Heroes of Silver Moon

Chapter 557: : Take advantage of each other!

The sea surface gradually returned to calm, the dark clouds dispersed, and the sun shone on the sea surface again, sparkling with light.

This thrilling sea battle has finally come to an end.

Lying on the open-air deck of the Intrepid, Simon looked at the blue sky in a daze. What the **** was he doing?

He was fooled into building a ship by the royal family, and was fooled into commanding the fleet to set sail, and now he has harmed the entire United Human Fleet.

The total cost of a hundred or so alchemy warships was as high as tens of millions of gold coins, and the number of casualties was close to 150,000. Even if it was evenly divided among the dozen or so human nations participating in the war, the damage could be regarded as heavy.

Not only that, the more than one hundred ships of the Sea Clan participated in the battle, except for a five-masted warship that escaped in the end, this time the entire army was also close to annihilation.

Adding up the two sides, the loss just calculated will be doubled!

These are not what Simon wants to do, but he has to do this if he wants to fulfill the old king's entrustment and want the people to get the expected life!

If possible, he just wants to live in the mountain collar for the rest of his life, be carefree every day, and be a noble young master who has no worries about food and clothing.

But since he walked out of the high mountains, one thing after another, one wave after another of expectations weighed on him, and the heavy sense of responsibility made Simon, who is naturally loose by nature, quite uncomfortable.

Now, he doesn't love to smile as much as he used to. Even if he smiles from time to time, it's just a subconscious disguise.

"So, why bother!" Simon laughed at himself.

When he was in Gaoshanling before, he only wanted to be happy and happy, but now, he couldn't even figure out what he wanted.

It seems that every step in life is being pushed forward by others.

"Forget it, don't want to!"

Simon stood up, supported the ship's railings with his hands, and looked at the San Karl not far ahead, which was desperately fleeing.

In the previous storm, three warships survived, and the rest were all destroyed.

The Sea Clan survived a five-masted warship because they suddenly obtained the protection of the Sea God, which Simon sensed through the Intrepid's perception circle.

As the Goddess of the Moonlight Goddess, and the top psychic, he is very sensitive to this aspect.

Although he didn't know what happened, Simon could vaguely feel that this surviving sea clan warship might be a big trouble in the future.

However, with the protection of the Sea God, they forcibly rushed out of the storm, and they could only wait for the storm to subside slowly.

When the storm really subsided, the family had long since disappeared, and Simon had no choice but to kill the grass.

Moreover, the San Karl also survived the storm. If the Marquis Brandy is allowed to return to land, then their Silvermoon Kingdom will be in big trouble.

Therefore, they had to sink the St. Karl.

Fortunately, although the hardness of the hull is similar, the Intrepid with the magic steel coating is much better in terms of toughness than the San Karl, which is made of all wood.

After the storm, the internal planks of the Intrepid were full of cracks and breaks, but the magic steel plating firmly fixed them and did not let the whole ship fall apart.

But the St. Karl was different. A large area of ​​planks was broken, and three masts were broken, and the whole ship was completely detached not far from the frame.

Although it escaped for a certain distance with the magic circle and sails that were still partially functioning, the severely damaged San Karl was still chased up by the Intrepid.

Fearing that the recoil of the artillery would shake the entire ship to pieces, Simon took the initiative to launch a boarding battle.

Two huge seven-masted warships were connected, and Simon and Marquis Brandy looked at each other.

At this moment, there are less than 400 people left on the St. Karl, while there are more than 700 people on the Dreadnought.

Moreover, the Heroic Singer, which caught up later, also connected to the San Karl from the other side. When he saw five hundred heavy infantry knights, Marquis Brandy's face was full of despair.

Who came up with the idea of ​​using hoplites to fight naval battles!

Originally holding the mentality of wanting to die, knocking out a tooth of the Silver Moon Kingdom, but the Marquis Brandy found out miserable that he was not even qualified to die.

The sailor's scimitar and long sword cannot penetrate the chain mail defense at all.

Under the attack of 500 infantry knights, the Silver Moon Kingdom took down the entire San Karl with only a dozen sailors killed or injured.

Marquis Brandy and the panicked sailors still had a little luck in their hearts, knelt on the deck like a dead dog, surrendered with their heads in their hands.

As for the mages stationed on the St. Karl, they had already exhausted their mana in the previous naval battle.

As we all know, a mage without mana is not even as good as a waste...

After using the remaining sliver of mana to barely kill more than a dozen members of the Knights, these noble mages were beheaded by the vulgar warriors with long swords.

Simon, the victor, stood on the command deck of the Intrepid, looking at the marquis of Brandy kneeling on the deck in fear, with no heart or sorrow in his heart.

After all, the world is like this, there is no right or wrong, only positions.

These people may be good husbands, good fathers, or one of the few good people, but from the perspective of Silvermoon Kingdom, they must die!

Because they are alive, Silvermoon Kingdom must die! The people of Silvermoon Kingdom must die!

"Master Simon, what should we do with these people?" Viscount Doyle asked a little nervously.

After all, he is a great nobleman of the Holy Empire, and this battle represents the Holy Empire. If he is killed like this, in case the news is leaked...

Simon didn't reply, but looked coldly at Eba and others from the Blue Kingdom.

When boarding the Intrepid, more than 400 people from the Azure Kingdom survived, but after the subsequent battles and storms~www.wuxiaspot.com~ at this moment, there are only about 200 people left.

Being looked at coldly by Simon, Eba smiled bitterly in his heart, and then understood it, and whispered a few instructions to the remaining staff of the Blue Kingdom.

Then, the expressions of the sailors of the Blue Kingdom changed drastically, but under the icy eyes of the five hundred hoplites, they finally gritted their teeth and rushed forward, slashing and killing the people of the Holy Empire who were kneeling and surrendering.

As the commander-in-chief, Eba directly cut off the head of Marquis Brandy.

Although the royal families of the two parties have already married, this is not a matter at all. If they want to live at this moment, they can only give the Silver Moon Kingdom a handle.

Mutual trust can only be achieved if both parties have the handle in the hands of the other party.

Seeing the sailors of the Blue Kingdom pushing the bodies of Marquis Brandy and others into the sea to feed the fish, Simon nodded in satisfaction.

Now it's all right, although the Silvermoon Kingdom cheated the entire United Fleet and attacked the warships of the Holy Empire, but the Blue Kingdom also killed Marquis Brandy and others.

If the matter gets out, the two families will die together at worst!

boom! The fuse was ignited, and with a loud bang, the powder keg placed inside the cabin exploded.

The seven-masted warship San Karl, the overlord of naval warfare, sank slowly on the surface of the sea, and everyone felt an indescribable sense of embarrassment in their hearts.

"Master Simon, where are we going next?" Eba asked respectfully.

He didn't dare to underestimate this young boy who seemed to be just a son of a powerful man. Don't forget, how did the United Fleet and the Sea Clan Fleet die!

"Well, Captain Eba has to wait for a while, we will not return to the Silver Moon Kingdom for the time being." Simon smiled and looked into the distance.

There is the place where the old king made up his mind to clear up!

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