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Orianna is only an 8th-level soldier hero, soldier heroes and soldiers are two completely different concepts!

Because of the hero level, rank suppression, and the addition of attack and defense attribute points, the combat power of soldier heroes will definitely and absolutely exceed that of soldiers of the same level!

Even after they successfully grow to the peak level, they have combat power across one or two major ranks.

This is not just a fantasy... but it is really possible to achieve it!

Take Orianna as an example. Now her hero level has reached more than 20 levels, and her combat power has been improved to a level comparable to the top 9th-level combat soldiers!

Even, it has faintly touched the threshold of the 10th level.

And such power is used to kill the 'mere' 9th-level logistics and auxiliary soldiers, which is naturally a piece of cake, and it should be!


After a struggle, the 9th-level Moonlight Deer fell under Orianna's sword!

At the same time, Sicilino and the unicorns also started the"mass killing" mode!

After a moment, Chen Fei's ears seemed to be ringing as if there was an alarm clock.

The system prompt directory began to roll continuously!

"Your battle hero Sicilino successfully killed the Moonlight Deer!"

"Your battle hero Sicilino successfully killed the Sun Deer!"

"Your battle hero, Aurianna, successfully killed the Moonlight Deer!"

"Your Phase 1 Unicorn successfully kills the Sun Deer……"


Soon, the 9th-level Moonlight Deer and 10th-level Sunlight Deer in the two major wild nest recruitment points, Moonlight Lawn and Sunlight Garden, all fell under the unstoppable Green Dragon City army!


Seeing this, Fade Chen smiled softly and walked towards the Moonlight Lawn and Sunlight Garden.

"Found the wild recruitment nest of the 9th-level special soldier, Moonlight Deer, Moonlight Lawn. Do you want to occupy it?"

"Ding! Attention, this unit's nest is not within the control range of your castle, and cannot be occupied permanently! Single occupation time: 3 months"

"Found the outdoor recruitment nest of the 10th-level special soldier, the Sun Deer, the Sunlight Garden. Do you want to occupy it?"

"Ding! Attention, this unit's nest is not within the control range of your castle, and cannot be occupied permanently! Single occupation time: 3 months"


Obviously, the Crescent Valley is quite far from Green Dragon City.

Green Dragon City is only a level 1 castle, so its range is limited!

Therefore, these two outdoor nest recruitment points can only be occupied once, not permanently!

But it doesn't matter.

Because now they can attack these two arms nests without any damage, let alone three months later!


Immediately, Fade Chen nodded slowly and chose to occupy!

Suddenly, the two Moonlight Lawns and Sunlight Gardens transformed into outdoor recruitment points for Green Dragon City!

"Congratulations to the player 'Qing Yi Wu Hen' for successfully occupying……"


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Another bunch of system prompts appeared beside Chen Fei's ears.

However, they were all gold coins, resources, and alliance reputation rewards, and there were no special rewards such as military heroes!

But if you think about it carefully, this is not surprising!

The process of conquering these two wild nest recruitment points was too simple, coupled with those extremely impressive previous criminal records, resulting in the system's special reward pass line for Chen Fei to be raised a lot...

But it doesn't matter.

Because what Chen Fei really values is the war talent skills possessed by the Moonlight Deer and the Sun Deer. To be honest, the rest are icing on the cake and dispensable!

At the same time, the construction information of the two major wild recruitment points, Moonlight Lawn and Sunlight Garden, also appeared in front of Chen Fei.

【Moonlight Lawn]

Wild nest.

Number of YeWa Moonlight Lawn nests already owned: 1

Number of 9th-level Moonlight Deer that can be recruited every three months: 6-5. (1 extra for the first recruitment)

Recruitment fee: 30w gold coins, 5 crystals, 5 gems

【Sunlight Garden】

Outdoor nest.

Number of YeWa Sunlight Garden nests already owned: 1

Number of 10th-level Sun Deer that can be recruited every three months: 4-3 (1 extra for the first recruitment)

Recruitment fee: 80w gold coins, 5 crystals, 5 gems

"So expensive?!"

When he saw the recruitment price, Chen Fei's face changed and he was dumbfounded.

Although he knew that the recruitment price of special hidden soldiers was definitely much higher than that of soldiers of the same level, the sky-high price of 300,000 gold coins and 800,000 gold coins still made Chen Fei a little stunned!

""Never mind, it's expensive for a reason, it's worth it!"

Chen Fei shook his head and smiled, he could only comfort himself with some truths.

After deducting the recruitment fee for the third 11th-level unicorn, he still had about 200w gold coins in his hand! Various resources.

Almost enough to recruit 6 9th-level Moonlight Deer!

As for the 410th-level Sun Deer, which cost 3.2 million coins, it was obvious that he should forget about it for the time being!

"I'm out of money, out of money again! After I complete the S-level castle mission in the Suffocating Swamp Forest, I must find a way to capture the super-large gold mine in the Grand Canyon of Wakanda.……"

Chen Fei was depressed, and he waved his fist and muttered.

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