80 crystals, that is 176w.

30 Pegasus Knights, that is 180w.

Add to that the cost of training 30 8th-level Silver Pegasus Knights, that is 240w, all together it is 596w!

This also means that the income he can get from selling 18 8th-level Silver Pegasus Knights this time, 648w gold coins, is basically not much left.

Although these troops are enough to conquer the forest sanctuary in the Prayer Valley, but after conquering it, the recruitment price of the 11th-level unicorns that will be faced next has become a big problem. The recruitment price of an 11th-level unicorn is about 120w gold coins.

Two is 240w...

At the same time, a large amount of special resources will definitely not be missed!

The gap is huge!

Never mind , at worst I can just make one more trip then.

Shaking his head, Chen Fei thought to himself, at this moment Hunmeng Sanshengmo suddenly said,Wuhen, can I ask you for a favor?

What's the matter?

Chen Fei was stunned, and looked at Hunmeng Sanshengmo in confusion:Sister Mo, just tell me what's the matter.

This is what's going on. My team and I, led by Big Brother Jindao, have been working on a series of C-level missions for a year or two, but now we've run into big trouble on the last part of the mission!

Hunmeng Sanshengmo said helplessly with a lingering fear on his face.The last part of this series of C-level missions requires us to explore an underground palace of the undead, and in that underground palace, guess what we found?


We found traces of the 8th level vampire king!

Level 8 Vampire King?

Chen Fei was also a little surprised.

Vampire King, this is almost one of the most powerful level 8 soldiers!

Not only can it suck blood, but its attack and defense attributes are also very high, and it is also a flying soldier, which is extremely difficult to deal with.

No wonder Hunmeng Sanshengmo and the others are so anxious.

With their strength, they really can't deal with this kind of thing.

Isn't Doomsday Wang Yang your brother? Why don't you ask him for help?

Chen Fei asked curiously.

I was originally planning to look for him, but now the masters of our Hunmeng Guild are all working hard to complete a B-level serial mission, and he can't leave. He only left two rank 8 elite crusaders for me, which are the two you sold him last time... So, Wuhen, can you help us?

Hunmeng Sanshengmo gritted his teeth and said,Don't worry, I won't let you work in vain. The appearance fee is 100,000 gold coins... This is all I have for now, don't think it's too little.

No thanks.

Chen Fei shook his head and said with a smile.Sister Mo, you are too polite. I am just helping you. Where is the place? Just take me there.


Hun Meng Sanshengmo's eyes lit up and he said excitedly.Wuhen, thank you so much! Thank you

We are all friends, there is no need to thank each other. Chen Fei said with a smile.


When Chen Fei said this, Hunmeng Sanshengmo was stunned for a moment, then a bright smile appeared on her face, and she nodded and said:You are right... We are friends!

After the voice fell, she stood up and said to Chen Fei.Wait a minute, I will go to find Brother Wuxin, and after the transaction is completed, I will take you to find Brother Jindao and the others.



Soon, Fade Chen completed the transaction with the Soul Dream Guild.

After paying Silver Pegasus Knight 18, he got 80 crystals, 30 Pegasus Knights, and 292w gold coins!

A moment later, Soul Dream Sanshengmo took Fade Chen out of the tavern in Blue City and headed out of the city.

After a short while, they came to a very gloomy place.

This is a dark forest full of dead branches and leaves, and the air is filled with a strong smell of the dead!

And there are dark clouds covering the sky above the forest, and there is no light shining down, making this ghost place look even more gloomy and terrifying.

In addition, there is a stinking river like a stinking ditch outside the forest, which is bubbling and extends to the depths of the dark forest!

This is it, the underground palace of the dead, at the end of this river! In the deepest part of the dark forest.

Hun Meng San Sheng Mo pointed to the end of the river and said

Where are Brother Jin Dao and the others? Chen Fei asked

Let me ask……

Hunmeng Sanshengmo quickly sent a message to Hunmeng Jindao and the others. After a while, her face suddenly changed, and she said with complete fear:Wha, what? How, how is this possible?!

What happened?

Seeing that Hunmeng Sanshengmo suddenly lost his composure, Chen Fei's eyes flashed and he asked.


Hunmeng Sanshengmo swallowed his saliva, looked at Chen Fei, and said with fear on his face.

Wuhen, no no no...

It's not good!

Brother Jindao and his team found an undead camp NPC hero in the underground palace, and the opponent also brought eight 8th-level vampire kings and two 9th-level corpse wizards!

The difficulty of the mission has also been directly upgraded.

Now Brother Jindao and his team are all hiding in the underground palace and dare not show up.

Once they are discovered, it will be over!

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