Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 858 Unexpected energy collision!

When Thor and the others were all paying attention to Jane Foster's situation, they didn't see Lin Rui, who was still standing relatively close, slowly moving outside. Moreover, Lin Rui also gradually poured out waves of unharmonious internal energy fluctuations.


Just when Lin Rui was trying to suppress the movement of the Rubik's cube in the portable space with his inner strength, the ether particles that kept pouring out of Jane Foster finally stopped. All the ether particles attached to Jane Foster were finally stripped out by Malekith. It seems that this kind of thing still needs to be done by special people.

"Haha! Finally!... More than a thousand years have passed! Finally let me get you again!" Controlling the flying sand-like ether particles floating in the air, Malekes couldn't help but shouted with laughter.

Looking at Malekith's almost crazy expression, Frigga's eyes flickered and she didn't know what she was thinking. And Thor hugged Jane Foster tightly to observe her condition after the ether particle was completely separated from her. After confirming that Jane Foster was no longer in danger, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that Lin Rui is right, Malekes does have the ability to strip the ether particles out of the human body. Moreover, he did not make any small moves in the process.

Because the condition of the negotiation with Malekes just now was that he would take away the ether particles and ensure the safety of Jane Foster's life. So when Malekith controlled the ether particles to fly towards his palm, no one from Asgard took action. However, at the moment when the ether particle reaches Malekith, I believe that Asgard will definitely take action.


Carefully controlling the ether particle with infinite energy to fly towards him, Malekith did not forget the trading conditions he had just made with Asgard in the ecstasy. Now that Asgard didn't take action against him was based on trading conditions, and Malekith also knew that as long as the ether particles got into his hands, countless attacks would come to him.

Therefore, while controlling the fluttering of ether particles, Malekes and the undead warrior Krel are ready to break through at any time. However, when Malekith was controlling the ether particles to slowly leave Thor and the others, he suddenly saw a person walking silently away from everyone.

"Huh? What is that kid doing? The energy fluctuations in his body are getting stronger and stronger." He devoted some of his energy to observing Lin Rui, who was behaving inappropriately. Malekas soon discovered the unusual situation in him.

"Is there any conspiracy?" Although Thor and the others did not respond, Malekes, who had obtained the ether particles, was very suspicious at this moment.

"Can't hold back! Krel! Go!" Rather than believe it, Malekes shouted loudly to the undead warrior Krel behind him while staring at Lin Rui.


The next moment, Malekith had gathered all the ether particles floating in front of him, and he grabbed the ether particles in the palm of his right hand, and Malekith didn't dare to really touch this kind of thing. A magical item that can be swallowed.


However, just as Malekes was holding the aether particles gathered into a small group and the undead warrior Krel preparing to break through, a powerful energy suddenly surged in his palm holding the aether particles, which belonged to the aether particles. energy!

"What's the matter?!" Feeling the strong impact from his hands, Malekis snorted in surprise.


Then, the ether particle held by Malekith slammed away from his control and flew into the air again. As if it was stimulated by something, the ether particles that escaped Malekas's control were constantly releasing strong energy fluctuations.

"Damn it!" Seeing the ether particles that had escaped his control, Malekith cursed in a low voice with powerful dark energy pouring out of him.

However, Malekes did not dare to shoot at the ether particles in this situation. Because he didn't know what was wrong with the ether particles at this time, and if he made a rash move, he would probably be attacked by the ether particles.


At the same time when the ether particles on Malekes's side in mid-air had an accident, a special energy shock wave sounded suddenly from Lin Rui, who had quietly escaped from Thor and the others tens of meters away.

"Shit!" When this voice came out, Lin Rui's voice full of surprise and worry also came out.


Then, a strong spatial energy fluctuation poured out from Lin Rui! It seems that Lin Rui's suppression of the Rubik's Cube until now still has little effect, and its energy fluctuations still break through the obstacles of the space and inner strength.


The space energy fluctuations gushing out of Lin Rui also seemed to have a very clear target, that is, the ether particles floating in the air, and bursts of space energy swept toward the ether particles in the air.

The ether particles also became more "crazy" after the space energy was released from Lin Rui. The invisible crimson flying sand was constantly changing various forms in the air, and the illusory or realistic energy also rushed out.

Boom! ~~

The next moment, the space energy belonging to the Rubik's Cube and the real energy belonging to the ether particles collided inside the magnificent palace of Asgard, and bursts of pure energy shock waves were transmitted in circles in all directions.

The first to encounter these powerful shock waves were Malekes and the undead warrior Krel, who had been chasing the ether particles, but Lin Rui had been thinking about escaping, so he was farther from the center of the shock waves than Thor and the others. Some.


When the shock wave generated by the inexplicable energy collision in front of him swept over, Malekes's face was ashen and the scepter in his hand was blocked in front of him, and then a dark energy had enveloped him. As for the undead warrior Krel standing behind him, he just slightly bent his knees to make himself stand more stable when the shock wave swept over.


And Thor and the others were also very surprised by this sudden situation in mid-air, and it was Frigga who reacted first and waved a defensive magic to shroud Thor and others in. The next moment, the energy shock wave swept over.

"Damn it! I shouldn't be dawdling!" After seeing the situation caused by the collision between the space energy of the Rubik's cube and the energy of the ether particles, Lin Rui, who was still running away, scolded his whole body. on the ground.


After lying on the ground, Lin Rui poured out a cyan inner strength that seemed to protect him inside. In addition, two light blue rays of light also appeared out of thin air and enveloped Lin Rui, which was obviously a defensive talisman that Lin Rui exchanged from the system mall. It seems that Lin Rui is also very cautious about the energy impact caused by the collision of two Infinity Stones.

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