Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 930: The connection with Rogers and Mike’s awakening

After arranging for the SHIELD team to clean up the battle and sort out some clues, Falcon left first. Although he was not injured in the previous battle, it also consumed a lot of energy. Moreover, Falcon also needs to report the latest situation separately. As for the top of the Falcon, it is Captain America Steve Rogers.


After getting into the base vehicle at SHIELD headquarters, Falcon closed the door with his backhand. Then, the Falcon took off the flying wings on its back. In the previous battle, the flying wings on Falcon's back were caught by Ghost Rider's Hellfire. They are now damaged and need to be repaired. After unloading his equipment, Falcon took out a tablet and began contacting SHIELD headquarters.

Didi didi~

After a short communication connection beep, Rogers' profile picture appeared on the tablet.

"Falcon, how's the situation over there?" Rogers asked as he looked at Falcon from the other side of the flat-screen video box.

"Captain, the situation is a bit... strange." Looking at Rogers, Falcon replied seriously.

"Weird? Why is it so weird?" After hearing Falcon's answer, Rogers was stunned for a moment and continued to ask.

Rogers personally arranged for Falcon to be sent to Rochester to perform a support mission, just in case the situation here exceeds the capacity of the local police. Before receiving the Falcon communication, Rogers also anticipated the possible situation over there. It's just that Falcon can completely handle it, or Falcon also feels that the situation is difficult and needs other support. However, Rogers really didn't expect Falcon to say that the situation was weird.

"The surveillance videos that Agent Edward returned to the headquarters before have been analyzed and confirmed to be real, and I have just fought against the target. That guy is probably not a human!" Falcon thought as he looked at the confused Rogers on the tablet. After thinking about it, he answered seriously.

"Not a human?! Are you sure?" Hearing Falcon's answer, Rogers on the other side of the video chat also became serious.

They had just spent a huge price to resist the invasion of an extraterrestrial civilization. Now the Phantom Knight of the Guardian Alliance is missing and his life and death are unknown. Several other members are also seriously injured and recovering, and the X-Men and Tony Star The situation is also very bad. If they encounter non-human events now, it will be a huge headache.

After all, aliens can still be explained by science, and their weapons are effective. Conventional weapons are likely to be ineffective against non-human beings. Moreover, S.H.I.E.L.D. hasn’t started researching supernatural events yet. However, it is also imperative within S.H.I.E.L.D. to establish an investigation department for supernatural incidents.

"Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to explain what I just experienced. At least I can't explain the existence of the target based on my experience. Captain, if you saw that guy with your own eyes, I believe you would make the same judgment." Knowing Rogers She must still be doubting, Falcon replied in a serious tone.

"Okay, I believe you. Do you need other support? I can send Hawkeye or other Avengers to support you." After hearing Falcon's affirmation, Rogers stopped asking, and just asked him if he needed more support.

"It's not necessary for the time being, because in the battle just now, I found that the target obviously didn't want to fight us, and was avoiding and breaking through. Therefore, I think there should be a lot of things that we don't know about in this incident. "Shaking his head, Falcon rejected Rogers' support, and then went on to express his judgment.

"If you're sure then go for it, I'm sure you can handle it."

"Don't worry, even if the opponent is non-human, I can still find his weaknesses."

Brush ~

After briefly chatting about the situation at SHIELD, Falcon disconnected the communication. Falcon rejected Captain Rogers's support proposal because he didn't want to divert too much of SHIELD's internal core combat capabilities because of this matter. Moreover, Falcon really felt that there might be something hidden behind what he encountered this time, and he wanted to investigate it carefully.

Then, Falcon, who lost contact with Captain Rogers, began to re-read all the clues of this incident.

There may be some clues that have not been noticed before. While Falcon was sorting out the clues before and after the incident alone, Mike, who was rescued from Johnny's residence by the police, was receiving treatment in the intensive care unit.

Because Mike is Hot Johnny's manager and good friend, and he was already at Johnny's house during the fight just now. Therefore, the police attach great importance to him and provide him with the most high-end treatment, hoping to revive him in the shortest time and provide some information.

After learning that witnesses had survived, SHIELD also provided a lot of help, which made Mike's recovery faster. In fact, although Mike's injury was serious, it was not fatal. The water demon's injury was also to control them to threaten Lin Rui, and he did not kill him. When the Witch Heart Demon took the three people away, he dropped Mike first and didn't make any small moves. It was unnecessary.

Therefore, under SHIELD's high-end treatment, Mike woke up not long after. The moment he woke up, SHIELD immediately notified Falcon, and also asked Mike about the situation of Hot Johnny and the hot guy. However, the Ghost Rider only arrived after Mike was in a coma, and he had no idea what the Ghost Rider was like. However, he saw the previous battle between Lin Rui and Wu Xinmo.

"Everything I said is true! That man is a devil!! A real devil! His face can turn into a terrifying skeleton, and his eyes are full of dark mist!" Faced with some problems from the police and S.H.I.E.L.D., Mike once again emphasized the image of the witch he saw.

"We are asking you, the guy with the fire all over his body, the guy with the black mist you told us, are you deliberately misleading us for your hot Johnny?" Regarding Mike's words, neither the police nor S.H.I.E.L.D. believable.

So far, the police and S.H.I.E.L.D. have only seen Johnny's transformation into the Ghost Rider, but have not seen the Witch Inner Demon or the fallen angels who can control natural elements. Therefore, when Mike described his experience to them in horror, of course not many people were willing to believe him.

"Everything I said is true! I really don't know about the guy who is on fire! But, there really is a devil! It was a devil who almost killed me!! He can control the water flow and hide in the water!" Lying on the hospital bed, Mike said anxiously.

The situation Mike encountered was so weird, how could he lie for Johnny? His own life was almost lost.

"I trust you!"

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