Heroes of Silver Moon

Chapter 489: :improve dramatically

In the early morning, Deborah stood at the gate of the capital city, looking at the Knights of the King's Sword and the extremely luxurious carriage in front of her, a chill suddenly came to her heart.

Although it was an October morning, the coolness was even colder than the surrounding temperature.

Simon didn't plot against Irina, but he plotted against the princess's father, Crown Prince Jona.

Presumably, before coming here, this **** had expected that even if he didn't play any favor cards, the crown prince who doted on his daughter would definitely step in to help.

What about them? Deborah was a little at a loss as to whether these confidantes who clustered around Simon were also being plotted quietly. For the first time, he felt fear towards Simon, which was an inexplicable feeling.

The old king is too old, and the crown prince will definitely take the throne within a few years, so even the old king with amazing power must consider the attitude of the crown prince, because this is his designated heir.

Obviously did nothing, but forced the royal family to bite the bullet and go through the process instead of directly rejecting the territory report.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, and Deborah can fully predict that as long as the royal family does not immediately veto the report, but sends people to the new territory for inspection, then Simon can completely create a big net and let the royal family continue to compromise step by step.

The calculations on the surface are not terrible, but the calculations behind the scenes are terrible but not chilling.

But this kind of silent, or even just calculation based on the trend, no matter who will feel fear, it seems that to him, as long as he needs it, everything in the world can be a pawn.

"I'm worried, what's the matter?" the crown prince asked Deborah in a full dress.

"It's okay, I'm just thinking about something." Deborah squeezed out a smile and said.

"Oh." Crown Prince Yona smiled gently, shook his head and said helplessly: "I know what you are thinking, don't have so much suspicion, just do what you should do, grandfather also does things in this way, quietly Even if a large number of people are counted."

Deborah also smiled wryly. Should Simon be honored to receive the same evaluation as the old king?

"By the way, this is the new army trained by that guy?" Looking at the new army soldiers lined up neatly with silent and solemn faces, Crown Prince Yona was a little surprised.

Not to mention the combat effectiveness, this new army can definitely rank high in the kingdom with this kind of discipline alone!

"Yes, Your Highness, the training, combat, life and organizational framework of these soldiers are all brand new, and the effect is also very prominent. Sometimes, I don't even know that guy, where do so many things come from in his mind?" De Bora spread his hands half-jokingly and said.

Crown Prince Yona nodded thoughtfully, without saying anything, boarded the carriage, and greeted Deborah to go on the road together. Surrounded by the Knights of the King's Sword and the soldiers of the new army, a group of people slowly drove towards the leader of the new law .

In the castle of the Cochrane family, a group of lords gathered, the fireplace was burning with wood, and a slow flame burst out, dispelling the chill brought about by the gradually cooling weather.

After a while of silence, the head of the Cochrane family, the Viscount Cochrane, spoke first: "It's too fast, it's too fast, how long has it been? It's less than two months! There are 100,000 mu of farmland, and the people have gathered nearly 20,000 people, and these numbers are still increasing, how did that kid from the Hawke family do it?"

Although all the lords knew that as a master mage, the development speed of the new law opened by Simon would be far beyond common sense, but they never expected that they still underestimated Simon's ability.

First quietly, 100,000 mu of farmland was inexplicably opened up, and then after receiving guarantees and seeing the farmland with their own eyes, 3,000 soldiers from the new army persuaded their families to settle in Xinfaling one by one.

The farmland is distributed according to the population. Adults, regardless of gender, are allocated five acres of land, and minors are allocated two acres of land.

All the soldiers of the new army will be given an additional five acres of land, and all soldiers who died in battle will be compensated with an additional five acres of land.

After this series of policies, the families of the soldiers who died in battle even got 30 to 40 mu of arable land in one go, which is almost twice their previous arable land.

In addition, the new residents have three years of tax exemption, the territory allocates houses to them, and the settlers have two gold coins for relocation compensation...

