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: 0.281s Scan: 0.108sThe super-large gold mine is the second largest output of conventional gold coins in the world of Hero Ashan, second only to the giant gold mine!

Every seven days, the super-large gold mine can produce 100,000 coins.

In this way, there are about five million gold coins in a year!

To be honest, Chen Fei wanted to pay attention to it a long time ago, but the deterrent power of the hundreds of 10th-level thunderbird garrison troops was so great that he never dared to put it into practice.

To be on the safe side, he originally wanted to wait until Sicilino came of age, and then join forces with the Xialina Twin Dragons to attack the super-large gold mine in the Wakanda Grand Canyon. Unexpectedly, Xialina and the others gave him such a big surprise overnight!

The income from a super-large gold mine is enough to greatly relieve the financial pressure of Green Dragon City!

Chen Fei couldn't help but get excited, and a smile appeared on his face.

"very good!"

"Ciarina, Sicilino, Aureliana, thank you for the surprise!"

"This is what we should do." Hearing Chen Fei's praise, Orianna, Ciarina, and Sicilino were obviously very happy, with strong smiles on their faces.

"By the way, after you conquered the super-large gold mine, did you find anything new?"

At this time, Chen Fei asked again.

The Wakanda Grand Canyon is rectangular in shape. The super-large gold mine is probably in the second half of the deep canyon, but not at the end.

In other words, before conquering this super-large gold mine, they actually did not develop the entire Wakanda Grand Canyon, but stopped before the super-large gold mine!

Chen Fei is naturally very interested in unknown areas. What if there are mountains of resource points or a large number of wild soldiers' nests hidden in it?

After all, everything is possible.

"Master, we have made some discoveries deep in the Wakanda Canyon."

I didn't expect that Oriana actually nodded after hearing this, and then her face was slightly condensed."Deep in the Wakanda Canyon, there are two medium-sized gold mines, five small gold mines, and a timber resource point. In addition, there are several low-level field soldier nests below level 7, the recruitment nest of the 10th-level Thunderbird - Storm Nest 2, the recruitment nest of the 8th-level Battle Ogre - Killer Demon Fortress 3. And……"

"And what?"

"And, the entrance to an underground world."

Aureliana's eyes flickered, and she slowly

"The entrance to the underground world?"

Fade Chen was stunned for a moment, then he was surprised.

"You mean, the dungeon?"

The dungeon camp is a very powerful existence in the world of Hero Ashan.

Among the strengths of the camps in various planes, the comprehensive strength of the dungeon is at least in the top three!

It’s just that the internal fighting among the dungeon forces is too serious, and they have no interest in the ground world and are not used to living there, so their presence is a little weak!

Otherwise, their threat to the ground world of the main world is even greater than that of the hell and the cemetery of the dead camp!

The area of the dungeon is extremely large, with dozens of floors, or even nearly a hundred floors!

What’s more terrifying is that the area of each floor of the dungeon is not inferior to the powerful countries in the ground world! It is even comparable to the territorial area of two or three powerful countries combined...

Because of this, no matter who it is, it’s fine if you don’t mention it, but once you mention the dungeon, you will feel it’s difficult and even taboo!

"That's right, Master. I'm talking about the entrance to the underground world of the dungeon camp.……"

Aureanna's eyes flickered as she spoke."But the entrance is now blocked from the inside. Judging from the outside, no one has touched it for many years."

"The underground city entrance is blocked?"

Chen Fei was stunned for a moment, then he breathed a sigh of relief."That's good.……"

"Dungeon forces, heroes, and even arms are basically not very interested in the world above ground. Under normal circumstances, we should not be so unlucky to encounter someone coming out of there.……"

Chen Fei paused for a moment, thinking."But having said that, we have to be on guard against this kind of thing!"

"Master, I suggest sending a troop to be stationed there full-time to monitor in shifts. If anything goes wrong, we can receive the news faster and respond better!"

Aureliana said

"Um……"Chen Fei nodded and said,"I'll leave this to you. Are there any other discoveries?""

"The Kanda Grand Canyon is gone, but last night, Her Highness Xialina and we have thoroughly searched the Suffocating Swamp Forest. But the finds are not big."

Orianna paused and said slowly."In terms of resource points, there are only a few small crystal resource points and small sulfur resource points in the Suffocating Swamp Forest. There is nothing else."

"As for the wild troop nests, there are more low-level troop recruitment nests below level 7. The ones worth mentioning are only two level 8 fire element recruitment nests and one level 9 barbarian bull recruitment nest!"

"Is that so? That's not good." Chen

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