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: 0.664s Scan: 0.062sAfter hearing Chen Fei's nonsense, Bai Lu Shui Xian obviously believed it. She even couldn't help asking."Wu Hen, your organization is called Long Ge, right? But why have I never heard of it?"

"Even the military doesn't know about our organization, so it's not surprising that you don't know about it." Chen Fei made up a story.

"Even the military doesn't know?"

Bai Lu Narcissus was stunned for a moment, a little frightened.

The strength of the military can be said to be the best in China! If even they don't know, but it still exists, it is hard to imagine how terrible the hidden strength of this so-called Dragon Pavilion would be!

Thinking of this, Bai Lu Narcissus began to become a little absent-minded.

Then, they chatted casually again, and Bai Lu Narcissus said goodbye and left first.

Firstly, she needed to digest everything that happened today and calm down.

Secondly, the Rose Empress was about to arrive in Bingyue City.

She had to go to pick her up.

After Bai Lu Narcissus left, Chen Qing was silent for a while, and suddenly jumped three feet high, rushed in front of Chen Fei, and said with a ferocious face."Evil creature, why don't you tell me the truth?!"

Evil, evil creature?!

Chen Fei was full of black lines on his head, and fell on the table speechlessly.

"It's over. I'm going crazy again.……"

After the words fell, Chen Qing punched and kicked, and said angrily."You are crazy, you are crazy... Humph!"

After a period of mischief, the pressure in Chen Qing's heart finally eased a little.

"Brother, what's going on with this Dragon Pavilion?"

Chen Qing asked seriously after taking a deep breath."Is this the surprise you told me about some time ago?"

"No, I made up the Dragon Pavilion." Chen Fei said

"Nonsense, you made it up?!" Chen Qing almost couldn't catch her breath, and stared at Chen Fei in anger. She had already believed it, and now you tell me it's all made up? Are you kidding me?!

"Calm down, don't make such a fuss. Do you think I want to make up a story? The problem is that if I don't make it up, no one will believe it!"Fade Chen shrugged, then became a little serious and said,"Okay, listen carefully and don't be distracted. I will tell you in detail what happened……"

After a brief pause, Fade Chen dropped the first big bomb.

"Remember the level 13 green dragon from a while ago?"

"Of course I remember. Why are you asking this?" Chen Qing rolled her eyes.

"That green dragon is actually mine."

Chen Fei said slowly

"Yours?" Chen Qing was stunned for a moment, then looked at Chen Fei with a foolish look and pouted."This is not the way you brag, it's shameful!"

"Cough, cough, cough, cough……"

Chen Fei was so angry that he almost gasped. He looked at Chen Qing speechlessly."You don't believe me?"

"Believe it, believe it, believe it, believe it... Anyway, we have everything." Chen Qing rolled her eyes and said.

Upon hearing this, Fade Chen summoned Sicilino out

"Jigugujigu……"As soon as he appeared, Siciliano immediately rushed towards Chen Fei with full energy, excitedly nuzzling around. Very intimate.

Chen Qing was stunned, and she was dumbfounded.

"What is this?" she asked

"Sicilino, that's the green dragon. Sicilino, this is my sister, grow a little bigger so she can see your fighting form." Chen Fei said while hugging Sicilino.

"Roar! Roar! Roar……"Sicilino let out a low dragon roar. Then, he jumped off Chen Fei, shaking his tail, and transformed himself into a fighting state. However, his body was relatively small, only about two or three meters.

But even so, it was enough for Chen Qing to recognize it.


Chen Qing swallowed his saliva, his mouth dry, and he murmured in doubt."No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no... is this really the green dragon?!"

"Do you believe it now?"

Chen Fei asked back

"I believe it, but how is it possible... 13th-level troops, are you kidding me?!"

Chen Qing said she believed it, but in fact she was still in a dumbfounded mode of 'doubting life'.

She felt that her worldview was overturned at this moment!

What is the concept of 13th-level troops?

The highest-level troops of players in the world today are only 11th-level! And the number is extremely rare, and can be counted on two fingers.

Even in China, it seems that there are no 11th-level troops!

Above the 11th-level troops, there are 12th-level troops, and above the 12th-level troops, that is the 13th-level!

In other words, it is two small levels higher! One large level!

You can imagine how terrifying and invincible the 13th-level troops are!

""Sicilino is not a military unit, but a military unit hero." At this moment, Fade Chen said as he put away Sicilino. He dropped another super bomb.


This time Chen Qing was really frightened and jumped up, trembling all over, dumbfounded and stuttering."Soldier, soldier, soldier, hero?!"

"And not just one, but two. In addition, I have two castles in the core area of Lorraine Forest."Fade Chen decided not to act anymore and to show his hand.



There was complete silence! It was as quiet as death.

After a long while, Chen Qing suddenly raised her hand and slapped Chen Fei on the thigh!


Chen Fei screamed and glared at Chen Qing."Why are you hitting me? Why don't you hit yourself?!"

"I'm afraid of pain!" Chen Qing said as a matter of course, and then closed her eyes, took several deep breaths in a row, and then opened her eyes, looking at Chen Fei with a dim look and said

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