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, with Ciarina, Sicilino, and Ifa, the"three great generals" of Green Dragon City, Emrido didn't expect to be able to go to the battlefield and kill the enemy head-on!

But it doesn't matter.

Because being able to participate in this battle and"brush up impression points" in front of the Lord, and the three highnesses Ciarina, Sicilino, and Ifa, is a very good opportunity for him! Only after fighting side by side, he can better integrate into Green Dragon City and become a part of it. And this is also the opportunity that he and Ram need most at the moment!

If he was forced and had no choice for Green Dragon City before, then now, he is really sincere and wants to integrate into it! Why? It's very simple!

Although Green Dragon City is not powerful now, it has a promising future!

Two red crowns, one orange leader hero, plus he himself is also an orange leader hero. To exaggerate a little, the core strength of the powerful country in the main world at its peak is just this level! In other words, as long as their Green Dragon City can develop smoothly and thrive, after having enough time! A powerful country that dominates the main world can be expected!

What's more, they may even create a new faction force! What a concept!

This is no longer a matter of thigh or not!

It's a golden thigh!

It's a super potential stock! As an old antique who has lived for more than 3,000 years, Emrido is not stupid. How could he not seize such a great opportunity?

"In that case, let’s get started!"

"For the glory of Green Dragon City! For the great master, everyone, the battle begins.……"


Siarina roared and said to Fade Chen."I'm going, Master."

"Go ahead"

"Xialina, don't worry, don't worry about anything. I believe in you! Your strength can definitely bring victory to our Green Dragon City! Come on!"

After the voice fell, Chen Fei jumped and jumped directly from the sky to another thunderbird.

Even if he jumped directly from the sky and landed on the ground, nothing would happen.

Because his current physical fitness is enough to rival the 10th-level soldiers!

What is the concept?

Ordinary 10th-level soldiers will be fine even if they jump from a cliff of hundreds or thousands of meters. If you punch and hit with an axe, it will be even more terrifying! A small mountain will be directly knocked down by you!

And now Chen Fei already has such ability! In a sense, his strength will be more exaggerated and more terrifying than ordinary 10th-level soldiers!

"As you wish, respected master!"

Xialina was immediately excited. With a swish, she spread out her dragon wings that covered the sky! Suddenly, the dragon wings that covered the sky were like dark clouds, covering the sky and blocking the sun, making the desert above the earth dark.

At the same time, with a whoosh, Xialina's body had already rushed towards the giant gold mine at an astonishing speed!


At the same time, how did it move!

I saw it transform and take root in the earth. Suddenly, on the Gobi Desert with storms all over the sky and yellow sand whistling, a huge tree man several thousand meters high appeared! On the tree man, there were countless vivid vines constantly flying, taking root in the earth, towards the giant The gold mine rushed over.

Boom! Boom! Boom...

In the blink of an eye, the loud noise shook the earth!

Countless tree vines, like the sharp blade of the god of death, drilled out of the ground in an endless and numbing way, and pierced the giant gold mine castle with low-level soldiers!

At the same time, the rumbling sound continued.

With a large-scale group attack, the defensive wall was also destroyed and collapsed!

The giant gold mine stands on the Gobi Desert, covered with yellow sand, which is extremely unstable in itself.

And now Emrido uses his innate skills to directly hollow out the ground, making it lose its foundation. Naturally, it is like a rootless duckweed, and it collapses instantly. There is no room for resistance.

"Emrido seems to be very powerful.……"

Seeing this scene, Fade Chen couldn't help but mutter.

In fact, perhaps because Emrido was only an 'orange leader hero', he subconsciously underestimated his opponent's strength. But think about it carefully, he is also an orange leader hero after all, and his level is as high as level 42! How could he be so weak?

If there must be a comparison,

Fade Chen feels that the current Emrido is not inferior to the previous Hell Lord Onoma...


At the same time, with a loud roar, Xialina, who was like a demon mountain, rushed into the giant gold mine, shattering countless war machines on the spot and breaking large areas of collapsed walls. At the same time, Xialina roared with a dragon's roar!

Suddenly, the terrifying dragon's power was like a storm, and began to gather crazily!

"Enemy attack!!"

"Green Dragon! Level 13 top rank soldier - Green Dragon!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Kill him! Kill him!……"


The drums were beating loudly, and the shouts of killing continued!

In front of them, countless soul guards emerged from the giant gold mine!

There were even dozens of brown creatures, and three huge monkey-like creatures with terrifying purple-gold all over their bodies.


This is the 13th-level top crown existence of the beast tribe of the 13th stronghold - Behemoth!

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