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"Be confident and don't be afraid."

Chen Fei couldn't explain anything to Lin Weiyue now.

As he spoke, he winked at Chen Qing beside him. The latter immediately understood and reached out to Lin Weiyue.

"Sister Wei Yue, don't worry about him, let's have fun. Don't worry, it's okay, if you don't trust him, you have to trust me!" Chen Qing said with a smile. It gives people a feeling of no pressure, not worried at all


Lin Weiyue was stunned for a moment. If it was just Fade Chen comforting him, she would still be unable to help but have wild thoughts, but now even Chen Qing said so...

Could it be that with so many Rose Army leaders at the banquet, as well as the Rose Army's Grand Commander, Lady Rose Empress, he, they really came to apologize?!

"Let's go in."

Chen Fei smiled and walked towards the banquet hall.

At the same time, Lin Weihong immediately shouted loudly into the door."Mr. Chen Fei, Miss Chen Qing is here!"

As soon as these words came out, the originally���The lively banquet venue suddenly became quiet! It became completely silent.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh...

At the same time, countless curious, trembling, fearful, doubtful, and unbelievable eyes also swept over in an instant. Silently fell on Chen Fei. There was a special emotion in it.

No one knew Chen Fei's name before today, but after Bailu City was forcibly downgraded and the Rose Queen's series of experiments, now almost everyone in the entire Rose Army's top management does not know this new generation of dark horse super boss!

"Is he the legendary Dragon Pavilion Chen Fei? Hiss... He is too young."

"Was it him who forced Lord Bailucheng to be demoted?"

"It is said that his power is likely to be above that of the Rose Queen! Because even the 10th-level Thunderbird in the hands of the Rose Queen can't kill the 9th-level monster in the hands of Bailucheng!"

"Hiss… is this true? Top ten of the Rose Queen King Ranking! Even more powerful than her, don’t tell me he is a strong man on the level of Willow King Liu Qiankun or Heavenly Emperor Di Jun?!"

"God knows. But I guess the reason for the second is not because of the difference in attack and defense attributes, but because……"

"Because of what?!"

"Strategic Treasures……"

"Hiss... He, he, he has a strategic treasure?!"


Everyone's eyes were scanning Chen Fei.

But deep in the eyes of almost everyone, there was disbelief, fear, and humility.

This era is like this. Strength represents everything! Even if it is really as they guessed, the opponent's strength is comparable to that of the Rose Queen, or even surpasses the Rose Queen... I'm afraid they don't even have the qualifications to look directly at each other!

Looking across the country, there are only a handful of super bosses who can have that kind of power. They can be counted on one finger.

At the same time, Chen Fei, who had just entered the banquet venue, also saw the Rose Queen who was walking towards him slowly. At this time, the Rose Queen was wearing a bright red robe and a flying phoenix hairpin. Her face was cold and peerless, exuding a strong aura and pressure. But this had no effect on Chen Fei at all.

Even in the midst of the incredulous and unbelievable shocked gazes of the crowd, he could still unscrupulously use an extremely aggressive gaze to look at the perfect face and curvy figure of the Rose Queen.

And it seemed that he had not considered the feelings of the Rose Queen at all...


Many people couldn't help swallowing their saliva, and then quickly lowered their heads.

At the same time, the awe and fear on their faces became stronger and deeper!

"A tough guy! A real tough guy……"

At this moment, the Rose Queen frowned and looked at Chen Fei, but still did not get angry, just said lightly."Nice to meet you, I am Rose from the Rose Army!"

The Rose Queen's ID only has two words.


And the Rose Queen is the respectful name people give her.

After a pause, she asked with a twinkling look."Are you Chen Fei from the Dragon Pavilion?"

"It's me." Chen Fei replied calmly.

"Although I don't know why you did that, but with your strength, you shouldn't bother with Bailu City. So there must be some misunderstanding.……"

The Rose Queen looked at Chen Fei with a twinkling gaze, then she bent down and bowed, and slowly said to Chen Fei."Since it is a misunderstanding, I apologize to you here. There is no need for everyone to be so awkward. Let's take a step back and pretend that this incident never happened. How about that?"


The whole audience took a deep breath. The dignified Rose Queen, one of the top ten in the Kings List! The Grand Commander of the Rose Army! At this moment, she actually bowed her head and apologized, and in front of everyone... This is simply shocking!

But even so, Chen Fei just had a calm face and said nothing. He had no intention of speaking at all.

When these words came out, people's pupils shrank and their faces changed again.……

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