Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 828 Accidental Teleportation

Facing Iceman's inquiry, Tony's tone was already calm. Lin Rui was still injured, how could he have thought that he would be transported to Asgard by the Rainbow Bridge. Although Lin Rui himself still yearns for Asgard, now is not the time for him to pass by.

Therefore, Tony was as unprepared for the current situation as Harry and others behind him.


"Mr. Stark! Those traces are disappearing!" Just when Tony was looking up at the almost completely dark sky, Peter, who had been pushed forward by Harry, suddenly shouted loudly.

Following Peter's voice, Tony and the others noticed where the Rainbow Bridge had just landed, and those special marks were quickly disappearing.

"Jarvis, have you recorded everything just now?" Tony asked calmly, not as anxious as Peter and the others.

"Sir, I have been here all along, and I have recorded everything that just happened." Jarvis's voice came out quickly after Tony spoke.

"Well, let it go, it can't be stopped anyway." Tony nodded and said indifferently.

Rather than studying these irrelevant things, let's think about why the Rainbow Bridge suddenly expanded and teleported Lin Rui away. After all, when they were in New Mexico, S.H.I.E.L.D. had recorded the special markings of the Rainbow Bridge landing, but so far they haven't found anything.


In this way, until the special circle of markings on the ground completely disappeared, Tony and others had not yet fully recovered from what had just happened.


However, just when those markings disappeared, a golden halo suddenly appeared on the top platform of the Stark Industries Building where Tony and the others were. This golden halo was particularly conspicuous in the darkening night, attracting Tony and the others' attention. When they saw the golden halo, except for Rugrats and Wolverine Logan who showed surprised expressions, everyone else obviously knew what the golden halo represented.


After the golden aperture was completely formed, Devin and Master Dalek walked out of it. They were attracted by the arrival of the Rainbow Bridge, but they arrived too late. The Rainbow Bridge had already gone back and took Lin Rui with them.

"Mr. Stark..." Walking out of the magical space portal, Darek saw Tony in front of him and said hello awkwardly.

The last time Master Dalek and Tony met was not a pleasant experience. In order to find out the news about the Phantom Knight, Master Darrick and Master Devin served as Tony's test subjects for more than an hour, almost consuming all their magic energy. Just let them leave. Therefore, when seeing Tony Stark again, Master Dalek still had some shadows in his heart.

"Master Darek! Master Devin!" Compared to Master Darek's awkward greeting, Tony's eyes lit up when he saw them coming, and he walked forward and shouted excitedly.

Just now, Tony was still thinking about how to contact the magical extraterrestrial civilization Asgard. After all, Lin Rui didn't tell Tony how he should establish contact with Asgard before he was accidentally teleported away. However, after seeing the two mages Darik and Devon, Tony suddenly remembered. When Lin Rui and Deadpool were accidentally teleported to a different planet in the universe, a great mage from the Earth Mage lineage rescued Lin Rui and the others, and they also borrowed Asgard's Rainbow Bridge when they came back.

Therefore, the lineage of earth mages must be related to Asgard. If this is the case, if you want to know why the Rainbow Bridge teleported Lin Rui away, or if you want to bring Lin Rui back to Earth, you must get the help of the earth's mage lineage.

"Uh... what just happened here? Did a Rainbow Bridge land?" Somewhat surprised by Tony's enthusiasm, Master Dalek was stunned for a moment and then asked.

"The Rainbow Bridge is the rainbow-colored light pillar that rushed down from the clouds just now. We noticed that it is located here at the Stoke Industrial Building." We were also worried that Tony didn't understand what the Rainbow Bridge was.

Darek also continued to explain.

Hearing Master Darik's words, Tony's eyes lit up even brighter. He was right. The Earth mages knew Asgard, so they must have contact information. Unexpectedly, it turns out that the earth has been in contact with extraterrestrial civilizations for so many years. No wonder there is an alien like Thor next to the boy Jackson. This is what Tony was thinking at this time.

"That's right! The Rainbow Bridge just came here!" Tony quickly answered without any further hesitation.

"Has someone... uh, something appeared? From the looks here, it seems like there isn't one." After hearing Tony's answer, Master Darek asked again.

"No one came out of the Rainbow Bridge, but it took away a few people." Understanding what Master Dalek meant, Tony said directly.

"How many people were taken away?!" After hearing Tony's words, Darrick and Master Devin looked at each other, and both saw the surprise in their eyes.

There are indeed people from Asgard on earth. The identity of that person is not simple, but there is only one. Even if Asgard wants to take back the eldest prince of Asgard who was exiled by God King Odin, it can't be just a few people.

"Among those people, is there anyone named Thor?" Therefore, Master Devin quickly asked.

"That's right! In addition to Thor, there is also her sick girlfriend Jane Foster, and..."

"Also, Phantom Knight!" After talking about Thor and Jane Foster, Tony paused and then continued.

Darek, Master Devin: "..."

This is the first time they have encountered this situation. Thor being taken back to Asgard by the Rainbow Bridge is normal, and it can be regarded as saving some trouble for the Earth mages. However, it was very wrong for his girlfriend to be taken away by the Rainbow Bridge together. Even if Jane Foster was really Thor's girlfriend, Asgard was not something that an outsider could just pass by.

Of course, if Jane Foster was taken away as an exception because of her relationship with Thor, what about the Phantom Knight? Why was he taken away again? Darrick and Master Devin were confused now.

"Master Dalek, Master Devin, can you contact Asgard? Ask them to send Phantom Knight back. He is still injured and we are all worried about him." Seeing Master Darek and Master Devin With a confused expression, Tony then asked.

"This... we need to ask for permission. However, if the Rainbow Bridge took the initiative to teleport Phantom Knight away, then there should be something that needs him." After hearing Tony's words, Darek said with some embarrassment.

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