Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 811 Preparations

Ten minutes later, Tom and Dave left each other's contact information and separated. As for what was said between Tom and Dave in these ten minutes, only they know. However, Dave's expression was very excited when he left, as if he had won a lottery. Because he has confidence in his future dreams again. Moreover, it is the confidence given by a friend of Phantom Knight.

After separating from Dave, Tom continued to rush to Peter Parker's house. Although there were some hiccups on the way, Tom would not forget the purpose of his trip, which was to inquire about Lin Rui, who had not heard from him for a long time. As for Peter Parker, Tom felt that apart from Lin Rui's family, he was the most convenient person to inquire about Lin Rui's situation.

"Dave Leszewski is really a simple middle-aged man! But wasn't I just as simple as him back then?" When he rushed to Peter's house, Tom couldn't help but think in his heart. Thinking about meeting Dave.

In fact, compared to Tom, Dave's approach is more reckless, but it is also a strong manifestation of his inner desire to become a street hero. If Tom hadn't found out that his best friend was the Phantom Knight, he might still have been just an ordinary high school student. Although they both have the idea of ​​becoming a hero, Dave is obviously more action-oriented than Tom.

"But is this approach really good? Dave is still just an ordinary person after all. There will be countless dangers on the way to becoming a hero." As he walked, Tom was also thinking about some questions over and over in his mind.

Before he and Dave parted ways, Tom told Dave that he could help Dave become stronger. Moreover, he can also form a team with Dave to deal with these bullies, just like the original Phantom Knight. After all, as long as human society exists in this world, these social bugs will never disappear.

Moreover, with Tom's current strength, ordinary street bullies cannot be his opponent. You know, Tom is a soldier who successfully accepted the new Winter Soldier experiment. If we simply discuss physical fitness, Tom is better than Captain America Steve Rogers' good friend Bucky Barnes. If Lin Rui hadn't always felt that Tom's unfortunate experience had something to do with him, otherwise he would have dragged Tom into the Guardian Alliance.

As for helping Dave grow into a strong person, Tom is not just talking nonsense. Although Dave is an ordinary person now, he may not be able to beat a few girls in a fight. But his plasticity is very high. With the fighting skills in Tom's mind, he has the confidence to train Dave into a powerful figure.

"But isn't it normal to be in danger? Jackson has experienced countless dangers since he became the Phantom Knight, and he has persisted." The thoughts in his mind slowly changed from worry to Determined, Tom has made a major decision under the influence of Lin Rui's stimulation and Dave's behavior.

"However, the nickname that boy Dave gave himself is as unflattering as his clothes. He is actually called Kick-Ass..."


While thinking about how to contact Dave to form his own team in the future, Tom was almost walking to Peter's house. As for the pistol he had just seized, the fingerprints had been wiped off and thrown to the side of the road. Tom didn't need that now.

And half an hour later, when Tom came out of Peter's house, his face was still very heavy. Peter has not been home for several days, but Aunt May can still contact Peter at any time. She just called Peter in front of Tom, and Peter was still at Stark Industries at this time.

"Jackson, what's wrong with you?" Standing at the door of Peter's house and looking up at the city center, Tom whispered to himself.

Just when Tom went out to find news about Lin Rui, Lin Rui was still lying in the medical room on the fifth underground floor of the Stoke Industrial Building. However, at this time, Tony and the others outside the medical room had already begun to prepare. Because, there is news from the X-Men,

The Rakshasa girl, the naughty Anna Marie, has promised to come back to help treat the Phantom Knight. So, Tony will have everything else ready before the little naughty boy comes over.

"Jarvis, how are the preparations at Venom?" Tony asked Jarvis while quickly calculating something on the touch screen in front of him with his hands.

"It's ready. Venom will absorb external energy when needed." Jarvis's answer almost followed Tony's words.

"Well, remember to be extra careful and don't let the venom come into contact with Jackson." Looking at some data in front of him, Tony warned again.

"I know, I'll pay attention. "

"Where's Thor? How is his recovery? Will he fall off the chain then?" After making sure that Venom was fine, Tony raised his head and looked in one direction and asked.

"Mr. Thor has been given the best treatment and recovery conditions, and his body has almost completely recovered. Moreover, Mr. Thor has just tested it, and his power can indeed restrain the dark energy in Jackson." Hearing. Jarvis answered Thor's question equally quickly.

"That's good. There's no problem with Deadpool. I didn't expect that the most critical part of this plan would be without this guy. I'm really worried." If there's no problem with Thor, then only Let’s move on to Rugrats and Deadpool. Tony was still a little worried about Deadpool.

Why did Jerry arrange for Deadpool to go to Stark Industries? If you want to be notified of news, just make a phone call. That's because it's impossible to absorb the dark energy from Lin Rui's body just by relying on the little naughty boy. That kind of dark energy obviously has strong destructive power. If the little naughty girl simply absorbed that dark energy, she would probably be unable to bear it during the absorption process and cause an accident.

Therefore, the complete plan proposed by Jerry actually requires Deadpool to cooperate. First, let the little naughty absorb Deadpool's super recovery ability, and then the little naughty, who already has Deadpool's recovery ability, absorbs the dark energy from Lin Rui. In this case, the little naughty boy with Deadpool's abnormal recovery ability can persevere under the attack of those dark energies.

Of course, because there are now three different options. Under Tony's precise calculations, he will integrate these three plans in the most reasonable way. In this case, it can at least ensure that this plan to save Lin Rui has the greatest success rate.

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