Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 824 Special Situations in the Guardian Alliance Base

Holding the baseball bat tightly in his hand, Jerry has bypassed the last obstacle in front of him: Deadpool's sofa. The next moment, Jerry had arrived at the dark corner where the noise was coming from.

However, when Jerry saw what was happening in the corner, his slightly nervous expression instantly turned to panic. Then, Jerry pushed back slightly and leaned on the back of the sofa, loosening his grip on the baseball bat.

Bang! ~

The baseball bat that fell from Jerry's hand hit the ground with a crisp sound. After hearing the noise, Jerry, who was retreating in a daze, reacted. His retreating body quickly stood up, and then quickly picked up the baseball bat on the ground again.


Raising his right hand and pointing the baseball bat forward, Jerry's voice trembled a little, "You...you...how did you survive?!"

It turns out that the person making the noise in the corner was not the rat, but the nameless person who was supposed to remain comatose or already dead. At this time, he had woken up and was slowly standing up from the ground.

For Jerry, the threat of rats is greater than that of a comatose or dead Jane Doe, while the threat of a living and awake Jane Doe is the highest level. Because when Deadpool brought the Nameless One back, the Phantom Knights and the others did not investigate him because they were busy with other things.

Therefore, Jerry only has some guesses about the origins of Anonymous. Regardless of whether Jerry's guess is accurate or not, it is dangerous for him to face the Nameless One alone.

In response to Jerry's lack of confidence, Anonymous did not answer, but stood up silently. Then, he raised his head and looked at Jerry in front of him. It seemed that because he had just woken up, there was not much sparkle in Anonymous' eyes. However, when he saw Jerry pointing his baseball bat in his hand, Nameless had some reaction. Then, Anonymous took a small step forward.

"You, you, you... what do you want to do?! If you come here again, I'll take action!" Seeing Nameless Doe take a step closer to him, Jerry swung the baseball bat forward again.

However, in the face of Jerry's warning of swinging a baseball bat, Nameless did not flinch and kept walking.

Didi didi!

And just when Jerry was about to cry when he was frightened by this unknown person, a rapid siren suddenly sounded inside the base. The moment he heard the siren, Jerry was stunned for a moment, and then surprise suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"Discover internal threats and activate secondary defense." As surprise appeared in Jerry's eyes, an electronic sound rang inside the Guardian Alliance base.

Click, click, click!

Then, all the walls near the corner where Jerry and Nameless Doe were were cracked, revealing holes, from which mechanical arms and various weapons quickly protruded. These mechanical arms changed rapidly after being stretched out, and soon formed a large shield defense in front of Jerry, and those weapons were already aimed at the nameless person.

"Haha! I almost forgot the defense system in the base! Now, what can you do to me?!" After he was protected and Nameless was surrounded by weapons, Jerry was finally able to speak with confidence.

This place of the Guardian Alliance, which was originally simple and small and could only allow Lin Rui and the others to take a short rest, has long since developed into a base integrating leisure and high technology after such a long period of development.

Ever since Lin Rui asked for a micro Ark reactor energy set from Tony, the renovation of the Guardian Alliance base has never stopped. With the tacit approval of SHIELD, the underground in this area has been expanded a lot, giving more space to the Guardian Alliance base.

Therefore, in order to protect this base that is no longer what it used to be, the internal defense of the Guardian Alliance base is also very good. These weapons are set up according to the highest specifications. After the defense system is activated, there should be no problem with Jerry's safety.

After the defense system of the Guardian Alliance base was activated, the nameless person stopped. Looking at the weapons pointed at me,

Jane Doe's attention had completely shifted away from Jerry. Therefore, after Jerry shouted that sentence with confidence, he did not get a single response, which made Jerry a little embarrassed.


While judging the danger level of the Nameless Doe in front of him, the weapons aimed at him have begun to charge. As long as the Nameless One makes any movement, these weapons will launch powerful attacks.


Seemingly curious about the various metal weapons in front of him, the nameless person who had stopped took another step forward and raised his right hand.

"Attack." After observing Nameless Doe's movements, the defense system directly made the decision to attack.


The next moment, two dazzling white laser beams were launched, and the target was Nameless Doe. Without any obstruction, Nameless Doe was already attacked by the laser beam as soon as he raised his right hand halfway. The powerful laser beam penetrated directly through the nameless chest and made two transparent holes in his chest.

In order to ensure the absolute safety of the Guardian Alliance base, the internal defense system made a one-hit kill on the Nameless Doe in front of him. Under the attack of these two laser beams, even if the nameless person was not an ordinary person, he would have no chance of surviving after two big holes were penetrated in his chest.

However, the next scene made Jerry, who was hiding behind the defense, widen his eyes again, and the baseball bat in his hand fell to the ground again.

Bang! ~~

"You, you, you... how is this possible?!" His tone trembled again, and Jerry looked at the nameless person who should have fallen in front of him and shouted in shock.

In front of Jerry's eyes, Nameless, who had two big holes penetrated in his chest, only took two steps back and then stood firm again. As if he didn't understand what was happening to him, Anonymous frowned tightly.


Then Jerry saw an even more shocking scene. There was a slight creepy sound coming from the two transparent holes in the nameless chest, and then Jerry saw that the holes were shrinking rapidly, and finally disappeared.

In just a few seconds, Nameless Doe's own resilience had grown back all the internal organs, bones and flesh that were shattered by the laser beam.

"You are really a mutant!" Seeing the skin on Jane Doe's chest returning to its original state, Jerry had almost confirmed the identity of Jane Doe in front of him.

Of course, Jerry was shocked enough by the fact that Jane Doe's abnormal resilience was already comparable to that of Deadpool. Even if Deadpool suffered such a powerful attack, he would fall to the ground and roll and scream a few times, although that may be related to Deadpool's character.

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