Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 83 Blade Warrior

"According to this station, the giant lizard monster that appeared in New York City a few days ago reappeared at Imperial High School in Queens earlier today..."

"According to eyewitnesses at the scene, the lizard monster wreaked havoc in the school, causing many students to be injured..."

"When the police received the report and surrounded the school, the lizard monster had disappeared. Let's listen to the narration of the witnesses at the scene."

"I swear, I've never seen such a big lizard! It's like a dinosaur from the Jurassic period!!" An obviously frightened student danced and drew, it seemed that the classmate was not less affected The influence of travel through fiction.

"I think it mutated like this because it was irradiated. Various chemical factories in New York City should be further managed!" This is the analysis of an environmental scholar.

"It must be the government's secret research biological weapon! I swear, I heard that lizard talk!" This is the guy who heard Dr. Connors call Peter's name.

"Well, let's interview some excited students here." Hearing all kinds of speculations about the lizard, the host turned the microphone to the students who were waving excitedly.

"It's Spider-Man! He defeated that evil tuatara!"

"And the Phantom Knight! The Phantom Knight and Spider-Man have teamed up! The two of them dealt with the big lizard together!"

"Spider-Man! Spider-Man!"

"Phantom Knight! Phantom Knight!"

When the host handed the microphone here, the few students who were lucky enough to see Peter and Lin Rui shouted frantically in front of the camera. It seems to be a fan of Spider-Man and Phantom Knight again, and I don't know where they were hiding when they were fighting.

"Uh... It seems that these people are fans of Spider-Man and Phantom Knight. However, are these two New York street heroes who defeated the big lizards and rescued the people in the school?" When such news broke, the host quickly took the microphone back and continued.



"Hehe, these guys are really not afraid of death." Lin Rui, who was watching the news report on TV at home, smiled when he heard his classmates frantically above him. He didn't have time to pay attention to whether there was anyone next to him during the battle.

hum~ hum~

Just as Lin Rui was watching the TV report, the phone he placed on the table suddenly vibrated.



"Well? Is there any news?"

"Okay, I'll go right now!"


Lin Rui who received the call simply said a few words to the person on the other end of the phone and hung up. Then, Lin Rui picked up his backpack and rushed out of the room. Because Dr. Connors went to Lin Rui's school to make a big fuss today, their school had to take at least a few days off to renovate, which just gave Lin Rui enough time to do his own thing.



Half an hour later, Lin Rui, who hurried out the door, had arrived at their secret base. Here, Matt and Jack, who haven't seen each other for several days, have been waiting here.

"Where's Spider-Man? Haven't you been hanging out lately?" Jack asked suddenly when he saw that Lin Rui came alone.


"He has something to do, and he will come when he is done." Lin Rui explained briefly when he walked to his sofa and sat down. Peter is now taking care of Dr. Connors, who has not fully recovered from the genetic medicine, and will not be able to make it for a while. "Let's talk about your latest discovery first, and it's the same when you call Spider-Man when it's time to act."

"Well, with the help of Daredevil, I finally completely controlled the Frankenstein family who lost their leader, and also eliminated many opponents in the family. Therefore, we have been using the channels of the Frankenstein family for the past few days. Looking for news about Wesker and the vampire forces. Finally, we have some more important news.

After nodding, Jack began to tell Lin Rui about their recent achievements. Speaking of Daredevil's help to Jack, his lawyer status also helped a lot.

"Well? What important news? You didn't say anything on the phone." Hearing Jack's words, Lin Rui sat upright on the sofa and asked seriously.

"It turns out that Wesker, who you have been dealing with, also has a tangled relationship with the vampire forces. The Frankenstein family has cooperated with vampires for more than 20 years, but Wesker's underworld forces have not known how long they have cooperated with them. One of the human trafficking transactions you cracked down last time should be a transaction between them and the vampire forces, and it may be a certain vampire who secretly attacked you." Soon, Jack broke a big news.

"Jin Bing is also entangled with the vampire forces. This guy really does all kinds of business!" Lin Rui had to sigh with emotion when he heard Jack's words.

"And after the last transaction between the vampires and the Frankenstein family was destroyed by you and the police, Wesker's forces seemed to be completely hidden, and nothing was revealed for the time being. But the vampires seem to have a big move, New York. The police are also secretly deploying police forces to guard against those vampires who are about to move." Jack continued to break the news.

"New York police? Do they know that they are dealing with vampires? Or are they just being used by those guys in Congress." Hearing this, Lin Rui suddenly interrupted and asked.

"I don't think they know, they thought they were dealing with some illegal underworld power families." Shaking his head, Matt replied to Lin Rui.

"I know that the guys in Congress won't announce this situation. They should also want to use the pressure of the police to let the vampires honestly buy blood from them as before. However, they don't know that the current vampires have It's impossible to satisfy the status quo at all, otherwise they wouldn't have done a population deal with Wesker and the Frankenstein family for so many years." His brows were furrowed together, and Lin Rui felt that this matter would probably develop beyond their control. to the point of.

"Yes, we also feel that this Congress has underestimated the determination of vampires to break away from their control and appear in the eyes of ordinary people. Therefore, we are also seeking professional help, and thus get another news." Jack and the others Apparently they also thought of these, so they have already prepared in advance.

"Well? Professionals? Who?" Lin Rui asked curiously when he heard Jack's words.

"Blade fighter, a very powerful vampire hunter. He has been fighting vampire forces all his life and is the number one enemy of vampires."

"Oh, I remembered, there seems to be such a person!" With Jack's reminder, Lin Rui finally remembered this half-vampire, half-human vampire hunter. Although Lin Rui has seen the Blade Warrior series of movies in his last life, he can't remember the plot for a long time. He only knows that the Blade Warrior is a very powerful vampire hunter.

"Since the vampires are about to riot now, it is necessary to seek professional help. So we found the blade warrior, but his current condition is not very good."

"What happened to him?" Since the Blade Warrior is also a protagonist, nothing should happen to him.

"He was arrested by the police in Buffalo on murder charges. However, we investigated and he was caught this time as a trap for a vampire. A hagish guy pretended to be a vampire and was killed by the Blades. The vampire hiding by the side secretly recorded his crime image and reported it to the police." Jack told the news that he had only recently received.

"There really are people like the hag clan?! Hasn't he lived long enough? So what should we do now, are we going to rob a prison?" First, he complained about the hag clan who had committed suicide, and Lin Rui continued. Important questions were asked.

"It's the only way now. If you want to deal with vampires, the help of the blade fighter is necessary. Moreover, since the vampire designed the blade fighter to be caught, he may not be safe in the police station." Nodding, Jack affirmed The prison plan.

"Hey! It's really troublesome! Just rob a prison! I hope there won't be any evidence left. I don't want the police to think us street heroes are bad guys!" After patting his head, Lin Rui finally agreed with Jack's plan. .

"Okay, then we'll hurry up and plan now."

Then, the three of Lin Rui started planning their prison robbery in the secret base. When Lin Rui and the others were thinking about saving the Blades from prison, several vampire hunters in a secret organization in Buffalo were also planning to rescue the Blades.


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