Under such a policy, how many people would not be tempted to move to the new French territory, and who would not want their youngest members to join the new army?

Therefore, in just two short months, all the lords hadn't recovered from the great war, and the new law leader had gathered nearly 20,000 people.

Most of them are the families of the soldiers of the new army, and a small part are ordinary people who are attracted by the superior conditions.

The people gathered by the new law collar originally lived in the territory of these lords, in a desolate place. The people in the territory were originally small, and the loss of so many people now undoubtedly harmed the interests of the major lords.

It was also because of this that so many lords gathered in this small room of the Cochran family. It can be said that, except for the Hawke family, all those lords who had supported Simon in the front line of defense in Xinfa led all of them.

"Tell me! What do you all think?" Viscount Cochrane, who was over half a century old and had frosty temples, looked at the lords and said.

Most of the people in the room were silent, but some people jumped out impatiently, and said in a strange way: "Hmph, what else can I think, everyone knows the purpose of gathering here today, we must Come up with a solution!"

Viscount Cochrane looked at the speaker indifferently. It was Viscount Cam of the Horace family, his wife, and even Earl Valery's sister, who was Lord Simon's aunt, but now, he was the first A lord who jumped out.

Nothing else, just because among the lords, the territory of the Horace family lost the most population and suffered the most serious damage to their interests.

Viscount Cochrane was not surprised by Viscount Horace's success, after all, in the eyes of the nobles, affection was not worth mentioning in front of interests.

"Hmph, what other solution is there? If the new legal territory wants to develop, it must have enough people. Where do these people come from? Our territory is the closest, and of course Lord Simon will recruit people from us. This is not a contradiction that can be resolved by a solution!" Another lord sternly said.

"Oh, what does Lord Hubbard mean?" Viscount Cochrane stared at the speaker.

"Since the conflict is unavoidable, we can only compete secretly with this boy from the Hawke family!" Baron Hubbard said what was in his heart, and it was also in the heart of everyone present.

Exchanging glances with each other, the lords laughed tacitly. Conspiracies and tricks have always been the aristocrat's forte.

It was extremely dark at night in Xinfaling. The people who had just relocated had already returned home before dusk because of the curfew. Soldiers of the new army guarded all the main roads to prevent people from going out at night without permission.

In two months, the wasteland outside the headquarters of the new army has now turned into a town.

Two-story side-by-side apartment houses, public toilets, well-planned sewers and drains, solid concrete subgrades and smooth cement pavements, plus a large area of ​​farmland outside the residence, everything looks so orderly and full of vitality.

In just two months, this newly established town has completely changed its appearance every day, and it has nothing to do with the people. All they need to do is go home before dusk, and then don't go out all night.

By the early morning of the next day, these people will be surprised to find that the town has enlarged again, with apartments, toilets, sewers, drains, roads, everything that should be there, as long as it is finely decorated, it will be It can be put into use immediately.

In the eyes of everyone, this is a living miracle, and only the gods possess such great power. Their lord must be a favored and favored person!

At this moment, the creator of miracles, the favored one, the son of the reincarnated god, the holy son of the church, the blue star traverser, the evil slave owner, the greedy capitalist, our most respected new law leader, Lord Simon.

In the dark night, waving a leather whip, urging a group of barbarians to work.

"Hurry up, do you still want to eat tonight!" The whip whipped on the open space, and Simon roared ferociously, and the group of barbarians who were fishing in troubled waters immediately sped up their movements.

The people may never know that the miracle they praise and pray for every day was produced by the slave owner Simon with tens of thousands of barbarians working overtime every day.

And what he paid was only more than a dozen carts of food every day, which didn't even cost ten gold coins!

Barbarian labor, hard-working, cheap, large in number, easy to recruit, strong in obedience, with a daily salary of three pieces of bread, such a perfect labor force, you deserve it!

Crack, crack, the sound of the whip whipping kept ringing, and every barbarian who heard it couldn't help but give up the idea of ​​being lazy, and the movements of his hands accelerated a little.

