at that time to see how to make Jackson recover in the safest way." After thinking for a while, Tony spoke. Jarvis said.

"Yes, sir." He agreed, and Jarvis was already preparing venom behind him.

Since the last time the venom caused harm to Tony, it has been sealed in the cold palace. This time it was let out to feel the breath of the heart of life and dark energy. It is very excited now. Therefore, if it is really allowed to absorb that energy, maybe even if it is strangled to death, it will not let it go.


"Harry, I don't have a particularly good way to save Jackson yet. However, although your method is dangerous, it is worth a try. So now, we still wait for news from the X-Men. Well. If that Rakshasa girl is willing to come, we can definitely save Jackson together." He waved his hand to Jarvis to put back the light curtain in front of him, and then Tony turned to Harry and said.

"Yes! However, more than ten minutes have passed, and there is still no response from the X-Men. Do you think they haven't found the Rakshasa girl yet? Or, is the Rakshasa girl unwilling to help?" Tony heard. Harry nodded and said. However, he was still worried that the most important part of Jerry's plan would go wrong.

"Although Rakshasa Girl has separated from the X-Men a long time ago, I believe the X-Men can still contact her. As for whether she is willing to help, as long as she is found, there is always a way for her to help." Hearing Harry's worry, Tony said calmly.

"Okay! Then I'll wait here!"

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