Heroes of Silver Moon

Chapter 122: : Master Alchemy

Narrating a painful fact, Clifford's expression also became serious.

"So, the more you practice to the later stage, the harder you work, the less you can match your talent," Simon said with a wry smile after summarizing his instructor's words.

"Yes, the more you practice, the more you can feel the difference from a genius." Clifford seemed to be a little anxious because he recalled something bad.

So he took out a pipe from the desk drawer and smoked it.

"Okay, let's get back to the topic." He exhaled a puff of smoke to relieve the worries in his heart. Clifford returned to a serious expression, and said to Simon: "The price of the meditation potion in the outside world is five silver coins a bottle."

Hearing this, Simon's heart skipped a beat, as if he didn't have enough money left.

"However, our School of Magic has a substantial discount for students to purchase spell potions and spell-casting materials, so you can buy a bottle of meditation potion with two silver coins."

At this point, Clifford glanced at Simon, who was obviously relieved, and said with a sneer: "You don't really think that the magic academy that His Majesty spent a lot of money to establish is only a few dilapidated houses!

In order to allow students and teachers to buy materials at cost prices, His Majesty has specially established several large-scale production bases for magic and medicinal materials."

"Hehe, that means, you can buy it for thirty gold coins, the meditation potion I need for my practice," Simon said happily.

"Well," Clifford nodded, and continued: "Yes, one hundred and fifty bottles of meditation medicine, two silver coins per bottle, a total of thirty gold coins, your arithmetic is pretty good."

"Hey," Simon smirked a few times on the surface, but complained in his heart: "My nine-year compulsory education is not for nothing."

"Okay, you don't have any money with you, right?" Clifford suddenly asked, looking at the smirking Simon.

"No, all my money is in the dormitory!" Simon reacted, feeling a little helpless at once, should he go back to the dormitory to get the money by himself.

"I didn't bring any money, um~~, forget it, I'll help you put it on first." Clifford got up, and took out a money bag from the small cabinet under the desk.

"Let's go," Clifford said to Simon who was standing there, hanging the money bag on his waist.

"Uh, tutor, where are we going?" Simon asked confusedly following his tutor out of the study.

"Go to Master Gansel's mage's tower, the students and teachers of the Magic Academy will go to him to buy materials," said Clifford, walking in front of Simon, without looking back.

"Uh, mentor, I know where the dean's mage tower is, you don't need to go with me." Simon thought for a long time in his mind before he remembered that the master Gansel that the instructor mentioned was the one he had seen before. Dean old man.

"No, the materials in the Magic Academy are all at cost price. In order to prevent students and teachers from reselling the materials, before purchasing the materials from Master Gansel, you must tell him the purpose of purchasing these materials."

Clifford explained to Simon as he walked briskly.

"Oh", Simon covered his forehead in shame, he never thought of such a simple thing.

The king spent a lot of money to allow the teachers and students of the Magic Academy to buy materials at cost prices. How could he allow someone to take the opportunity to resell them!

When they came to the dean's mage tower, the apprentices in the mage tower saluted Clifford and said hello to him.

"Master Clifford, what can you do?" A middle-aged mage wearing a mage's robe quickly rushed to Clifford's side after receiving the apprentice's report.

"I'm here to find Master Gunther," Clifford replied briefly.

"The tutor is working in the study, do you need me to take you there?" the middle-aged mage asked respectfully.

"No, you can go and do your work, I know the way." Clifford waved his hand and quickly rejected the middle-aged mage's kindness.

After the middle-aged mage left, Clifford said to Simon as he walked, "He is Dupuy, Master Gansel's closed disciple, and he is also one of the tutors who teach the second batch of students in the Magic Academy."

"Oh", Simon nodded subconsciously when he heard the tutor's introduction, and then asked, "Teacher, he just called you master."

"I am a high-level alchemist, but I am also a master-level mage." Before Simon could finish asking, Clifford answered Simon's doubts.

"Uh, you are a master-level mage." Simon almost stared out his big eyes in shock.

"Yeah," Clifford, who was walking in front, nodded.

"Then what are you doing?" Simon asked tentatively, looking at Clifford who kept walking.

"Why isn't he a master alchemist?" Clifford stopped in his tracks and told Simon's question completely without looking back.

"Uh, mentor, I'm just asking casually, don't be angry!" Seeing Clifford who stopped suddenly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Simon said nervously.

"Hey", Clifford ignored Simon, he looked up at the ceiling of the mage tower corridor, and then said melancholy: "If you want to become a master alchemist, you must master three master alchemy techniques;

Either it is to produce a master-level alchemy creation that can be recognized by the alchemy union of the Holy Alliance Empire, but these two conditions cannot be achieved in our Silver Moon Kingdom! "

"Teacher, don't we in the Silvermoon Kingdom have knowledge about master alchemy?" Simon asked curiously, looking at the melancholy Clifford.

Clifford shook his head, and said bitterly: "Every master-level alchemy creation is a very important strategic force for a country.

Therefore, every country strictly controls master alchemy. Since the founding of our country, Silvermoon Kingdom has only collected one kind of master alchemy.

And the only master-level alchemy is an auxiliary master-level alchemy, and that one alchemy alone cannot create a master-level alchemical creation at all."

"Isn't it, is the Silvermoon Kingdom in such a miserable state?" Simon complained speechlessly in his heart.

"Forget it, I just told you these words, so don't be pessimistic about your future. Based on your aptitude alone, maybe you won't be able to in the future. Feel pessimistic because you don't have master-level alchemy."

Laughing self-deprecatingly, Clifford comforted Simon.

"I'm going, are you praising me? Or are you hurting me?" Seeing the mentor who started to walk again, Simon thought painfully.

Seeing Clifford go farther and farther, Simon quickly let go of the complaints in his heart, and hurriedly chased after him. After reaching the top floor of the mage tower, Clifford stopped in front of a room.

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