They are not afraid of the whip that will never be drawn on them.

From being caught to work until now, that human has never really used a whip on them, but those barbarian supervisors who are of the same race are not polite when they beat them.

What they are really afraid of is that they will have nothing to eat at night.

Before they were caught to work, being hungry was almost a daily occurrence, and the feeling of being hungry and dying was deeply etched in their memories.

But since they were caught working, although they were a little tired, as long as they didn't slack off, they could basically eat 80% of their meals every meal. How could they come here to be slaves! This is simply heaven! It made them all a little bit reluctant to leave!

go back? escape? nonexistent!

As long as they don't drive them away, they can bankrupt this human lord!

Earn blood! The barbarian laborer and the slave owner Simon reached a very strange exchange of interests, and both felt that they had taken advantage of it.

Ripples appeared in the void around Simon. The goblin patriarch of the Gru Mountains, the legendary strongman Bishep, stepped out of the void, watching the tens of thousands of barbarians working in full swing, a strange look flashed in his eyes. .

Regarding Simon enslaving the barbarians to work, he didn't feel burdened or angry at all, because in the world of barbarians, it was natural for the strong to enslave the weak, and it had been so since ancient times.

But these tens of thousands of barbarian slaves are so obedient to Simon, the human lord, and work so hard, it still makes him feel a little bit pained.

Ma De, when he was in the Gru Mountains, his patriarch made these slaves work. They were all sleazy, sneaky, and sneaky. How did they become so hard when they came under Simon's hands? Where is the problem?

"Hey, it's Mr. Bishop! Has the third batch of farmland been opened?" Simon was not surprised to find that Bishop suddenly appeared by his side. These days, he has figured out some methods of the legendary powerhouse. Space shuttle is one of them.

Bishop nodded, and replied with some tiredness: "It's done."

Letting a legendary strong man reclaim farmland, is there anything more wasteful in this world than this? If it weren't for the goddess of moonlight protecting this kid, Bishop would definitely slap him to death.

"Well, 150,000 mu of arable land is enough for the time being. The fourth batch of farmland can be slowed down. The next most important thing is to expand the town as soon as possible, so that new residents can't have no place to live." Simon said in a deep voice. road.

Although the workload of reclaiming farmland is heavy, most of it is just hard work. Barbarian labor can play 80% of the role, and the rest of the more skilled work is done by Simon and Bishop.

But expanding towns is different. Most barbarians have low intelligence, so they can only dig foundations~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to mine stones and move things. Every building in the town is made by Simon and Bishop. covered.

"Do you want to expand the town?" Bishop was a little bit pained, with nearly 20,000 people, this is already a big town, and there are not many such towns in the entire Silver Moon Kingdom. If they continue to expand, they will face many problems .

First of all, in terms of management, when there are too many people, it is easy to cause trouble. This point is common everywhere. The barbarian tribes in the Gru Mountains also have more troubles when they are larger.

The second is town planning. The arrangement of each area must be reasonable, especially the location of residential areas and farmland. Ninety percent of the people's main business is farming, so the two must be close.

Now this newly established town is basically centered on the headquarters of the new army and expands in a perfect circle. If the scale of the town is too large, the closer it is to the center of the circle, the more difficult it will be for residents to take care of their own farmland.

Thirdly, and most importantly, expanding the town is really troublesome!

This is where Bishop's egg hurts. These tens of thousands of barbarian laborers can only do so much. The most important construction work is still for him and Simon to do. The amount of work is so large that even a legendary powerhouse like him Scalp tingling.

Sometimes, Bishop really can't understand Simon, who is always revealing laziness and decadence. The vocabulary of hard work should have nothing to do with this kind of person, but he is exhausted every day. live.

It was as if he was only living for others!

"I know the specific plan in my mind. It's still the same sentence, as long as you work obediently!" Simon roared pretending to be annoyed, making Bishop want to laugh with his sternness.

A black and white bear with a lazy nature, insists on disguising himself as a fierce and violent violent bear.

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